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총 2,846건 중 1,981 - 2,000건 출력
  • 1981
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    The young philosopher: a novel. In four volumes. By Charlotte Smith. ...
    Smith, Charlotte Turner
  • 1982
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    The young philosopher: a novel. In two volumes. By Charlotte Smith. ...
    Smith, Charlotte Turner
  • 1983
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    The youth's catechism on the order in which the several books of scripture are to be placed; designed to promote the better apprehension of the word of God in the minds of youth. Drawn up for the use of schools, and for the information of private families. By Robert Hawker, D. D. Vicar of Charles, Plymouth
    Hawker, Robert
  • 1984
    Book Info
    Y Canlynol dra buddiol a godidog gyngor, yr hwn a fawr-brisiwyd yn y rhan fwyaf O barthau brydain-fawr, agymmeradwy i ystyriaeth pob Cymro o gywir galon
  • 1985
    Book Info
    Y seren foreu; Neu, ganwyll y Cymry: sef, gwaith y parchedig Mr. Rees Prichard, M.A. gynt ficer lanymddyfri
  • 1986
    Book Info
    Yearly Meeting, 1798. The following report from the General Meeting for Ackworth School, was brought in ...
    Ackworth School
  • 1987
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    Yesterday advices were received from Lieutenant Colonel Foote, of the North Cork regiment of Militia, ...
    Great Britain
  • 1988
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    Youth instructed in the grounds of the Christian religion. With remarks on the writings of Voltaire, Rousseau, T. Paine, &c. Intended as an antidote against the contagious doctrines of atheists, materialists, fatalists, deists, modern arians, socinians, &c. By the Rev. William Gahan
  • 1989
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    Youth's miscellany; or, a father's gift to his children: consisting of original essays, moral and literary; tales, fables, reflections, &c. Intended to promote a love of virtue and learning, to correct the judgment, to improve the taste, and to humanize the mind. Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci. The pleasant with the useful blend, That youth your precepts may attend. By the author of Th
    Mavor, William Fordyce
  • 1990
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    The Young gentleman and lady's monitor : and English teacher's assistant; being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers: calculated to eradicate vulgar prejudices and rusticity of manners; improve the understanding; rectify the will; purify the passions direct the minds of youth to the pursuit of proper objects; and to facilitate their reading, writing, and speaking the Engli...
  • 1991
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    The young Christian; or, the pleasantness of early piety. Exemplified in the lives of Emelia Geddie, Christian Ker, Susannah Bicks, Sarah Howley, Katharine Bruen, John Janeway, and five others. By the Rev. Mr John Brown, late minister of the Gospel in Haddington
    Brown, John
  • 1992
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    The young English scholar's complete pocket companion. In six parts. Selected from the best writers, divided into short lessons, and adapted to the capacities of children. Part I. A Compendious English Grammar. Part II. The History of the Kings of England, with the most remarkable Events of each Reign. Part III. Geography, in Four Parts; containing, First, The natural Division of the World in Gene
    Gentleman, Robert
  • 1993
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    The young Freemason's guide; being, an address delivered before the members of St. Albans Lodge, at Brooklyn the 27th December 1797, being the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist. By Brother Nathaniel Foster, J.W.
  • 1994
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    The youthful jester; or, repository of wit and innocent amusement. Containing Moral and Humourous Tales; merry jests, laughable anecdotes, and smart repartees. The Whole being as innocent as it is entertaining. Embellished with Cuts
    Little Momus
  • 1995
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    Yearly Meeting, 1797. A report from the General Meeting of Ackworth School, was brought in ...
    Ackworth School
  • 1996
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    The york guide: containing a description of the cathedral, and other public buildings in that city. To which is added a list of the fairs held in the said city; the banks; principal inns; Times of the Posts coming in and going out; Mail and other Coaches; Rates of Chairmen and Coachmen, as settled by Act of Parliament; List of Carriers, &c
  • 1997
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    The young book-keeper's assistant: shewing him, in the most plain and easy manner, the Italian way of stating debtor and creditor; With Proper and instructive Notes under every Entry in the Waste-Book, where necessary, by which the Method of Journalizing is rendered more easy and intelligible; and also the like Notes in the Journal and Ledger, inserted by way of Information how to post the Journal
    Dilworth, Thomas
  • 1998
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    The young gentleman and lady's assistant; containing, I. Geography, II. Natural history, III. Rhetoric, IV. Miscellany. To which is added a short but complete system of practical arithmetic, wherein the money of the United States of America is rendered easy to the perception of youth. The whole divided into small sections, for the convenience of schools. By Donald Fraser, author of the Columbian m
  • 1999
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    Y geirgrawn: neu drysorfa gwybodaeth. Am y flwyddyn .... Yn cynnwys athroniaeth naturiol, ... amcanedig i ledu gwybodaeth, uniondeb, cariad, a heddwych, trwy Gymru. Gan D. Davies
  • 2000
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    Ychydig o hymnau newyddion, ar amryw fesurau. At ba rai y chwanegwyd, can, o gyngor i ieuengctid. Gan Joseph Harris, Castell - Blaidd, gerllaw Llangloffan, Sir Benfro
    Harris, Joseph