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총 2,732건 중 2,381 - 2,400건 출력
  • 2381
    Book Info
    Youths grand concern: or, advice to young persons, how to begin betimes to be wise, and good, and happy. To which is prefix'd, a preparatory discourse on Eccles. XII. 1. Most of which was deliver'd in a Sermon, at the Funeral of a Young Lady
  • 2382
    Book Info
    The Young Christian's library: Or, A collection of good and useful books, proper to be given to young persons by their parents, in order to their Christian education and improvement. With a preface relating thereto. And some texts of scripture enforcing the duty of parents, and obedience of children
  • 2383
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    The youngman's companion, a new copy book containing examples of ye usual hands now practised in England, ... By William Elder
  • 2384
    Book Info
    Young Bateman's ghost: or, a godly warning to all maidens, by the example of Gods judgment shewn upon one German's wife of Clifton, in the county of Nottingham; who lying in child-bed, was borne away and never heard of after.
  • 2385
    Book Info
    Your ladyship may well be in amaze, think either Magget or Windmill in my Crown, for being a Meddler out of my own Sphere; yet had I Wings, I would fly to your Feet, and rely on your Justice in hope of Pardon. A Fool is an Extinguisher of Loves Flames. May some good Angel shield you from that lamentable Cross. I was neither Baboon nor Hedghog for all the Owls of Tunbridge to gaze at. If your Galla
  • 2386
    Book Info
    The yorkshire-Racers. A poem. In a letter from H---- S--------ton, to his friend T----- P---------n
  • 2387
    Book Info
    Y gwrandawr, neu, lyfr yn dangos pa Gynheddfau sydd reidiol, i'r rhai a ewyllyssiant, gael bydd a lles wrth, wrando yr gair a bregethir. O waith yr awdwr Parchedig Joan Edwards, D.D. ac o gyfiaithied H. Powel, Ewyllysiwr da i Gymru
  • 2388
    Book Info
    Youth undone: a tragick poem: compos'd by way of discourse between youth, Satan, wisdom, time, death, the soul. With reflections. For the caution and direction of young people
  • 2389
    Book Info
    The young secretary's guide or, A speedy help to learning. In two parts. I. Containing the true method of writing letters on any subject; whether concerning business or otherwise: fitted to all capabilities, in the most smooth and obliging style; with about 200 examples never before published. As also instructions how properly to En... subscribe, or direct a letter to any person of what quality so
  • 2390
    Book Info
    Yesterday arriv'd a British pacquet, which brought a Holland mail, and the following expresses[.]
  • 2391
    Book Info
    Youth's tragedy, a poem. Drawn up by way of dialogue between Youth. The Devil. Wisdom. Time. Death. The Soul. The Nuncius. For the caution, and direction of the younger sort
  • 2392
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    The youth's interest: in a discourse on an extraordinary occasion: from Matthew VI. xxxiii. By Robert Bragge
  • 2393
    Book Info
    Y Rhybuddiwr Cristnogawl, yn cynnwys annogaeth ddifrifol i fuchedd sanctaidd ... A'i gyfieithu allan o'r deuddegfed argraphiad yn y Saisonaeg
  • 2394
    Book Info
    Yosippon = Josippon, sive Josephi Ben-Gorionis Historiae Judaicae libri sex. Ex Hebroeo Latine vertit, Praefatione & Notis illustravit Johannes Gagnier, A. M.
  • 2395
    Book Info
    Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English
  • 2396
    Book Info
    The young man's golden anchor: or, A sure way to happines. Being several devout and pious directions to a holy life and joyful death: with the necessity of remembring our Creator in the days of our youth, and the sad consequences of not doing it. Very useful & necessary for all Christian families, especially those who are, or have been under any grief or sorrow, for the miscarriage of their unduti
  • 2397
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    Ymadrodd gweddaidd ynghylch diwedd y byd neu tueddiad at yr amser a digwyddo Dydd y Farn yn cynwys hefyd mwy na dau cant o englynnion duwiol; o erfynniad am drugaredd. Ynêl dosparth y pris-feirdd, wedi i'r pos-seirdd rhag ou llygru, eu rhoi allan mewn cordd i'w cadw mewn parch
  • 2398
    Book Info
    A Yea and nay mouse-trap: or, The Quaker in darkness, being a true, but comical account of an Eminent Quaker in Southwork, who being mov'd by the spirit to lye with a merchants maid, was taken in bed with her in the very sporting minute, by the merchant himself, with a pleasant account of the cunning fly tricks, and intrigues the light Quaker made use of to tempt the poor dark wench to sin, which
  • 2399
    Book Info
    The young man's remembrancer, and youth's best choice: being an exhortation to conversion, in two anniversary discourses from Eccles. xii.1. By M.M.
  • 2400
    Book Info
    Ye true-born Englishmen proceed: Our trifling crimes detect, ...
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