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총 2,846건 중 2,181 - 2,200건 출력
  • 2181
    Book Info
    Y cyssylltiad rhwng fydd achubol a gweithredoedd da mewn pregeth ar Tit. iii. 8. gan y Parchedig John Hallward, A. M. Ficar Shawbury, yn Sir y Mwythig, a Chyfaill o Ysgoldy Caerwrangon yn Rhydychain
    Hallward, John
  • 2182
    Book Info
    Y psaltar neu Psalmau Dafydd yn Cymraeg: gyda'r Catechism, ag amryw Weddiau, detholedig a Rhai Psalmau Canu allan o'r Llyfr Gweddi Cyffredin. Chwanegwyd at y Catechism a'r Gyfer pob Pwnc o honaw, rhyw, unig Destin neu ran o'r Scrythurlan yn profi yr unrhyw
    Prys, Edmund
  • 2183
    Book Info
    Yorick's skull; or, college oscitations. With some remarks on the writings of Sterne, and a specimen of the Shandean Stile. By the author of A monstrous good lounge
    Author of A monstrous good lounge
  • 2184
    Book Info
    Yorick's skull; or, college oscitations. With some remarks on the writings of Sterne, and a specimen of the Shandean Stile. By the author of A monstrous good lounge.
    Author of A monstrous good lounge
  • 2185
    Book Info
    Youth's monitor: a funeral sermon. Occasioned by the decease of Mr. John Parsons. Preached on Sunday, Aug. 17. 1777. At St. Sepulchre's Church. By C. De Coetlogon, A.M.
    De Coetlogon, C. E
  • 2186
    Book Info
    The young clerk's compleat guide in the modern practice of the Court of King's Bench. shewing The Whole Practice of that Court, from the issuing of the Precept or Writ, to Judgment and Execution; together with the Proceedings necessary on a Writ of Error brought either at Law or in Parliament. To which is added, the law and practice of costs; illustrated by precept and example. By an attorney of t
    Attorney of the Court
  • 2187
    Book Info
    The young communicant's catechism: or, a help both short and plain; for instructing and preparing the young to make a right approach unto the Lord's table; with a proposal for publick renewing of the baptismal covenant. By Mr. John Willison ...
    Willison, John
  • 2188
    Book Info
    The young misses magazine, containing dialogues between a governess and several young ladies of quality her scholars: in which each lady is made to speak according to her particular genius, temper and inclination; ... By Madam Le Prince de Beaumont.
    Leprince de Beaumont
  • 2189
    Book Info
    Y creadur newydd, yng nghrefydd Crist: gwedi ei osod allan mewn pregeth. Gan William Beferidge, D. D. Gynt Arglwydd Esgob Llanelwy. Newydd ei chyfieithu o'r Saesonaeg, er budd i'r Cymry
    Beveridge, William
  • 2190
    Book Info
    Young Grigor's ghost
  • 2191
    Book Info
    Young James or the sage and the atheist. An English story. From the French of M. de Voltaire
  • 2192
    Book Info
    Young James or the sage and the atheist. An English story. From the French of M. de Voltaire.
  • 2193
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    The Yankies war hoop, or Lord North's Te Deum for the victorious defeat at Boston. Written by an American
  • 2194
    Book Info
    The Yarmouth tragedy; or, the constant lovers
  • 2195
    Book Info
    The Yarmouth tragedy; or, the perjur'd sailor. In three parts. ...
  • 2196
    Book Info
    The Yorkshire garland; or, the cruel knight, and the fortunate farmer's daughter. In three parts. ...
  • 2197
    Book Info
    The yarmouth tragedy; shewing how by the cruelty of their parents, two lovers were distroyed
  • 2198
    Book Info
    The young arithmetician's guide. Being a course of practical arithmetick, both vulgar and decimal. Digested after a new concise method. Adapted to the trade of Ireland. To which is added, tables, and their use, for computing the value of leases, and fines to be paid: together with a table and method of estimating the value of annuities upon lives. Fitted for the use of gentleman, farmers, stewards
  • 2199
    Book Info
    The young man's companion: or, the several branches of useful learning made perfectly easy. Containing plain directions for a young man's attaining to reading, and write true English; ... Written by W. Mather, ...
    Mather, W
  • 2200
    Book Info
    Y catecism; hynny yw, athrawiaeth i'w dysgu gan bob un, cyn ei ddwyn i'w gonffirmio gan yr escob. Gyd ag ysgrythyrol testynau perthynasol
    Church of England