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총 52,377건 중 51,861 - 51,880건 출력
  • 51861
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    The testaments of the twelue patriarches the sonnes of Iacob: translated out of the Greeke into Latine by Robert Grosthed, sometime Byshop of Lyncolne, and out of hys copye into French and Dutch by others: Now englished [sic] by A. G. To the credit whereof an auncyent Greeke copye written in parchment, is kept in the Uniuersitie Library of Cambridg
  • 51862
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    The testimonie of a true fayth conteyned in a short catechisme necessary to all families, for the more knowledge of God, and better bryngyng vp of chyldren in his fayth and feare. Gathered and written for the benefite of Gods well disposed children, By C.S. Preacher.
  • 51863
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    This booke is called the Treasure of gladnesse and seemeth by the copie, being a very little manuell, and written in velam, to be made aboue. CC. yeares past at the leaste. Whereby appeareth how God in olde time, and not of late only hath bene truely confessed and honored. The copie hereof, is for the antiquitie of it, preserued and to be seene in
  • 51864
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    Tvvo treatises written against the papistes the one being an answere of the Christian Protestant to the proud challenge of a popish Catholicke: the other a confutation of the popish churches doctrine touching purgatory & prayers for the dead: by William Fulke Doctor in diuinitie.
  • 51865
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    A table collected of the yeares of our Lord God, and of the yeares of the kings of Englande, from the fyrst yeare of VVyllyam Conquerour shewing howe the yeares of our Lorde God, and the yeares of the kings of England concurre and agree together, by which table it may bee quickly accoumpted, how many yeares, monethes and dayes be past, since the ma
  • 51866
    Book Info
    A table collected of the yeeres of our Lord God, and of the yeares of the kings of Englande, from the fyrst yeare of VVyllyam Conquerour shewing howe the yeares of our Lorde God, and the yeares of the kings of England concurre and agree together, by which table it may bee quickly accoumpted, how many yeares, monethes and dayes be past, since the ma
  • 51867
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    A treatise of the excellencie of a christian man, and how he may be knowen. Written in French by Master Peter de la Place, one of the Kings counsel, and chiefe president of his court of aides in Paris. Whereunto is adioyned a briefe description of the life and death of the said authour, to the end that euerie one may knowe what he was. Translated i
  • 51868
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    A treatise of the immortalitie of the soule wherein is declared the origine, nature, and powers of the same, together with the state and condition thereof, both as it is conioyned and dissolued from the body. Made by Iohn Woolton minister of the Gospell.
  • 51869
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    Tee [sic] first part of the eight[h] liberall science: entituled, Ars adulandi, the art of flattery with the confutation thereof, both very pleasant and profitable, deuised and compiled, by Vlpian Fulwell.
  • 51870
    Book Info
    The testaments of the [twelue] patriarches the sonnes [of] Iacob: translated out of the Greeke [into] Latine by Robert Grosthed, some[time] Byshop of Lyncolne, and out of his copye into French and Dutch by others: Now Englished by A. G. To the credit whereof an auncient Greeke copye written in parchment, is kept in the Vniversitie Library of Cambri
  • 51871
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    The third new yeeres gift and the second protest and the first proclamation of outlawry for this year 1576, against all the learned papists in England, Antvverp, or els where the papists bookes are printed and sent in to England. And an answer to all those learned papists, who hauing vnitie, vniuersalitie &c. with the[m] of no religio[n] hereticall
  • 51872
    Book Info
    The touchstone of complexions generallye appliable, expedient and profitable for all such, as be desirous & carefull of their bodylye health : contayning most easie rules & ready tokens, whereby euery one may perfectly try, and throughly know, as well the exacte state, habite, disposition, and constitution, of his owne body outwardly : as also the inclinations, affections, motions, &
  • 51873
    Book Info
    The treasure of trueth touching the grounde worke of man his saluation, and chiefest pointes of Christian religion: with a briefe summe of the comfortable doctrine of God his prouidence, comprised in .38. short aphorismes. VVritten in Latin by Theodore Beza, and nevvly turned into English by Iohn Stockvvood. VVhereunto are added, these godly treati
    De Bèze
  • 51874
    Book Info
    The tyde taryeth no man A moste pleasant and merry commody, right pythie and full of delight. Compiled by George Wapull. Fovvre persons may easily play it. ...
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 51875
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    Thomae Drantae Angli Aduordingamii Praesul. Eiusdem Sylua Approbatur ad normam praescripti regij.
  • 51876
    Book Info
    Tvvo sermons preached by the reuerend father in God the Bishop of Chichester the first at Paules Crosse on Sunday beeing the fourth day of March. And the second at VVestminster before [the] Queenes maiestie the iij. Sunday in Lent last past. 1576.
  • 51877
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    A theological dialogue Wherin the Epistle of S. Paul the Apostle to the Romanes is expounded. Gathered and set together out of the readings of Antonie Corranus of Siuille, professor of Diuinitie.
    Del Corro
  • 51878
    Book Info
    A treatise of the right way fro[m] danger of sinne & vengeance in this wicked world, vnto godly wealth and saluation in Christe. Made by Th. Leuer, and now newly augmented. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed.
  • 51879
    Book Info
    A treatyce of morall philosophy contaynynge the sayinges of the wyse, wherein you maye see the woorthye and pythye sayinges of philosophers, emperors, kynges, and oratours: of their liues, theire aunswers, of what linage they came of, and of what countrey they were, whose woorthye and notable preceptes, counsailes, parables and semblables, doth her
  • 51880
    Book Info
    Tēs Hellēnikēs glōssēs stachuologia. Graecae linguae spicilegium, : ex praestantissimis grammaticis, in quatuor horrea collectum, breuissimis quaestiunculis & intellectu facilimis, ad puerorum intelligentiam dispositum, & in Scholae Westmonasteriensis progymnasmata diuulgatum. / Collectore E.G. Scholae eiusdem moderatore.