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  • 1119221
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    Articles to be enquired of, throughout the whole diocesse of Chichester ministred and giuen in charge to the church-wardens and sidemen within the same diocesse by the reuerend father in God Richard by Gods prouidence Bishop of Chichester, in his generall visitation holden anno Domini 1631.
  • 1119222
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    Articles to be enquired of, within the Arch-deaconrie of Middlesex, by the church-wardens and sworne-men in euery parish, and presentment to be made thereof to the arch-deacon with peculiar answer to euery article, giuen anno Dom. 1631.
  • 1119223
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    Articles to be enqvired of in the third visitation of the Right Reverend father in God, Godfrey, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, holden anno 1631.|Articles to be enquired of in the third visitation of the Right Reverend father in God, Godfrey, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, holden anno 1631
  • 1119224
    Book Info
    Articles to be enqvired of, within the Arch-deaconrie of Colchester, by the church-wardens, and sworne-men in euery parish. And presentment to be made thereof, to the arch-deacon. With peculiar answer to euery article. Giuen, anno Dom. 1631.|Articles to be enquired of, within the Archdeaconry of Colchester, by the church-wardens, and sworn-men in every parish
  • 1119225
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    Articles to be inquired of vvithin the diocesse of VVinchester in the trienniall visitation of the reuerend father in God, Richard, by the prouidence of God, Lord Bishop of Winton, in the yeere of our Lord God, 1631.
  • 1119226
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    Articles to be ministred, enqvired of, and answered: in the fourth visitation of the Right Reuerend father in God, Robert, by Gods diuine prouidence, Lord Bishop of Bristol.|Articles to be ministered, enquired of, and answered: in the fourth visitation of the Right Reverend father in God, Robert, by Gods divine providence, Lord Bishop of Bristol
  • 1119227
    Book Info
    Artis analyticae praxis, ad aequationes algebraïcas nouâ, expeditâ, & generali methodo, resoluendas: tractatus e posthumis Thomae Harrioti philosophi ac mathematici celeberrimi schediasmatis summâ fide & diligentiâ descriptus: et illustrissimo Domino Dom. Henrico Percio, Northumbriae comiti, qui haec primò, sub patronatus & munificentiae suae auspi
  • 1119228
    Book Info
    Audomari Talaei rhetorica e P. Rami regii professoris, praelectionibus observata. Cui praefixa est epistola, quae lectorem de omnibus utriusque viri scriptis, propediem edendis commonefacit.
  • 1119229
    Book Info
    Balles, 1631. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God and finall redemption 1631. Being the third after the bissextile or leape yeere. / Written according to the rules of lawfull art, for the meridian and latitude of the ancient and famous city of Norwich, where the pole is lifted aboue the horizon 52. grades 45. minutes: and may well and fitly serue for all parts of the
  • 1119230
    Book Info
    Balles, 1631. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God and finall redemption 1631. Being the third after the bissextile or leape yeere. Written according to the rules of lawfull art, for the meridian and latitude of the ancient and famous city of Norwich, where the pole is lifted aboue the horizon 52. grades 45. minutes: an
  • 1119231
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    Bartas Iunior: or, The worlds epitome; man Set forth in his 1. generation, 2. degeneration, 3. regeneration.
  • 1119232
    Book Info
    Bartholmew fayre : a comedie, acted in the yeare, 1614 by the Lady Elizabeths seruants, and then dedicated to King Iames, of most blessed memorie ; The diuell is an asse : a comedie acted in the yeare, 1616, by His Maiesties seruants ; The staple of newes : a comedie acted in the yeare, 1625, by His Maiesties seruants by the author, Beniamin Iohnson.|Plays.
  • 1119233
    Book Info
    Beale, 1631. An almanacke, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1631 Being the third yeare after bissextile or leape yeere. Calculated for the meridian and paralell of the most famous Vniuersity of Oxfor[d], ... By William Beale, Phylomathist gent.
  • 1119234
    Book Info
    Beale, 1631. An almanacke, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1631. Being the third yeare after bissextile or leape yeere. Calculated for the meridian and paralell [sic] the most famous Vniuersity of Oxfor[d], the [?] articke being [eleuated 51 degrees 48 min. And may serue for al great Britaine. Wherein besides the festiuall dayes, are inserted the na
  • 1119235
    Book Info
    Bowker. 1631. A new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, 1631. Being the third from the leap yeare Calculated for the meridian of the honourable citie of London, & wil serue without sensible errour the whole kingdome of Great Britain, / By Iohn Bowker ...
  • 1119236
    Book Info
    Bowker. 1631. A new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, 1631. Being the third from the leape yeare : calculated for the meridian of the honourable citie of London, & will serue without sensible errour the whole kingdome of Great Britain. / By Iohn Bowker, astrophile..|New almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, 1631
  • 1119237
    Book Info
    Browne 1631 a new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God, 1631, being the third after leape yeere : composed and properly referred to the longitude and latitude of the pole Artick of that famous city of London ... / by Daniel Brovvne ...
  • 1119238
    Book Info
    Browne, 1631. A new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord God 1631. Being the third after leape yeere. Composed and properly referred to the longitude and latitude of the pole Artick of that famous city of London, and may serve generally for the most part of Great-Britaine. With the exact [?] and setting of the [Dun] at London. .
  • 1119239
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    Butler 1631 a new almanack for the yeare of our Lord Christ MDCXXXI, the third after leap-yeare : calculated and chiefly referred to the meridian of the auncient sheirtown of Leicester, being neare the middle of this famous island, for the [brace] latitude, 52 degr. 38 min., longitude, 24 degr. 20 min. / by Robert Butler.
  • 1119240
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    By the King a further proclamation prohibiting the exportation of corne and graine.|Further proclamation prohibiting the exportation of corne and graine