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  • 1119201
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    An ansvver to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now romish doctrine plainely discovered. By Iames Vssher Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. Whereunto certain other treatises of the same author are adjoyned, the titles whereof in
  • 1119202
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    An elegie vpon the death of that worthy house-keeper, VVilliam Smith, of Crissing-Temple in the county of Essex, esquire, who dyed the eleventh day of February, 1630. aged 74. yeeres.
  • 1119203
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    An epithrene: or Voice of vveeping bewailing the want of vveeping. A meditation.
  • 1119204
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    An epitome of certaine late aspersions cast at ciuilians, the ciuil and ecclesistical lawes, the courts Christian; and at bishops and their chancellors Wherein the authors thereof are refuted, and refelled. With an appendix, wherein the ciuill and canon lawes, with the causes of the cognisance or cognition of either of them in the Church or commou-
  • 1119205
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    An exposition of the symbole or creede of the apostles according to the tenour of the scriptures, and the consent of the orthodoxe fathers of the church. Reuiewed and corrected, by William Perkins.
  • 1119206
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    An exposition of the whole fifth chapter of S. Iohns Gospell: taken from the mouth of Mr. William Gouge, (now Dr. in Divinitie, as he publickly preached them, by Mr. William Pemble, and found in his studie after his death, written with his owne hand. Also notes on other choice places of Scripture, taken as before ...
  • 1119207
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    An historicall narration of the iudgement of some most learned and godly English bishops, holy martyrs, and others (whereof III; viz. Archbishop Cranmer, B. Latimer, and Bishop Hooper, suffred martyrdome, in the dayes of Q. Mary, for the truth and Gospell of Christ Iesus) concerning Gods election, and the merit of Christ his death, &c.
  • 1119208
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    Analysis analyticorum posteriorum siue Librorum Aristotelis de demonstratione in qua singula capita per quaestiones & responsiones percipuè exponuntur: adhibitis quibusdam sgholiis [sic], ex optimis quibusq[ue] interpretibus de sumptis, opera & studio G.Powel Oxoniensis confecta & edita in vsum iuniorum.
  • 1119209
    Book Info
    Ancient funerall monuments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent, with the dissolued monasteries therein contained: their founders, and what eminent persons haue beene in the same interred. As also the death and buriall of certain of the bloud royall; the nobilitie and gentrie of these kingdomes entombed in forraine nations. A worke reuiuing the dead mem
  • 1119210
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    Andrewes caueat to win sinners A true and perfect way to win carelesse sinners (if there be but the least sparke of grace in them) vnto speedy repentance, that in the end they may obtaine eternall life. Directed vnto all the elect children of God, which truly repent. Newly published by Iohn Andrewes preacher of Gods Word. Being first seene and allo
  • 1119211
    Book Info
    Andrewes repentance, sounding alarum to returne from his sins vnto Almightie God. Perfectly guiding all those that hope to bee saued, in the direct way of repentance, whereby they may attain eternall life: : newly made in the autumne or declining of his age ...
  • 1119212
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    Aphorismorum Hippocratis liber primus. Heurnio interprete. Singulis Aphorismis subjungitur nunc primùm carmen alternum Graecum. Opusculum memoria sacrum. Ad lectorem. ... Radulphus Winterton
  • 1119213
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    Aphthonii Progymnasmata, partim à Rodolpho Agricola, partim à Ioanne Maria Catanaeo, Latinatate donata: cum scholiis R. Lorichii
  • 1119214
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    Aristippus, or, The Ioviall philosopher presented in a priuate shew : to which is added, The conceited pedler.
  • 1119215
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    Arithmeticae in numeris et speciebus institutio quae tum logisticae, tum analyticae, atque adeo totius mathematicae, quasi clavis est. Ad nobilissimum spectatissimumque iuvenem Dn. Guilelmum Hovvard, ordinis, qui dicitur, Balnei Equitem, honoratissimi Dn. Thomae, Comitis Arundeliae & Surriae, Comitis Mareschalli Angliae, &c. filium.
  • 1119216
    Book Info
    Articles agreed vpon by the archbishops and bishops of both prouinces, and the whole cleargie In the conuocation holden at London, in the yeere 1562. For the auoiding of diuersities of opinions, and for the stablishing of consent touching true religion.
  • 1119217
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    Articles given by Doctovr Clerke, Archdeacon of Derby, and delivered to the Church-Wardens, to be considered and answered at his visitation there holden in the yeare of our Lord God, 1630 whereunto the sayd church-wardens and sidemen are upon their oathes to answer truly and particularly.|Articles given by Doctor Clerke, Archdeacon of Derby
  • 1119218
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    Articles ministred in the first visitation of the right worshipfull Mr Doctor Davenant Archdeacon of Barkeshire in the yeare of our Lord God 1631.|Articles ministered in the first visitation of the right worshipful Mr Doctor Davenant Archdeacon of Berkshire in the year of our Lord God 1631
  • 1119219
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    Articles to be enquired of in the diocesse of Salisburie, in the visitation of the reverend father in God, Iohn lord Bishop of Sarum, anno Domini, 1631
  • 1119220
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquired of vvithin the dioces of London, in the second trienniall visitation of the right honorable, and right reuerend father in God, William Lord Bishop of London. holden in the yeere of our lord God, 1631.