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총 1,158,044건 중 1,120,321 - 1,120,340건 출력
  • 1120321
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    The mothers counsell or, liue within compasse Being the last will and testament to her dearest daughter.
  • 1120322
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    The mystery of selfe-deceiuing: or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart. Written by the late faithfull minister of Gods Word Daniel Dyke, Batchelor in Diuinitie. Published since his death, by his brother I.D. minister of Gods word
  • 1120323
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    The nevv birth. Or A treatise of regeneration Deliuered in certaine sermons and now published By William Whately, preacher and minister of Banbury in Oxfordshire.
  • 1120324
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    The nevv covenant, or The saints portion A treatise vnfolding the all-sufficiencie of God, mans vprightnes, and the covenant of grace. delivered in fourteene sermons vpon Gen. 17. 1.2. Where vnto are adioyned foure sermons vpon Eccles. 9. By the late faithfull and worthie minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston. Dr. in Divinitie, chaplain
  • 1120325
    Book Info
    The nevv covenant, or The saints portion A treatise vnfolding the all-sufficiencie of God, mans vprightnes, and the covenant of grace. delivered in fourteene sermons vpon Gen. 17. 1.2. Wherevnto are adioyned foure sermons vpon Eccles. 9. By the late faithfull and worthie minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston. Dr. in Divinitie, chaplaine
  • 1120326
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    The obsequy of faire Phillida with the shepheards and nymphs lamentation for her losse. To a new court tune.
  • 1120327
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    The obsequy of faire Phillida with the shepheards and nymphs lamentation for her losse. To a new court tune.
  • 1120328
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    The originall of popish idolatrie, or The birth of heresies Published under the name of Causabon [sic], and called-in the same yeare, upon misinformation. But now upon better consideration reprinted with alowance. Being a true and exacte description of such sacred signes, sacrifices and sacraments as have bene instituted and ordained of God since A
  • 1120329
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    The palme of Christian fortitude. Or The glorious combats of Christians in Iaponia. Taken out of letters of the Society of Iesus from thence. Anno 1624
  • 1120330
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    The passions of the minde in generall in six bookes.
  • 1120331
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    The phoenix as it hath beene sundrie times acted, by the Children of Paules. And presented before his Maiestie.
  • 1120332
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    The picture a tragaecomaedie : as it was often presented with good allowance, at the Globe, and Blackefriers play-houses, by the Kings Maiesties seruants / written by Philip Massinger.
  • 1120333
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    The picture· A tragecomedie, as it was often presented with good allowance, at the Globe, and Blacke-Friers play-houses, by the Kings Maiesties seruants. Written by Philip Massinger.
  • 1120334
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    The pilgrime of Loreto Performing his vow made to the gloriovs Virgin Mary Mother of God. Conteyning diuers deuout meditations vpon the Christian and Cath. doctrine. By Fa. Louis Richeome of the Society of Iesus. Written in French, & translated into English by E.W.
  • 1120335
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    The planters plea· Or The grounds of plantations examined, and vsuall objections answered Together with a manifestation of the causes mooving such as have lately vndertaken a plantation in Nevv-England: for the satisfaction of those that question the lawfulnesse of the action.
  • 1120336
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    The pleasant history of Iohn VVinchcomb in his younger yeares called Iack of Newbery, the famous and worthy clothier of England; declaring his life and loue, together with his charitable deedes and great hospitality. And how he set continually fiue hundred poore people at worke, to the great benefite of the common-wealth. The eleuenth edition, corr
  • 1120337
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    The posing of the parts: Or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules Whereby all schollers may attaine most speedily to the perfect learning, full vnderstanding, and right vse thereof, for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue. Gathered purpos
  • 1120338
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    The posing of the parts: or, A most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answers, arising directly out of the words of the rules. Whereby all schollers may attaine most speedily to the perfect learning, full vnderstanding, and right vse thereof, for their happy proceeding in the Latine tongue. Gathered purposely for the benefit of schooles, and for the vse
  • 1120339
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    The practice of pietie Directing a Christian how to walke that he may please God. Amplified by the author.
  • 1120340
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    The practice of pietie directing a Christian howe to walke that hee may please God. / Amplified by the author.