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총 1,158,044건 중 1,119,261 - 1,119,280건 출력
  • 1119261
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    By the King. A proclamation for the better ordering of fishing, vpon the coasts of His Maiesties dominions
  • 1119262
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    By the King. A proclamation for the better ordering of fishing, vpon the coasts of His Maiesties dominions
  • 1119263
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    By the King. A proclamation for the better ordering of fishing, vpon the coasts of His Maiesties dominions.
  • 1119264
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    By the Lords Iustices, and Councell. Ad. Loftus Canc., R. Corke. : Whereas vpon the earnest desire of many of His Maiesties subiects in England, grounded vpon the dearth of graine there, and the opinion of plenty here, the lords of His Maiesties most honorable Priuy Councell had giuen directions for warrants to bee made for importing of some into England from hence, ...|Ad. Loftus Canc., R. Corke
  • 1119265
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    Caesar and Pompey a Roman tragedy, declaring their vvarres. Out of whose euents is euicted this proposition. Only a iust man is a freeman. By George Chapman.
  • 1119266
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    Calliepei[a], or, A rich storehouse of proper, choyce, and elegant Latine words, and phrases collected (for the most part) out of Tullies works: and, for the vse and benefit of scholars, digested into an alphabeticall order. / By Thomas Drax.
  • 1119267
    Book Info
    Calliepeia, or, A rich storehouse of proper, choyce, and elegant Latine words, and phrases collected (for the most part) out of Tullies works and, for the vse and benefit of scholars, digested into an alphabeticall order / by Thomas Drax.
  • 1119268
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    Canzonets. Or little short songs to three voyces: published by Thomas Morley, Bacheler of Musicke, and one of the gent. of her Maiesties royall chappel
  • 1119269
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    Car-wr y cymru, yn annog ei genedi anwyl, a'i gydwald·wyr er mwyn Crist ai henediau i chwilio, yr Scrythyrau, yr olgorchymyn Crist.Ioh.5.29 Y·rhai, yr awr'hon yn ddiweddar âbrintiwyd onewydd yn Gymraec; ac a geir ar werth yn Ilyfran cynnwys, a bychain eir maintioli a'i pris, drwy fawr ddiwydrwydd, athraulswrn o wyr Duwyol, enwog ac ewyllys-gar i wn
  • 1119270
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    Certain selected spirituall epistles written by that most reuerend holy man Doctor I. de Auila a most renowned preacher of Spaine most profitable for all sortes of people, whoe seeke their saluation
  • 1119271
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    Certain selected spirituall epistles written by that most reuerend holy man Doctor I. de Auila a most renowned preacher of Spaine most profitable for all sortes of people, whoe seeke their saluation
  • 1119272
    Book Info
    Certain selected spirituall epistles written by that most reuerend holy man Doctor I. de Auila, a most renowned preacher of Spaine ; most profitable for all sortes of people, whoe seeke their saluation..
  • 1119273
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    Chamberlaine 1631 a new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of our Lord 1631, being the third after leape yeere : the astronomicall calculations being principally referred to the meridian and latitude of Bury [S. Edmunds] in Suffolke, where the pole Articke is eleuated 52 degrees, and may serue generally for the Great Britaine / made and set forth according to art by Ioseph Chamberlaine
  • 1119274
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    Chamberlaine. 1631. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord, 1631. Being the third after leape yeere. The astronomicall calculations being principally referred to the meridian and latitude of Bury [S. Edmunds] in Suffolke, where the pole Articke is eleuated 52. degrees, and may serue generally for the Great Britaine. / Made an
  • 1119275
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    Characterismi: or, Lentons leasures Expressed in essayes and characters, neuer before written on. By F.L. Gent.
  • 1119276
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    Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts, and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases Contayning the natures, breeding, choise, vse, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goates, swine, and tame conies. Shewing further, the whole art of riding great-horses ... and
  • 1119277
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    Chloridia Rites to Chloris and her nymphs. Personated in a masque, at court. By the Queenes Maiesty and her ladies. At Shroue-tide. 1630.
    Ben Jonson
  • 1119278
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    Christian see to thy conscience or a treatise of the nature, the kinds and manifold differences of conscience, all very briefly, and yet more fully laid open then hitherto by Richard Bernard, parson of Batcombe in Somerset-Shire. Anno 1630.
  • 1119279
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    Christus natus est Christ is borne.|Christ is borne
  • 1119280
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    Circumspect walking describing the seuerall rules, as so many seuerall steps in the way of wisedome. Gathered into this short manuell, by Tho. Taylor, preacher of Gods word at Aldermanbury Church in London.