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총 52,377건 중 52,101 - 52,120건 출력
  • 52101
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    To goodman Chappels supplication|Davy Dicars dreame.|Supplicacion unto mast. Camell.
  • 52102
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    A treatise in English and Frenche right necessary and proffitable for al young children (the contentes whereof apere in a table in the ende of this boke) made by Peter du Ploiche teacher of the same dwelling in Trinitie lane at the signe of the Rose
  • 52103
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    This prymer of Salisbury vse is se tout [sic] along with houtonyser chyng [sic] with many prayers & goodly pyctures in the kalender in the matins of our lady in the houres of the crosse in the vii psalmes and in the dyryge. ; And benewly enprynted at Rouen.|Primer (Salisbury).
  • 52104
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    A treatise against the folishnesse of men in differinge the reformation of their liuing and amendment of their manners, compyled by the godly lerned man John Riuius, and translated into Englishe by Iohn Bankes.
  • 52105
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    A treatise of morall phylosophye contayning the sayinges of the wyse. Gathered and Englyshed by Wylliam Baldewyn.
  • 52106
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    A treatise of schemes [and] tropes very profytable for the better vnderstanding of good authors, gathered out of the best grammarians [and] oratours by Rychard Sherry Londoner. Whervnto is added a declamacion, that chyldren euen strapt fro[m] their infancie should be well and gently broughte vp in learnynge. Written fyrst in Latin by the most excel
  • 52107
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    A treatyse of the state and disposition of the worlde with the alteracions and chaunginges therof through the great coniunctions of the iii hyest planetes, called Maxima, Maior, Media, and Minor : declaringe the very tyme, the day, houre and minute, that God created the sonne, moone, and sterres, and the places where they were fyrst set in the heauens, and the beginning of their inouynges and so
  • 52108
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    A treatyse, shewing and declaring the pryde and abuse of women now a dayes
  • 52109
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    Tabulae abcdariae pueriles.
  • 52110
    Book Info
    The tenours and fourme of indentures, obligations, quitaunces, bylles of payment, letters of sale, and letters of exchaunge, protections supplications, complayntes. A certificate, and the copy of saue condite..|Old tenures.
  • 52111
    Book Info
    The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde fr
  • 52112
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    The thyrde parte of the Byble conteynynge these bokes The Psalter. The Prouerbes. Ecclesiastes. Cantica Canticoru[m]
  • 52113
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    The treasurie of healthe conteynyng many profitable medycines, gathered out of Hypocrates, Galen and Auycen, / by one Petrus Hyspanus & translated into Englysh by Humfre Lloyde who hath added therunto the causes and sygnes of euerye dysease, wyth the Aphorismes of Hypocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus, redacted to a certayne order according to the membres of mans body, and a compendiouse table
  • 52114
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    The true beliefe in Christ and his sacramentes set forth in a dialoge betwene a Christen father and his sonne, verye necessary to be learned of all men, of what estate soeuer they be.
  • 52115
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    The true copye of a prolog wrytten about two C. yeres paste by Iohn Wycklife (as maye iustly be gatherid bi that, that Iohn Bale hath writte[n] of him in his boke entitlid the Summarie of famouse writers of the Ile of great Brita[n]) the originall whereof is founde written in an olde English Bible bitwixt the olde Testament and the Newe. Whych Bibl
  • 52116
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    The twelfe steppes of abuses write[n] by the famus doctor S. Augustine translated out of laten by Nicolas Lesse
  • 52117
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    This boke doth create all of the beste waters artyfycialles and the vertues and properties of the same, moche profytable for the poore sycke, set forth, by syr Roger Becon Freere.
  • 52118
    Book Info
    This boke newely imprynted sheweth the maner of measuryng of all maner of lande as well of woodlande, as of plowelande, and pastore in the felde, [and] comptynge the true nombre of acres of the same. Newely inuented and compyled by Syr Rycharde Benese, Chanon of Marton Abbay besyde London.
  • 52119
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    Two dyaloges wrytten in laten by the famous clerke, D.Erasm[us] of Roterodame, one called Polyphemus or the gospeller, the other dysposyng of thynges and names, translated in to Englyshe by Edmonde Becke. And prynted at Cantorbury in saynt Paules paryshe by Ioh[a]n Mychell
  • 52120
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    A tragoedie or dialoge of the vniuste vsurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the iust abolishyng of the same, made by master Barnardine Ochine an Italian, [and] translated out of Latine into Englishe by Master Iohn Ponet Doctor of Diuinitie, neuer printed before in any language