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총 50,249건 중 49,901 - 49,920건 출력
  • 49901
    Book Info
    The treasuri of helth contaynyng many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocratis, Galen, and Avicen by Petrus Hyspanus and tra[n]slated into Englyshe by Humfrey Lloyd, who hath added therunto the causes and sygnes of euery dysease, with the aphorismes of Hipocrates and Jacobus de Partibus redacted to a certayne order accordinge to the me[m]br
  • 49902
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    Three dialogues between Spudeus and Gelasimus, Eda and Agna, and Wisdome and Wylie / John Fisher
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49903
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    A treatise, how by the Worde of God, Christian mens almose ought to be distributed
  • 49904
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    A treatyce of morall philosophy containing the sayinges of the wise. Wherin you may see the woorthy and piththye sayinges of philosophers, emperours, kinges, and oratours: of theyr lyues, theyr aunswers, of what lignage they came of, and of what countrey they were. Whose woorthy & notable preceptes, counsayles, parables & semblables, doothe hereaft
  • 49905
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    A trewe mirrour or glase wherin we maye beholde the wofull state of thys our realme of Englande set forth in a dialogue or communicacion betwene Eusebius and Theophilus.
  • 49906
    Book Info
    The treasuri of helth contaynynge many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocratz [sic], Gale[n] [and] Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] tra[n]slated into Englysh by Hu[m]fre Lloyd who hath added therunto ye causes [and] sygnes of euer[y] dysease, w[ith] the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order accor
  • 49907
    Book Info
    The treasuri of helth contaynynge many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocratz [sic], Gale[n] [and] Auicen by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] tra[n]slated into Englysh by Hu[m]fre Lloyd who hath added therunto ye causes [and] sygnes of euer[y] dysease, w[ith] the aphorismes of Hipocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order according to ye me[m]bres of mans bodys, and a compend
  • 49908
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    The tretise of morall phylosophy contayning the sayinges of the wyse. Newlye perused and augmented by William Baldwyn fyrst auctoure therof.
  • 49909
    Book Info
    The triall of the supremacy wherein is set fourth ye unitie of christes church milita[n]t geue[n] to S. Peter and his successoures by Christe and that there ought to be one head bishop in earth Christes vicar generall ouer all hys churche militant: wyth answeres to the blasphemous obiections made agaynste the same in the late miserable yeres now pa
  • 49910
    Book Info
    The triall of the supremacy wherein is set fourth ye unitie of christes church milita[n]t geue[n] to S. Peter and his successoures by Christe: and that there ought to be one head bishop in earth Christes vicar generall ouer all hys churche militant: wyth answeres to the blasphemous obiections made agaynste the same in the late miserable yeres now p
  • 49911
    Book Info
    This prymer of Salisbury vse is se tout along with houtonyser chyng [sic]/ with many prayers/ & goodly pyctures in the kalender in the matins of our lady in the houres of the crosse. in the. vii. psalmes and in the dyryge. ; And benewly enprynted at Rouen.
  • 49912
    Book Info
    Toute la forme & maniere du ministere ecclesiastique, en l'Eglise des estra[n]gers, dressee a Londres en Angleterre, par le Prince tresfidele dudit pays, le Roy Edouard. VI. de ce nom: L'an apres l'incarnation de Christ. 1550 auec le preuilege de la Maiesté a la fin du liure. Par M. Iean a Lasco. Baron de Polonie. Traduit de latin en francois, & im
    Łaski, Jan
  • 49913
    Book Info
    Two bokes of the noble doctor and B. S. Augustine thone entiteled of the predestiuacion [sic] of saintes, thother of perseueraunce vnto thende, whervnto are annexed the determinaciouns of two auncient generall councelles, confermyng the doctrine taught in these bokes by s. Aug. all faythfully translated out of Laten into Englyshe by Iohn Scory the
  • 49914
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    A treatise of the cohabitacyon of the faithfull with the vnfaithfull Whereunto is added. A sermon made of the confessing of Christe and his gospell, and of the denyinge of the same.
    Vermigli, Pietro Martire | Bullinger, Heinrich
  • 49915
    Book Info
    A treatise of the figures of grammer and rhetorike profitable for al that be studious of eloquence, and in especiall for suche as in grammer scholes doe reade moste eloquente poetes and oratours: whereunto is ioygned the oration which Cicero made to Cesar, geuing thankes vnto him for pardonyng, and restoring again of that noble ma[n] Marcus Marcell
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 49916
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    The temporisour (that is to saye: the obseruer of tyme, or he that changeth with the tyme.) Compyled in Latyn by the excellent clarke Wolfgangus Musculus, [and] translated into Frenche by Mayster Valleran Pulleyn. And oute of Frenche into Inglishe by R.P. 1555.
  • 49917
    Book Info
    The temporysour (that is to saye: the obseruer of tyme, or he that chaungeth with the tyme.) Compyled in Latyn by the excellent clarke Wolfangus Musculus, and tra[n]slated into Frenche by M. Vallerain Pullain. And out of Frenche into Inglishe by R.P. 1555.
  • 49918
    Book Info
    This is the glasse of helth a great treasure for poore men, necessary and nedeful for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body from syckenesses and dysseases. And it sheweth how the planettes reygne euery houre of the daye and the nyghte, with the natures and exposicions of the .xii. sygnes, deuided by the .xii. monthes of the yeare. And
  • 49919
    Book Info
    This lytell practyce of Joha[n]nes de Vigo in medycyne, is translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, for the helth of the body of man
    Da Vigo
  • 49920
    Book Info
    This prymer of Salisbury vse is se tout [sic] a long withhoutonyser chyng [sic] with many prayers, [and] goodly pyctures in the kalender, in the matins of our lady in the houres of the crosse, in thes, vij. psalmes and in the dyryge.