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총 52,377건 중 52,141 - 52,160건 출력
  • 52141
    Book Info
    This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary & nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe their bodye from the syckenesse of the pestilence, & it sheweth how the planettes do raygne in euery houre of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the .xii. sygnes deuyded by the .xii. monethes of the yere, and shewed the remedies for many diuers infyrmyties and di
  • 52142
    Book Info
    This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary [and] nedeful for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe their body from the syckenesse of the pestilence, [and] it sheweth how the planettes do raygne euery houer of the daye and nyghte, with the natures and exposicio[n]s of the .xii. signes, deuided by the .xii. monethes of the yere, and shewed [s
  • 52143
    Book Info
    This is the myrrour or glasse of helth/ necessary & nedefull for euery person to loke in/ that wyll kepe theyr body from the syckenes of the pestylence. And it sheweth how the planettes reygne/ in euery houre of the daye and the nyght/ with the natures and exposycions of the .xii. sygnes/ deuyded by the .xii. monthes of the yere/ and after foloweth of all the euyll & daungerous dayes of t
  • 52144
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    Tho. Lupsets workes
  • 52145
    Book Info
    Thre godly and notable sermons, of the moost honorable and blessed sacrament of the aulter. Preached in the Hospitall of S. Antony in London, by Wyllya[m] Peryn preest, bachelar of diuinite, [and] now set forth for the auaunceme[n]t of goddes honor: the truthe of his worde, and edification of good christen people
  • 52146
    Book Info
    Thre godlye and notable sermons, of the moost honorable and blessed sacrament of the aulter. Preached in the Hospitall of Saynt Antony in London, by wyllyam Peryn preest, bacheler of diuinite, [and] nowe set forth for the auauncemente of goddes honor: the truth of his worde, and edification of good christen people
  • 52147
    Book Info
    Thys is a true copy of the ordynau[n]ce made in the tyme of the reygne of kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the kynges eschequier, by the offycers and clerkes of the same, for takyng of fees of the kynges accomptes in the same courtes
  • 52148
    Book Info
    Thys is a true copy of the ordynau[n]ce made in the tyme of the reygne of kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the kynges eschequier, by the offycers and clerkes of the same, for takyng of fees of the kynges accomptes in the same courtes
  • 52149
    Book Info
    Thys is a true copy of the ordynau[n]ce made in the tyme of the reygne of kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the kynges eschequier, by the offycers and clerkes of the same, for takynge of fees of the kynges accomptes in the same courtes
  • 52150
    Book Info
    Thys is a true copy of the ordynau[n]ce made in the tyme of the reygne of kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the kynges eschequier, by the offycers and clerkes of the same, for takynge of fees of the kynges accomptes in the same courtes
  • 52151
    Book Info
    Thys is a true copy of the ordynau[n]ce made in the tyme of the reygne of kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the kynges eschequier, by the offycers and clerkes of the same, for takynge of fees of the kynges accomptes in the same courtes
  • 52152
    Book Info
    The table of Cebes the philosopher. How one may take profite of his enemies, translated out of Plutarche. A treatise perswadyng a man paciently to suffer the death of his freend
  • 52153
    Book Info
    This is the glasse of helthe a great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull for euery person to loke in, that wyll kepe theyr body fro[m] syckenesses [and] disseases, and it sheweth howe the planettes reygne euery houre of the daye [and] the nyght, with the natures [and] exposicyons of ye .xii. sygnes deuided by the .xii. monthes of the yere
  • 52154
    Book Info
    This prymer of Saylbury vse is set out a longe without anye searchynge with many prayers Imprynted at London the xxv. day of Noue[m]bre M.D.xlv.
  • 52155
    Book Info
    Toxophilus the schole of shootinge contayned in tvvo bookes. To all gentlemen and yomen of Englande, pleasaunte for theyr pastyme to rede, and profitable for theyr use to folow, both in war and peace ...
  • 52156
    Book Info
    A true copy of the ordinance made in the tyme of King Henry the VI to be obserued in the Kinges Escheker, by the offycers and clerkes there for takynge of fees of the Kynges accomptauntes
  • 52157
    Book Info
    This is a true copy of the ordynau[n]ce made in the tyme of ye reygne of kynge Henry the. vi. to be obserued in the kynges Eschequier, by the offycers and clerkes of the same, for takyng of fees of ye kynges accomptis in the same courts
  • 52158
    Book Info
    This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out alonge without anye searchynge with many prayers.
  • 52159
    Book Info
    Two epystles one of Henry Bullynger, wyth the consent of all the lernyd men of the Churche of Tigury: another of Ihon Caluyn, cheffe preacher of the church of Geneue: whether it be lawfull for a Chrysten man to communycate or be pertaker of the masse of the Papysts, wythout offendyng God and hys neyghboure, or not.
  • 52160
    Book Info
    The true defe[n]ce of peace wherin is declaredde the cause of all warres now a dayes, and how they maye be pacified, called before the pollecye of warre, deuysed [and] lately recognised by Theodore Basille.