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총 1,158,044건 중 1,120,361 - 1,120,380건 출력
  • 1120361
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    The schysmatical puritan A sermon preached at Witney concerning the lawfulnesse of church-authority, for ordaining, and commanding of rites, and ceremonies, to beautifie the Church. By Giles Widdowes rector of St Martins church in Oxford.
  • 1120362
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    The scornefull ladie A comedie. As it was now lately acted (with great applause) by the Kings Majesties Seruants, at the Blacke-Fryers. Written by Fran: Beaumont, and Io: Fletcher, Gentlemen.
  • 1120363
    Book Info
    The second part of The honest whore with the humours of the patient man, the impatient wife: the honest whore, perswaded by strong arguments to turne curtizan againe: her braue refuting those arguments. And lastly, the comicall passages of an Italian bridewell, where the scaene ends. Written by Thomas Dekker.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1120364
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    The sinners supplication Confessing his sins, and humbly craving pardon of the Lord: he hateth the world, and desireth to inhabit in the heavenly Ierusalem: and the description thereof. To the tune of, Troy toune.
  • 1120365
    Book Info
    The sinners supplication Confessing his sins, and humbly craving pardon of the Lord: he hateth the world, and desireth to inhabit in the heavenly Ierusalem: and the description thereof. To the tune of, Troy toune.
  • 1120366
    Book Info
    The sinners supplication. Confessing his sins, and humbly craving pardon of the Lord: he hateth the world, and desireth to inhabit in the heavenly Ierusalem: and the description thereof. To the tune of, Troy toune.
  • 1120367
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    The societie of the saints: or, A treatise of good-fellowes, with their good-fellowship delivered in the lecture of Kettering in Northampton-shire, in foureteene sermons, with some additions. By Ioseph Bentham, Master in Arts, and preacher of Gods Word at Weekley in the same county.
  • 1120368
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    The soules harmony
  • 1120369
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    The summe of Christian religion shewing the vndoubted truth holy practice, and heauenly comfort therein contained. With certaine necessary prayers. By Samuel Browne, preacher of Gods Word, at S. Maries in Shrewsbury.
  • 1120370
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    The summe of all, (namely) Gods service, and mans salvation And a briefe of mans dutie to God concerning both: which is, seeking to serve God while hee lives, and to be saved, when hee dyes. By William Chibald, rector of S. Nc. Col. Abby in Old Fishstreete.
  • 1120371
    Book Info
    The summe of all, (namely) Gods service, and mans salvation And a briefe of mans dutie to God concerning both: which is, seeking to serve God while hee lives, and to be saved, when hee dyes. By William Chibald, rector of S. Nic. Col. Abby in Old Fishstreete.
  • 1120372
    Book Info
    The tincker of Turuey, his merry pastime in his passing from Billinsgate to Graues-end The barge being freighted with mirth, and mann'd with these persons Trotter the tincker. Yerker, a cobler. Thumper, a smith. Sr. Rowland a scholler. Bluster a sea-man. And other mad-merry fellowes, euery-one of them telling his tale ... The eight seuerall orders
  • 1120373
    Book Info
    The touch-stone of truth· Wherein veritie, by Scripture is plainely confirmed, and error confuted. That one of meane capacity by helpe of this booke, may bee able to argue with any papist and confute him by Scripture.
  • 1120374
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    The tragoedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice As it hath beene diuerse times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers, by his Maiesties Seruants. Written by VVilliam Shakespeare.
  • 1120375
    Book Info
    The treasurers almanacke, or The money-master wherein with necessary tables of interest, the lenders gaine, and borrowers losse, of in the 100. are easily composed and demonstrated for the longitude and latitude of all places whatsoeuer. 1630. Being most necessary and helpefull in coine, value, weight and measure of all things. And proper
  • 1120376
    Book Info
    The triall of the protestant priuate spirit VVherein their doctrine, making the sayd spirit the sole ground & meanes of their beliefe, is confuted. By authority of Holy Scripture. Testimonies of auncient fathers. Euidence of reason, drawne from the grounds of faith. Absurdity of consequences following vpon it, against all faith, religion, and reaso
  • 1120377
    Book Info
    The true friend, or A bill of exchange expressed in a sermon preached at White-hall: vpon Sonday the XIII. of December, anno Domini, 1629. By Iohn Dovvle, Doctor of Divinitie, and his Maiesties chaplaine.
  • 1120378
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    The true loves knot untied. Being the right path, whereby to advise princely virgins how to behave themselves, by the example of the renowned princess, the Lady Arabella, and the second son to the Lord Seymore, Late Earl of Hertford. The the tune of, Frogs Galliards..|Frogs galliards.
  • 1120379
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    The true mayde of the south: or, A rare example of a mayde dwelling at Rie in Sussex who for the loue of a young man of Lester-shire, went beyond sea in the habit of a page, and after, to their hearts content, were both marryed at Magrum in Germany, and now dwelling at Rye aforesaid. To the tune of, Come, come, my sweet and bonny one.
  • 1120380
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    The true travels, adventures, and observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from anno Domini 1593. to 1629 His accidents and sea-fights in the straights; his service and stratagems of warre in Hungaria, Transilvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia, against the Turks, and Tartars ... After how he was taken prisoner by the