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총 50,249건 중 49,781 - 49,800건 출력
  • 49781
    Book Info
    Triplex, of songes, for three, fower, and fiue voyces ; Medius, of songes, for three, fower, and fiue voyces ; Tenor, of songes, for fiue voyces; Bassus, of songes, for three, fower, and fiue voyces ; [Contratenor for fower [fiue] voyces] composed and made by Thomas Whythorne ...
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 49782
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    Triplex, of songes, for three, fower, and fiue voyces ; Medius, of songes, for three, fower, and fiue voyces ; Tenor, of songes, for fiue voyces; Bassus, of songes, for three, fower, and fiue voyces ; [Contratenor for fower [fiue] voyces] composed and made by Thomas Whythorne ...
  • 49783
    Book Info
    A table to al the statutes made from the beginning of the raigne of Kyng Edwarde the. vi. vnto this present. xii. yeare of the reigne of oure moste gratious and soueraigne ladye Queene Elizabeth
  • 49784
    Book Info
    A treatise of the preparation to the holy supper of our onely saueour and redeemer, Iesus Christe Necessarie for all them that vvil vworthely approche to the Lordes holy table. Also a dialogue containing the principall points, which they that wil recieue the Supper ought to knowe and vnderstand. By Yues Rouspeau minister of the vvord of God. Ttansl
  • 49785
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    A treatise of the sin against the holy ghost made by M. Augustine Marlorate. Translated out of French to the great consolation of all such as repent them of their sinnes, and to the astonying of of [sic] those that mock and despise the gospell of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • 49786
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    Tableau de l'oeuure de Dieu Antoyne du Corro.
    Du Corro
  • 49787
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    Thabridgemente of the histories of Trogus Pompeius, gathered and written in the Laten tung, by the famous historiographer Iustine, and translated into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge: a worke conteyning brefly great plentye of most delectable historyes, and notable examples, worthy not onely to be read but also to bee embraced and followed of al men. N
  • 49788
    Book Info
    The three orations of Demosthenes chiefe orator among the Grecians, in fauour of the Olynthians, a people in Thracia, now called Romania with those his fower orations titled expressely & by name against king Philip of Macedonie: most nedefull to be redde in these daungerous dayes, of all them that loue their countries libertie, and desire to take w
  • 49789
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    The tragical end and death of the Lord Iames Regent of Scotland, lately set forth in Scottish, and printed at Edinburgh. 1570. And now partly turned in to English
  • 49790
    Book Info
    The tragidie of Ferrex and Porrex set forth without any addition or alteration but altogether as the same was shewed on stage before the Queenes Maiestie, about nine yeares past, vz. the xviij. day of Ianuarie. 1561. by the gentlemen of the Inner Temple. Seene and allowed. [et]c.
  • 49791
    Book Info
    The tranquillitie of the minde A verye excellent and most comfortable oration, plainely directing euerye man, & woman, to the true tranquillitie and quyetnesse of their minde. Compyled in Latine by Iohn Barnarde, student in the Vniuersity of Cambridge, now lately translated into Englishe by Anthony Marten.
  • 49792
    Book Info
    The treasurie of health contayning many profitable medicines, gathered out of Hipocrates, Galen and Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus, and translated into English by Humfry Lloyd, who hath added thervnto the causes and signes of euery disease, with the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partibus, redacted to a certaine order according to the memb
  • 49793
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    Thy story of Jacoby and his twelve sones
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 49794
    Book Info
    Tres excellente, & nouelle description contre la peste & vn remede tres singulier, auec souueraine preseruation contre la contagion dicelle. Dedie a tre-illustre & magnanime princesse, Elizabeth Roine d'Angleterre. Par. M. Ianus Iullius Monacius, gentilhome Francois. Licencier en medecine, de l'Vniuersite de Paris et de Colloigne. Premierement, vn
  • 49795
    Book Info
    Two sermons preached the one at S. Maries Spittle on Tuesday in Easter weeke 1570 and the other at the court at Windsor the Sonday after twelfth day, being the viij of Ianuary, before in the yeare 1569 / by Thomas Drant ...
  • 49796
    Book Info
    Two sermons preached the one at S. Maries Spittle on Tuesday in Easter weeke. 1570. and the other at the Court at Windsor the Sonday after twelfth day, being the viij. of Ianuary, before in the yeare. 1569. by Thomas Drant Bacheler in Diuinitie.
  • 49797
    Book Info
    A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.
    Van der Noot
  • 49798
    Book Info
    A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings, as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. / Deuised by S. Iohn vander Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.
  • 49799
    Book Info
    A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings, as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. / Deuised by S. Iohn vander Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.
  • 49800
    Book Info
    A treatie of iustification. Founde emong the writinges of Cardinal Pole of blessed memorie, remaining in the custodie of M. Henrie Pyning, chamberlaine and general receiuer to the said cardinal, late deceased in Louaine. Item, certaine translations touching the said matter of iustification, the titles whereof, see in the page folowing