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총 2,846건 중 2,201 - 2,220건 출력
  • 2201
    Book Info
    Y cristion mewn cyflawn arfogaeth; neu draethawd am ryfel y saint yn erbyn y diafol: Ym mha un y gwneir Amlygrwydd o'r Gelyn mawr hwnnw i D D U W a'i Bobl, yn ei Gyfrwysdra, Gallu, Eisteddle ei Ymerodraeth, Drygioni, a'r prif Fwriad sydd ganddo ef yn erbyn y Saint. Arfdy yn cael ei agoryd: o ba le yr addurnir y Cristion ag Arfau ysprydol i'r Frwydr, a'i gynnorthwyo ymlaen gyd â'i Arfogaeth, a'i dd
    Gurnall, William
  • 2202
    Book Info
    Yea and nay found out and discover'd, Being a comical and diverting account of a certain Quaker, who as he was walking up Fleet-Street, met with Black Hannah, a Drury-Lane virgin, and told her the spirit mov'd him to please her to admiration. How she carried him home to her lodgings, and pick'd his pocket of fifty guineas and a gold watch, after which four bullies toss'd him in a blanket, then dau
  • 2203
    Book Info
    Young Morgan's garland, containing several excellent new songs. I. The wandering shepherdess. II. Young Morgan. III. The Scotch plaids. IV. The British gun. Licenced and [enterd] according to Order
  • 2204
    Book Info
    Youth's instructive and entertaining story-teller: being a choice collection of moral tales, chiefly deduced from real life, calculated to inforce the Practice of Virtue, and expand every social Idea in the human Heart. Adorned with emblematical Cuts, from the most interesting part of each Tale, and methodized after the plan recommended by the late ingenious Dr Goldsmith. To which is added, by way
  • 2205
    Book Info
    Youth's looking-glass. Being a divine dialogue between a Young man, Satan, and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Shewing, by way of emblem, the great duty of remembering our creator in the days of our youth
  • 2206
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    Youth's warning-piece; The Tragical history of George Barnwell; who was undone by a strumpet, that caused him to rob his master; and murder his uncle
  • 2207
    Book Info
    Youth's warning-piece; or, The tragical history of George Barnwell; who was undone by a strumpet, that caused him to rob his master, and murder his uncle
  • 2208
    Book Info
    Yr act am bwyso aur, A osodwyd allan Mewn Trefn Ysprydol, mewn dull o ymddiddan; Ac a fwriadwyd er mwyn Budd i bob un ag fydd a dim gantho i wneuthur ag Arian; ac er Lleshad i'r cyfryw nad y'nt yn ewyllysio i'w twyllo yn y pethau mwyaf pwysfawr. Ym mha un yr amlygir Y Drefn oreu i adnabod pob Twyll, ac i brofi a sicrhau Pris cywir a chyfreithlon Arian. Gan T. C.
    J. C
  • 2209
    Book Info
    The young man's book of knowledge: being a proper supplement to the young man's companion. In six parts, viz. Part I. Of Knowledge in general; the Advantages of gaining it early, with a Definition thereof. Of God, his Essence and Attributes. Of the Origin of Nature, and first Formation of Things. Of the Creation, Fall, and Restoration of Mankind. Part II. Theology, containing an Account of the Rel
    Fenning, Daniel
  • 2210
    Book Info
    The young surveyor's instructor; or An introduction to the art of surveying. Whereby any one may become a compleat surveyor, without the help of a teacher, being fully explained and directed after a plain and easy method suitable to the meanest capacity. By John Carter, philomathes
  • 2211
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    The youth's delight. A new song
  • 2212
    Book Info
    Yorick's jests: Being a new collection of jokes, witticisms, bons mots and anecdotes, of the genuine sons of wit and humour of the last and present age. Containing a great number of humorous, diverting, and entertaining jests and stories, never before published in a book of the kind. To which are added, a new and choice selection of poems, fables, tales, epigrams, epitaphs, riddles, rebuses, and e
  • 2213
    Book Info
    Yorick's sentimental journey, continued. To which is prefixed, some account of the life and writings of Mr. Sterne. By Eugenius. ...
    Hall-Stevenson, John
  • 2214
    Book Info
    Ystyriaeth o anchwiliadwy olud Crist; a gwahoddiad i bawb i'w dderbyn a'i ddefnyddio; Mewn Pregeth, A Gyhoeddir AR Annogaeth Rhai A'I Clywsant YN Y Cyfarfod O Weinidogion, YN Watfford, Gerllaw Caerffili, Awst 10, 1774. At BA UN Y Chwanegwyd, Dwy Hymn wedi eu troi o'r Sais'neg. Gan Solomon Harries
    Harries, Solomon
  • 2215
    Book Info
    The Young gentleman and ladies monitor, and, English teacher's assistant; Being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers: calculated to eradicate vulgar prejudices and rusticity of manners; improve the understanding; rectify the will; purify the passions; direct the minds of youth to the pursit of proper objects; and to facilitate their reading, writing, and speaking the English
  • 2216
    Book Info
    The young geographer and astronomer's best companion. Containing, I. The Elements of Modern Geography, in which, besides many other useful Articles, the Latitude and Longitude of a great Variety of Places are given from the latest Observations. II. A comprehensive System of Ancient Geography, both sacred and profane, particularly adapted to the Illustration of the Classic Authors, and of the Histo
    Jones, Evan
  • 2217
    Book Info
    The young sea-officer's assistant, both in his examination and voyage. In four parts. I. The Substance of that Examination, which every Candidate for a Commission in the East-India Service, or the Navy, must necessarily pass, previous to his Appointment; respecting the Management of a Ship from her first coming out of Dock, to her clearing the Land. II. Directions for working a Ship, in all diffic
    Adams, John
  • 2218
    Book Info
    The young shopkeeper's, steward's, and factor's, companion: Containing I. A new and expeditious method of keeping a set of books, in a retail trade, by double entry. II. The application to the business of a steward, in a new manner. III. The mehod of keeping factorage accounts, as practised in the West-Indies; with occasional remarks. Compiled for the use of the Mathematical Academy, in Bristol
  • 2219
    Book Info
    Y deddfau Cristianogol, neu ddidwyll air Duw. Sef, Ffydd A Dyledswyddau Cristion Yn Gyfan ac yn Gryno, Wedi eu dosparthu wrth Dresn a Chymhwysder Rheswm, a'i gosod i la wr Yngeiriau 'r Ysgrythur. Gan y Gwir Barchedig Dad yn Nuw, Francis Gastrel, Yr hwn yn ddiweddar oedd Esgob Caerlleon. Ac wedi eu gosod allan yn Gymraeg yn ol y cyfieithiad cyffredin, gan John Evans, A.M.
  • 2220
    Book Info
    York quarterly-meeting, ninth month, 1773
    Phipps, Joseph