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총 2,732건 중 2,241 - 2,260건 출력
  • 2241
    Book Info
    The Youth's instructor in the English tongue: or, The art of spelling improved. Being a more plain, easy and regular method of teaching young children, with a greater variety of very useful collections than any other book of this kind and bigness extant. In three parts. The first, containing monosyllables, expressing the most natural and easy things to the apprehensions of the children; with commo
  • 2242
    Book Info
    The young ladies magazine, or dialogues between a discreet governess and several young ladies of the first rank under her education. By Mrs. Le Prince de Beaumont. ...
  • 2243
    Book Info
    The young mathematician's logic, upon the plan of dean Aldrich's celebrated aristotelic logic, and serving to explain the same. To which is annexed, critical remarks upon grammar in general. By the author of Education of children and young students in all its branches
  • 2244
    Book Info
    Y sacrament a'r aberth Cristianogol. Mewn dull o draethawd, myfyrdod, a gweddi, ar natur, rhannau, a bendithion, y Cymmun Sanctaidd. O waith Daniel Brevint, ... A gyfieithwyd allan o'r bedwaredd argraphiad yn Saesonäeg gan W. Ll. Gweinidog Llandygai
  • 2245
    Book Info
    Yorick's meditations upon various interesting and important subjects, Viz. Upon nothing. Upon something. Upon the thing. Upon the constitution. On tobacco. On noses. Upon quacks. Upon midwives. Upon the homunculus. Upon hobby-horses. Upons momus's glass. Upon digressions. On obscurityin writing. On nonsense. Upon the association of ideas. Upon cuckolds. Upon the man in the moon. Upon the monades o
  • 2246
    Book Info
    Yorick's meditations upon various interesting and important subjects. Viz. Upon nothing. Upon something. Upon the thing. Upon the Constitution. On Tobacco. On Noses. Upon Quacks. Upon Midwives. Upon the Homunculus. Upon Hobby-Horses. Upon Momus's Glass. Upon Digressions. On Obscurity Writing. On Nonsense. Upon the Association of Ideas. Upon Cuckolds. Upon the Man in the Moon. Upon the Monades of L
  • 2247
    Book Info
    The young gentleman and lady instructed in such principles of politeness, prudence and virtue, as will lay a sure foundation for gaining respect, esteem and satisfaction in this life, and eternal happiness in a future state; interspersed with such observations and maxims, as demonstrate the danger and folly of vice, and the advantage and wisdom of virtue. Authorised by the King's Most Excellent Ma
  • 2248
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    The young gentleman and lady's philosophy, in a continued survey of the works of nature and art; by way of dialogue. ... Illustrated by ... Copper-plates. By Benjamin Martin
  • 2249
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    Yet one vindication more of the conduct of L*** G***** S********
  • 2250
    Book Info
    Yr ail ran o ganiadau Sion; sef, casgliad o hymnau ac odlau ysprydol. Gan John Thomas
  • 2251
    Book Info
    Y garreg wen neu draethawd bychan, ymherthynas i siccrwydd. Ymha un yr amlugir, 1. Fod siccrwydd ... gyrhaeddadwy yn y bywyd hwn. 2. siccrwydd ... beth sydd gyrhaeddadwy. 3. yr ... i ymofyn am dano, a'r budd o'i gael. 4. pa ... i'w gael? Gan Timothy Thomas
  • 2252
    Book Info
    Youthful amusements, in verse: on different occasions
  • 2253
    Book Info
    You are desired to meet the rest of the governors and guardians of the hospital for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children, on Wednesday, the 12th day of May, 1756, at the said hospital in Lamb's-Conduit-Fields, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, to hold the annual general meeting of this corporation, pursuant to the directions of His Majesty's royal charter, for
  • 2254
    Book Info
    The young gentleman instructed in the grounds of the Christian religion. In three dialogues, between a young gentleman and his tutor. In the First Dialogue, is demonstrated the Being of a God, against Atheists; with a Word of the Spirituality and Immortality of Man's Soul. In the Second, the Divine Revelation, both of the Old and New Testament is asserted, against Deists and Freethinkers. In the T
  • 2255
    Book Info
    The young man's companion: or, arithmetick made easy. Containing plain directions for a young man to attain to read and write true English; ... Written by W. Mather, ...
  • 2256
    Book Info
    You are desired to meet the rest of the Governors and Guardians of the hospital for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children, On Wednesday, the 14th day of May, 1755, at the said Hospital in Lamb's-Conduit-fields, at Eleven of the clock in the forenoon, to hold the Annual General Meeting of this Corportation, pursuant to the directions of His Majesty's Royal Charter, fo
  • 2257
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    Young Waters, an ancient Scottish poem
  • 2258
    Book Info
    Young Waters, an ancient Scottish poem. Never before printed
  • 2259
    Book Info
    The Young lady conducted; from her leaving the school to her entering upon the world. A series of familiar dialogues: in which her deportment in public and in private, in company and at home; among strangers, or with intimates, is established upon the principles of reason and politeness: and her mind formed by examples, to a love of truth, a respect for virtue, and a reverence for religion. Writte
  • 2260
    Book Info
    The young communicant's catechism: or, a help both short and plain, for instructing and preparing the young to make a right approach unto the Lord's table. ... By Mr. John Wilson [sic], ...