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총 2,470건 중 761 - 780건 출력
  • 761
    Book Info
    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume I: “Blessed Is He Who Expects Nothing, for He Shall Never Be Disappointed.”
    Alexander Pope
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  • 762
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    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume II: “To Err Is Human, to Forgive, Divine.”
    Alexander Pope
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  • 763
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    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume III: “Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread.”
    Alexander Pope
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  • 764
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    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume IV: “Charms Strike the Sight, but Merit Wins the Soul.”
    Alexander Pope
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  • 765
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    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume V: “A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing. So Is a Lot.”
    Alexander Manley Pope
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  • 766
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    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume VI: “What Reason Weaves, by Passion Is Undone.”
    Alexander Pope
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  • 767
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    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume VII: “Act Well Your Part; There All the Honour Lies.”
    Alexander Pope
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  • 768
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    The Poetry of Alexander Pope - Volume VIII: “If You Want to Know What God Thinks About Money Just Look at the People He Gives It To.”
    Alexander Pope
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  • 769
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    The Poetry of Edmund Waller - Volume II
    Waller, Edmund
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  • 770
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    The Poetry of Everyday Life: Storytelling and the Art of Awareness
    Zeitlin, Steve | Holman, Bob
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  • 771
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    The Political Thought of Henry David Thoreau: Privatism and the Practice of Philosophy
    McKenzie, Jonathan
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  • 772
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    The Politics of Jewishness in Contemporary World Literature: The Holocaust, Zionism and Colonialism
    Hesse, Isabelle
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  • 773
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    The Politics of Perfection: Technology and Creation in Literature and Film
    Hale, Kimberly Hurd
  • 774
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    The Politics of Romanticism
    Beenstock, Zoe
    EBA Package: All english-language eBooks
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  • 775
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    The Popular Theatre Movement in Russia: 1862-1919
    Thurston, Gary
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  • 776
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    The Portuguese-Speaking Diaspora: Seven Centuries of Literature and the Arts
    Sadlier, Darlene J.
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  • 777
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    The Preaching Fox: Elements of Festive Subversion in the Plays of the Wakefield Master
    Edminster, Warren E.
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  • 778
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    The Primitive Observatory
    Gregory Kimbrell
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  • 779
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    The Psychic Hold of Slavery: Legacies in American Expressive Culture
    Colbert, Soyica Diggs | Patterson, Robert J. | Levy-Hussen, Aida
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  • 780
    Book Info
    The Psychic Hold of Slavery: Legacies in American Expressive Culture
    Colbert, Soyica Diggs | Patterson, Robert J. | Levy-Hussen, Aida
    EBA Package: All english-language eBooks
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