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총 50,249건 중 49,861 - 49,880건 출력
  • 49861
    Book Info
    This is the ordinaunce for the conseruation and keping of the Quenes Maiesties swannes and sygnettes, and of the Lordes spirituall and temporall, and of her Commons within the counties of Lincolne, Northampton, Rutland, Huntyngton, and Cambridge, and the liberties & fraunchyse of the same and for the conseruacion of fyshe and fowle, with the assissing of all maner of nettes within the sayde c
  • 49862
    Book Info
    This lytle practice of Iohannes de Vigo, in medcine, is translated our of Latin into Englyshe, for the health of the body of man
    Da Vigo
  • 49863
    Book Info
    A table collected of the yeres of our Lord Ggd [sic], and of the yeres of the kynges of Englande, from the firste yere of Willyam Conquerour shewyng how the yeres of our Lorde God, and the yeres of the Kynges of Englande, concurre and agree together, by which table it maie bee quickely accoumpted, how many yeres, monethes, and daies bee past, sence
  • 49864
    Book Info
    A table collected of the yeres of our Lorde God, and of the yeres of the kynges of Englande, fro[m] the first yere of Willyam Conquerour shewyng how the yeres of our Lorde God, and the yeres of the kynges of Englande concurre and agree together, in which table it maie bee quickely accompted, how many yeres, monethes, and daies be paste, since the m
  • 49865
    Book Info
    Tenor of the whole psalmes in foure partes whiche may be song to al musicall instrumentes, set forth for the encrease of vertue: and abolishyng of other vayne and triflyng ballades.
  • 49866
    Book Info
    Tenor of the whole psalmes in foure partes whiche may be song to al musicall instrumentes, set forth for the encrease of vertue: and abolishyng of other vayne and triflyng ballades.
  • 49867
    Book Info
    This booke is called the Treasure of gladnesse and semeth by the copy, being a very little manuell, and written in velam, to be made aboue CC. yeares past at the leaste : whereby apeareth how God in olde time, and not of late onely, hath been truely confessed and honored : the copie hereof, is for the antiquitie of it, preserued and to be seene in the printers hall / set forth and allowed accordi
  • 49868
    Book Info
    This booke is called the Treasure of gladnesse and semeth by the copy, being a very little manuell, and written in velam, to be made aboue CC. yeares past at the leaste : whereby apeareth how God in olde time, and not of late onely, hath been truely confessed and honored : the copie hereof, is for the antiquitie of it, preserued and to be seene in the printers hall / set forth and allowed accordi
  • 49869
    Book Info
    Thys booke is called the treasure of gladnesse and semeth by the copy, (beeing a verye litle manuel, and vvritten in velam) to be made aboue CC. yeres past at the least. Wherby it appeareth howe God in olde time, and not of late only, hath ben truely confessed and honored. The coppy hereof is for the antiquity of it, preserued, and to be seene in t
  • 49870
    Book Info
    A table collocted [sic] of the yeres of our Lord GGD [sic], and of the yeres of the kynges of Englande, from the firste yere of Willyam Conquerour shewyng how the yeres of our Lorde God, and the yeres of the kynges of Englande, concurre and agree together : by whiche table it maie bee quickely accoumpted, how many yeres, monethes, and daies bee pas
  • 49871
    Book Info
    The thyrde and last parte of the Secretes of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemont, by him collected out of diuers excellent authours, with a necessary table in the ende, conteyning all the matters treated of in this present worke. Englished by Wyllyam Warde
  • 49872
    Book Info
    The tragicall historye of Romeus and Iuliet written first in Italian by Bandell, and nowe in Englishe by Ar. Br
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 49873
    Book Info
    The treaty of thassociation made by the Prince of Condee, together wyth the princes, knyghtes of thorder, lordes, capitaines, gentlemen, [and] others of al estates which be entred, or hereafter shall entre into the said association, for to mainteine the honour of God, the quiet of the realme of Fraunce, and the state and lybertie of the kyng under
  • 49874
    Book Info
    The true reporte of the forme and shape of a monstrous childe, borne at Muche Horkesleye a village three myles from Colchester, in the countye of Essex, the .xxi. daye of Apryll in this yeare. 1562.
  • 49875
    Book Info
    The true reporte of the forme and shape of a monstrous childe, borne at Muche Horkesleye, a village three myles from Colchester, in the countye of Essex, the. xxi. daye of Apryll in this yeare. 1562. O, prayse ye God and blesse his name His mightye hande hath wrought the same.
  • 49876
    Book Info
    Thre notable sermones, made by the godly and famous clerke Maister Iohn Caluyn, on thre seuerall Sondayes in Maye, the yere 1561 vpon Psalm. 46. Teaching vs constantly to cleaue vnto Gods truth in time of aduersitie and trouble, and neuer to shrinke for any rage of the wicked, but to suffer all thynges in fayth and hope in Iesus Christ. Englished b
  • 49877
    Book Info
    Truthe tryed very comfortable to the faithfull, but a discomfort to the enemies of God / newly sette forth by J.S.
  • 49878
    Book Info
    Tvvo very notable commentaries the one of the originall of the Turcks and Empire of the house of Ottomanno, written by Andrewe Cambine, and thother of the warres of the Turcke against George Scanderbeg, prince of Epiro, and of the great victories obteyned by the sayd George, aswell against the Emperour of Turkie, as other princes, and of his other
  • 49879
    Book Info
    A table collected of the yeares of our Lorde God, and of the yeares of the kynges of England, from the fyrst yeare of William Conquerour, shewynge howe the yeres of our Lorde, God and the yeares of the kynges of England concurre and agree togeyther ...
  • 49880
    Book Info
    A true report of all the doynges at the assembly co[n]cernyng matters of religion, lately holden at Poyssy in Fraunce. Written in Latine by Mayster Nicholas Gallasius, minister of the Frenche Churche in London, and then present, [and] one of the disputers in the same, translated into English, by I. D.... Seen and allowed accordyng to the order appo