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총 1,158,044건 중 1,120,441 - 1,120,460건 출력
  • 1120441
    Book Info
    Worke, more vvorke, and a little more worke for a mas[s]e-priest. With an epistle of an unknowne priest, remaining in London, sent to the authour, excepting against five points therein: and the authours answer. With a summe of the contents after the epistle..
  • 1120442
    Book Info
    Worke, more vvorke, and a little more worke for a masse-priest The third edition, reviewed and augmented by the authour. With an epistle of an unknowne priest, remaining in London, sent to the authour, excepting against five points therein: and the authours answer. With summe of the contents after the epistle.
  • 1120443
    Book Info
    Worshipfull, the cause of your repaire hither at this present, is to giue you knowledge, that you are elected by the gouernors of this hospital, & allowed by the Lord Maior & court of aldermen, to the office, charge, & gouernance of the hospital of Bridewel, & house of correction ...
  • 1120444
    Book Info
    Y Bibl cyssegr-lan sef yr Hen Destament a'r Newydd.|Bible. Welsh. 1630.
  • 1120445
    Book Info
    Y Bibl cyssegr-lan sef yr Hen Destament a'r Newydd|Bible. Welsh. 1630.
  • 1120446
    Book Info
    Yr ymarfer o dduwioldeb: yn cyfarwyddo dyn i ryngu bodd Duw: / yr hwn lyfr â ofodwyd allan yn saeson-aec o waith y gwir barchedig dâd Lewis escob Bangor, ac a gyfieithwyd yn gamber-aec o waith Row. Vaughan o gaergai o fîr feirion wr bonheddig..
  • 1120447
    Book Info
    [A rich storehouse or treasurie for the diseased] [Wherein are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue beene long hidden, and not come to light before this time. First set forth for the benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people, that are not of abilitie to goe to the physicions.] / [By G.W.].
  • 1120448
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    [Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesly]
  • 1120449
    Book Info
    [Jest, o]r, A Pretty iest of a bride and a bridegroome where the bridegroo[m] wa[s] most neately deceiued of his sweet- heart by a seruingman : to the tune of, Better late thriue then neuer.
  • 1120450
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks Seventh Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, c.1629-1630 - 29 Nov. 1631.]
  • 1120451
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks Seventh Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, c.1629-1630 - 29 Nov. 1631.]
  • 1120452
    Book Info
    [Newsbooks Seventh Series: Printed for Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne, c.1629-1630 - 29 Nov. 1631.]
  • 1120453
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    [The Holy bible]|Bible. English. Authorized. 1630
  • 1120454
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    [The soules harmony]
  • 1120455
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    [The] strait gate to heaven A sermon preached before the poore distressed prisoners in the Kings Bench common gaole, to their heauenly comfort. By William King preacher of the Word of God.
  • 1120456
    Book Info
    [This Was That Yeare Of Wonder] In, London Looke Backe, At That Yeare Of Yeares 1625. And Looke Forvvard, Vpon This Yeare, 1630
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1120457
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    A Batchelers resolution, or, Have among you now, widowes or maydes ... to the tune of The blazing torch.|Have among you now, widowes or maydes.|Blazing torch.
  • 1120458
    Book Info
    A Christian conference betvveene Christ and a sinner wherein is shewed the love of Christ towards mankinde, and the paines which he suffered upon the crosse for our sinnes together with the wickednesse of our corrupt natures toward him for the same To the tune of Goe to bed sweet heart.
  • 1120459
    Book Info
    A Christian conference betvveene Christ and a sinner, wherein is shewed the love of Christ towards mankinde, and the pains which he suffered upon the crosse for our sinnes together with the wickedness of our corrupt natures toward him for the same : To the tune of Goe to bed sweet heart.
  • 1120460
    Book Info
    A Christian memorandum, or advertisement wherein is handled the doctrine of reproofe What it is, how we must reproue, how necessary it is: with exhortations and arguments moving vs to the right performance of that duty, and reproofe for neglecting reproofe. By Richard Truman Mr of Arts and minister of Gods word at Dallington neere Northampton.