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총 2,846건 중 2,081 - 2,100건 출력
  • 2081
    Book Info
    Young hocus, or the history of John Bull, during the years 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789. A novel. By Sir W- L-, K-. With notes, critical and explanatory, by the following Persons: Dukes. Gl c-st-r, D-rs-t, Gr-ft-n, L ds, R-Chm-nd, Ath-l. Marquisses. B-ck-Ngh-m, L-Ndsd-wn-. Lords. Ch-st-Rfi-ld, M-rn-Ngt-n, W-Stm-r-l-nd, F. C-Mpb-ll, Gr-sv-n-r, S-dn-y, Th-rl-w, H-wk-sb-ry, G-ll-w-y, B-Lg
    W. L
  • 2082
    Book Info
    Your galloping's at an end
  • 2083
    Book Info
    Your vote and interest are most earnestly and respectfully requested in favor of Mrs. Ann Guion, widow of Mr. Daniel Guion, formerly a merchant of London to succeed the late Mrs. [blank] as [blank] of the [blank] Her qualifications to discharge the duties of the office, as well as her reduced and indigent circumstances, make her a deserving object of your benevolence: ...
  • 2084
    Book Info
    Yr happusrwydd o nesau at Dduw; wedi ei egluro mewn pregeth, ar Salm lxxiii.28. Gan Thomas Watson; Gynt Gweinidog yr Efengyl yn Llundain:-Awdwr y Llyfr rhagorol yn Saesonaeg a elwir Y Nefoedd wedi ei chymmeryd trwy Drais, &c.
    Watson, Thomas
  • 2085
    Book Info
    A year's journey through France, and part of Spain. By Philip Thicknesse. ...
    Thicknesse, Philip
  • 2086
    Book Info
    The young lady of fortune, or her lover gained by stratagem. A novel, in two volumes by Miss Judith Alexander. ...
    Alexander, Judith
  • 2087
    Book Info
    The young widow; or the history of Cornelia Sedley, in a series of letters. ...
    Hayley, William
  • 2088
    Book Info
    Y ddinas sanctaidd, neu'r Jerusalem newydd: lle y dehonglir Ei Golau, ei Chaerau, ei Phyrth, ei Hangylion, a'r Dull y maent yn sefyll; y gosodir allan ei Hyd a'i Lled, ynghyd a'r Gorsen-Fesur Aur, ac yr amlygir Gogoniant y cwbl. Ac Hefyd, Rifedi ei Phreswylwyr, a pha beth yw Pren a Dwfr y Bywyd, trwy'r rhai y cynhelir hwy. Gan y duwiol a'r enwog Was hwnnw o eiddo Crist, y Parchedig Mr. John Bunyan
    Bunyan, John
  • 2089
    Book Info
    Y ffordd i fod yn happus mlwn byd truenus
  • 2090
    Book Info
    Ychydig benhillion er coffadwriaeth am Robert Ellis o'r Ty yn y Ddôl, yn agos ir Bala; yr hwn a Orphennodd ei yrfa Rhagfyr 31. 1788. yn 33. Oed. Ynghyd a rhai hymnau newyddion. Gan Maurice Davies
    Davies, Maurice
  • 2091
    Book Info
    Yearly-Meeting, 1789. The following report from the adjourned General-Meeting for Ackworth School, was brought in, ...
    Ackworth School
  • 2092
    Book Info
    Yorkshire, to wit. The names of the jurors between [blank]
    Yorkshire (England)
  • 2093
    Book Info
    The Yorkshire garland. Being a curious collection of old and new songs concerning that famous county. Part I
  • 2094
    Book Info
    The young Quaker, a comedy; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, Smoke-Alley
    O'Keeffe, John
  • 2095
    Book Info
    The young clerk's magazine: or, English law-repository: Containing, A Variety of the most useful Precedents of Articles of Agreement, Bonds, Bills, Recognizances, Releases, Letters and Warrants of Attorney, Awards, Bills of Sale, Gifts, Grants, Leases, Assignments, Mortgages, Surrenders, Jointures, Covenants, Copartnerships, Charterparties, Letters of Licence, Compositions, Conveyances, Partitions
    Practitioner in the law
  • 2096
    Book Info
    The young gentleman and ladies monitor, being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers: particularly calculated to form the mind and manners of the youth of both sexes, adapted to the use of schools and academies. By Hamilton Moore, Esq. Used in the Academy, Belfast
    Moore, John Hamilton
  • 2097
    Book Info
    The young man's monitor; shewing the great happiness of early piety; and the dreadful consequences of indulging youthful lusts. The eleventh edition, corrected. By Josiah Woodward, D. D. Late Minister of Poplar
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 2098
    Book Info
    The young man's new universal companion; or, gentleman's pocket intelligencer. Containing, I. The Principles of the English Language; Directions for Writing; Specimens of Letters; Forms of Address; and Rules for Penmanship. II. Forms of Wills and Deeds; Notes, Receipts, Bills of Parcels and Book Debts, with many other mercantile Matters, as Shipping, Invoices, and the Nature of Exports and Imports
    Fenning, Daniel
  • 2099
    Book Info
    Yearly-Meeting, 1788. George Harrison, from the General-Meeting for Ackworth School, brought in a report; ... as follows: ...
    Ackworth School
  • 2100
    Book Info
    Young Squire Reynolds's welcome home to Ireland. To which are added, II. Larry's ghost: III. De night before Larry was stretch'd