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총 50,249건 중 49,881 - 49,900건 출력
  • 49881
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    The true report of the burnyng of the steple and church of Poules in London
  • 49882
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    This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, and it sheweth howe the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed th
  • 49883
    Book Info
    This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, and it sheweth howe the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed the remedies for many dyuers infirmities and dyseas
  • 49884
    Book Info
    This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, and it sheweth howe the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii sygnes, deuyded by the. xii. monethes of the yeare, and shewed the remedies for many dyuers infirmities and dyseas
  • 49885
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    Those fyue questions, which Marke Tullye Cicero, disputed in his manor of Tusculanum: written afterwardes by him, in as manye bookes, to his frende, and familiar Brutus, in the Latine tounge. And nowe, oute of the same translated, & englished, by Iohn Dolman, studente and felowe of the Inner Temple. 1561
  • 49886
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    Three [morall] treatises no lesse pleasau[nt] than necessary for all men to read[e,] wherof the one is called the learned prince, the other the fruites of foes, the thyrde the porte of rest.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49887
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    Tvvoo bookes of Saint Ambrose Bysshoppe of Mylleyne, entytuled: Of the vocation and callying of all nations. Newly translated out of Latin into Englyshe, for the edifiying and comfort of the single mynded and godly vnlearned in Christes Church, against the late sprong secte of the Pelagians ... By Henry Becher minister in the Church of God ...
  • 49888
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    The table of Cebes the philosopher. How one maye take profite of his ennemies / translated oute of Plutarche. A treatyse perswading a man paciently to suffer the death of his freende|Tabula.|De capienda ex inimicis.|De morte declamatio.
  • 49889
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    The tenours and fourme of indentures obligations, quitaunces bylles of paymente, letters of sale, and letters of exchaung, protections, supplications, complayntes. A certificate, and the copy of saue condite.
  • 49890
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    The treasurie of health contayning many profitable medicines, gathered out of Hipocrates, Galen and Auicen / by one Petrus Hyspanus, and translated into English by Humfry Lloyd, who hath added thereunto the causes and signes of euery disease, with the Aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partibus, redacted to a certaine order according to the members of mans bodie, and a compendious table con
  • 49891
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    The true copies of the letters betwene the reuerend father in God Iohn Bisshop of Sarum and D. Cole vpon occasion of a sermon that the said Bishop preached before the Quenes Maiestie, and hir most honorable Counsel. 1560. Set forthe and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiae Mai
  • 49892
    Book Info
    The true copies of the letters betwene the reuerend father in God Iohn Bisshop of Sarum and D. Cole vpon occasion of a sermon that the said Bishop preached before the Quenes Maiestie, and hyr most honorable Cou[n]sayle. 1560. Set forthe and allowed, according to the order apointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions. Cu[m] gratia & priuilegio Regia
  • 49893
    Book Info
    The true copies of the letters betwene the reuerend father in God Iohn Bisshop of Sarum and D. Cole vpon occasion of a sermon that the said Bishop preached before the Quenes Maiestie, and hyr most honorable Cou[n]sayle. 1560. Set forthe and allowed, according to the order apointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions. Cu[m] gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis ad septemniu[m] [sic].
  • 49894
    Book Info
    This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in that wil kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, and it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the xii sygnes, deuyded by the xii monethes of the yeare, and shewed the re
  • 49895
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    Tho. Lupsets workes
  • 49896
    Book Info
    Tvvo Godly and notable sermons preached by the excellent and famous clarke, master Iohn Caluyne, in the yere. 1555 The one concernynge pacience in aduersitie: The other touchyng the most comfortable assurance of oure saluation in Chryste. Iesu. Translated out of Frenche into Englyshe.
  • 49897
    Book Info
    Tvvo Godly and notable sermons preached by the excellent and famous clarke, master Iohn Caluyne, in the yere. 1555 The one concernynge pacience in aduersitie: The other touchyng the most comfortable assurance of oure saluation in Chryste. Iesu. Translated out of Frenche into Englyshe.
  • 49898
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    The treasure of Euonymus conteyninge the vvonderfull hid secretes of nature, touchinge the most apte formes to prepare and destyl medicines, for the conseruation of helth: as quintesse[n]ce, aurum potabile, hippocras, aromatical wynes, balmes, oyles perfumes, garnishyng waters, and other manifold excellent confections. Wherunto are ioyned the forme
  • 49899
    Book Info
    The troubled mans medicine verye profitable to be red of al men wherein they may learne paciently to suffer al kindes of aduersitie, made and wrytten by Wyllyam Hughe to a frend of his.
  • 49900
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    A table collected of the yeres of our Lorde God, and of the yeres of the kynges of England, from the fyrst yere of William Conquerour shewynge how the yeres of our Lord god and the yeares of the kynges of Englande concurre and agree togyther ...