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  • 1119121
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    A briefe introduction to syntax Compendiously shewing the true vse, grounds, and reason of Latin construction. Collected for the most part out of Nabrissa his Spanish copie. With the concordance supplyed, by I.H. med. doct. Together with the more difficult assertions, proued by the vse of the learned languages.
    De Nebrija
  • 1119122
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    A briefe method of catechizing Wherein are handled these foure points. 1. How miserable all men are by nature. 2. What remedy God hath appointed for their deliuerance. 3. How they must liue that are deliuered. 4. What helpes they must vse to that end. The same points are also contracted, and a forme of examining communicants added, with graces befo
  • 1119123
    Book Info
    A briefe method of catechizing Wherein are handled these foure points: 1. How miserable all men are by nature. 2. What remedy God hath appointed for their deliverance. 3. How they must liue that are delivered. 4. What helpes they must vse to that end. The same points are also contracted, and a forme of examining communicants added, with graces befo
  • 1119124
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    A briefe, and true relation of the taking in of Magdenburch, by the emperours, and the catholique leagues commandours, & souldiers, with the bloodie and horrid massacring, and burning of that old famous cittie, committed, the 10. Maye 1631. old stile.
  • 1119125
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    A catalogue of certaine bookes Which haue beene published, and (by authoritie) printed in England, both in Latine and English, since the yeare 1616. vntil November this present yeare 1631. Now published for supply since the intermission of the English Catalogue, with intention hereafter to publish it exactly every yeare.
  • 1119126
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    A catechisme composed according to the order of the catechisme in the Common prayer booke. Containing a briefe exposition of I. the Creed. II. the ten Commandements. III. the Lords prayer. IV. the sacraments. By M. N. B. D. P. P.
  • 1119127
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    A commentarie upon all the epistles of the apostle Saint Paul, being fourteene representing the divers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient Fathers and moderne writers, and hereby sifting out the true sense of every passage, for the benefit of all that desire to reade with understanding / by Iohn Mayer ...
  • 1119128
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    A commentarie vpon the Nevv Testament Representing the divers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient fathers, and moderne writers: and hereby sifting out the true sense of every passage, for the benefit of all that desire to reade with understanding. The first volumne upon the foure Evangelists and the Acts of the
  • 1119129
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    A commentarie vpon the New Testament. representing the diuers expositions therof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient fathers and moderne writers, and hereby sifting out the true sense of euery passage, for the benefit of all that desire to read with vnderstanding : containing the seuen smaller epistles, called Catholike, and the bo
  • 1119130
    Book Info
    A commentarie vpon the seuen smaller epistles called Catholike, and the Booke of the Revelation representing the diuers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient Fathers and moderne writers, and hereby sifting out the true sense of euerie passage for the benefit of all that desire to read with understanding / by Iohn Mayer ...
  • 1119131
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    A complete concordance of the Bible of the last translation by helpe whereof any passage of Holy Scripture may bee readily turned unto / the whole reviewed, corrected, and much enlarged by Clement Cotton.
  • 1119132
    Book Info
    A complete concordance of the Bible of the last translation by helpe whereof any passage of Holy Scripture may bee readily turned unto / the whole reviewed, corrected, and much enlarged by Clement Cotton.
  • 1119133
    Book Info
    A complete concordance to the Bible of the last translation By helpe whereof any passage of holy Scripture may bee readily turned unto. The whole reviewed, corrected, and much enlarged by Clement Cotton. The further use & benefit of this work is more fully declared in the prefaces to the reader.
  • 1119134
    Book Info
    A complete concordance to the Bible of the last translation by helpe whereof any passage of Holy Scripture may bee readily turned unto / the whole reviewed, corrected, and much enlarged by Clement Cotton ; the further use & benefit of this work is more fully declared in the prefaces to the reader.
  • 1119135
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    A conference of the Catholike and Protestante doctrine with the expresse words of Holie Scripture. Which is the second parte of the prudentiall balance of religion. : VVherein is clearely shewed, that in more than 260 points of controuersie, Catholicks agree with the Holie Scripture, both in words and sense: and Protestants disagree in both, and depraue both the sayings, words, and sense of Scrip
  • 1119136
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    A copie of the letter, of the Nationall Synod of the Reformed Churches of France. Represented to the Kings Majesty. Together, with the complaint made to his Majestie, concerning divers aggrievances, at Campeigne the 16. of September, 1631. by the two deputies of the said synod, Mr. Amirault minister, and Mr. De Vizars gentleman. With the answer and
  • 1119137
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    A defence of Nicholas Smith against a reply to his discussion of some pointes taught by Mr. Doctour Kellison in his Treatise of the ecclesiasticall hierarchy. By A.B.
  • 1119138
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    A discourse about the state of true happinesse Deliuered in certaine sermons in Oxford, and at Pauls Crosse. By Robert Bolton, Bachelour in Diuinity, and Minister of Gods Word at Broughton in North-hampton Shire.
  • 1119139
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    A discourse of naturall bathes, and minerall waters Wherein first the originall of fountaines in generall is declared. Then the nature and differences of minerals, with examples of particular bathes from most of them. Next the generation of minerals in the earth, from whence both the actuall heate of bathes, and their vertues are proued to proceede
  • 1119140
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    A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish. By Iames Vssher Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland