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총 2,732건 중 2,401 - 2,420건 출력
  • 2401
    Book Info
    The year of jubile: or, The time of the restitution of all things. Being a discourse occasioned by the so much talk'd of mock-jubile, celebrated at Rome this year 1700. / Translated from the French.
  • 2402
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    The young clerk's tutor enlarged being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorny, &c. : as also all the names of men and women in Latin, with the day of the date, the several sums of mony, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their
  • 2403
    Book Info
    The young clerks guide, or, An exact collection of choice English presidents, accordig to the best forms now used for all sorts of indentures, letters of atturney, releases, conditions, &c. Very useful and neccessary for all, but chiefly for those that intend to follow the atturney's practice. / compiled by R.H. Councellour and revised by an able p
  • 2404
    Book Info
    The young man's guide in his journey to heaven, or, Travelling spiritualized
  • 2405
    Book Info
    The young man's remembrancer, and Youth's best choice: being an exhortation to conversion, in two anniversary discourses from Eccl. xii. I.
  • 2406
    Book Info
    The young mans claim unto the sacrament of the Lords-Supper. or, The examination of a person approaching to the table of the Lord compos'd by the Reverend Mr. John Quick, minister of the Gospel, in London. And now, in a second impression, offer'd unto the churches of New England; by Sundry ministers of those churches, approving of it, and attesting
  • 2407
    Book Info
    Yr ymarfer o dduwioldeb yn cyfarwyddo dyn i rodio fel y rhyngo ef fodd Duw : yr hwn lyfr a osodwyd allan yn sæsnæg o waith y gwir barchedig dâd yu nuw Lewis Escob Bangor ac acyfithwyd yn gymraeg o waith Row. Vaughan o Gaergai yn Sir Feirionedd wr bonneddig, yn y flwyddyn o oed Jesu 1620.|Practice of piety.
  • 2408
    Book Info
    The Young lovers guide, or, The unsuccessful amours of Philabius, a country lover ... writ by him to his beautious-unkind mistress ... ; with The answer of Helena to Paris, by a country shepherdess ; as also, The sixth AEneid and fourth eclogue of Virgil, both newly translated by J.B., Gent.
  • 2409
    Book Info
    The young mans companion: or, arithmetick made easie With plain directions for a young man to attain to read, and write true English, and short hand, or characters. And also, very easie rules for measuring land, globes, steeples ... both by arithmetick and Gunter's line: the use of the carpenters rule, with tables for the more ready measuring by th
  • 2410
    Book Info
    The young secretary's guide: or, A speedy help to learning In two parts. I. Containing the true method of writing letters upon any subject ...fitted to all capacities... with about 200 exa[mp]les never before published. As also instruction[s h]ow properly to entitle, subscribe, or direct a letter to any person of what quality soever.... II. Contain
  • 2411
    Book Info
    Y rhybuddiwr Christnogawl yn cynnwys annogaeth ddifrifol i fuchedd sanctaidd. : Gyda rhai hyfforddiadau tuag-at yr unrhyw. : Wedi el sgrifennu mewn ffordd eglur ahawdd, i bôb mâth ar bobl. : A'i gyfieithu allan o'r ddeuddegfed At-graphiad yn y Saisonæg.|Christian monitor.
  • 2412
    Book Info
    The young king, or, The mistake as it is acted at the Duke's theatre / written by Mrs. A. Behn.
  • 2413
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    The young man's guide to a vertuous life in many pleasant [histories] or allegories : with moral explanations : guiding youth in the way of vertue ...
  • 2414
    Book Info
    The young secretary's guide, or, A speedy help to learning in two parts / by J. Hill.
  • 2415
    Book Info
    Youths safety: or, Advice to the younger sort, of either sex More valuable than gold. Laying open the wicked practices of the town-shifts, sharpers, sharks, beau's, sweeteners, rakes, intreaging town-jilts, to cheat, ruin and disgrace gentlemen, shop-keepers, apprentices, gentlewomen, servant-maids, &c. Serious reflections and good counsel, how the
  • 2416
    Book Info
    The young accomptants remembrancer directing him to find the proper debitors and creditors in the most usual transactions and occurrences of trade: with the method of ballancing accompts, and transferring them into a new liedger [sic]. By Tho. Mercer.
  • 2417
    Book Info
    The young secretary's guide, or, A speedy help to learning in two parts : I. containing the true method of writing letters upon any subject, whether concerning business or otherwise, fitted to all capacities, in the most smooth and obliging style, with about 200 examples never before published : as also instructions how properly to entitle, subscribe, or direct a letter to any person of what qual
  • 2418
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    Youth's delight on the flagelet. containing ye newest lessons with easier directions than any heretofore. The third part
  • 2419
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    The Younger Brother: Or, the Amorous Jilt
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 2420
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    The young farmer's answer to his sweet-heart Nanny, vvho much complained of her undergoing the weary burthen of a troublesome maiden-head. To the tune of, The Scotch hay-makers.