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총 1,158,044건 중 1,120,341 - 1,120,360건 출력
  • 1120341
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    The practise of princes. Published by A. Ar
  • 1120342
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    The praise of Saint Dauids day Shewing the reason why the Welshman honour the leeke on that day. To the tune of When this old cap was new.
  • 1120343
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    The praise of Saint Dauids day. Shewing the reason why the Welshmen honour the leeke on that day. To the tune of When this old cap was new.
  • 1120344
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    The present estate of Spayne, or A true relation of some remarkable things touching the court, and gouernment of Spayne with a catalogue of all the nobility, with their reuenues. Composed by Iames Wadsworth, Gent. late pensioner to his Maiesty of Spayne, and nominated his captaine in Flanders.
  • 1120345
    Book Info
    The present estate of Spayne, or A true relation of some remarkable things touching the court, and gouernment of Spayne with a catalogue of all the nobility, with their reuenues. Composed by Iames Wadsworth, Gent. late pensioner to his Maiesty of Spayne, and nominated his captaine in Flanders.
  • 1120346
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    The principles, or, the patterne of wholesome words Containing a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be beleeued vnto saluation, separated out of the body of all theologie: made euident by infallible and plaine proofes of scriptures. And withall, the seueral vses such principles should be put to, are abundantly shewed. A proiect must b
  • 1120347
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    The progresse of saints to full holinesse described in sundry apostolicall aphorismes, or short precepts tending to sanctification, with a sweete and divine prayer to attaine the practise of those holy precepts / by Thomas Taylor ...
  • 1120348
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    The rape of Lucrece a true Roman tragedy : with the seuerall songs in their apt places, by Valerius the merrie lord amongst the Roman peeres / written by Thomas Heywood.
  • 1120349
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    The reasons for vvhich the most illustrious and most potent prince, and lord, Lord Gustavus Adolphus, King of the Svvethens, Gothes and Vandals, great Prince of Finland, Duke of Esthonia and Carelia, and Lord of Ingria, vvas at length forced to march vvith an army into Germany
  • 1120350
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    The renegado a tragaecomedie. As it hath beene often acted by the Queenes Maiesties seruants, at the priuate Play-house in Drurye-Lane. By Philip Massinger.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1120351
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    The reply of the most illustrious Cardinall of Perron, to the ansvveare of the most excellent King of Great Britaine the first tome. Translated into English
  • 1120352
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    The rich mans vvarning-peece A sermon, vpon occasion, formerly preached, and now published, by the author, Humfrey Sydenham, late fellow of Wadham Colledge in Oxford.
  • 1120353
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    The right way to heauen prayers and meditations of the faithfull soule with the spirituall morning sacrifice and consolations for the sicke.
    Du Moulin
  • 1120354
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    The rogue: or, The life of Guzman de Alfarache. VVritten in Spanish by Matheo Aleman, servant to his Catholike Majestie, and borne in Sevill
  • 1120355
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    The roote of Romish rites and ceremonies shevving that the Church of Rome hath borrowed most part of her ceremonies of the Iewes & ancient pagans, and that from this spring proceeded the Iubile. First written in French by M. Charles Drelincourt, Minister of Gods word in the Reformed Church of Paris; and now translated into English by M.T.
  • 1120356
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    The royall passing-bell: or, Dauids summons to the graue A sermon preached (lately) in the parish-church of Orchard-Portman in Sommerset. At the funerall of the most hopefull, and truely-noble, Sr. Hugh Portman, baronet; the great losse and sorrow both of his name and countrie. By Humphrey Sydenham, Master of Arts, late fellow of Wadham Colledge in
  • 1120357
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    The sacrifice of a contrite heart in teares, meditations, and prayers. Penned by Iohn Euans minister of Gods word.
  • 1120358
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    The saints daily exercise A treatise vnfolding the whole dutie of prayer. Delivered in fiue sermons vpon I Thess. 5.17. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, Dr. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiesty, Master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne.
  • 1120359
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    The saints solace: or, The condition, and consolation of the saints in the earth Deliuered in certaine sermons at Eatonbridge in Kent. By the minister there.
  • 1120360
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    The schoole of vertue, and booke of good nurture teaching children and youth their duties.