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총 1,158,044건 중 1,120,461 - 1,120,480건 출력
  • 1120461
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    A New ballad intituled, The old mans complaint against his wretched sonne, who to aduance his marriage, did vndoe himselfe to the tune of Dainty come thou to me.|Old mans complaint against his wretched sonne|Dainty come thou to me
  • 1120462
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    A True relation of this present siege of Shertoken-Busse or Boisleduc which was beleguered by the army of the States Generall, vnder the conduct of the Right Excellent the Prince of Orenge on the first of May, 1629 : the particulars of it receiued from a very good hand, who was present in the action, are these following : a description of the circumvallation which runnes roun
  • 1120463
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    A booke of cookerie and the order of meates to bee serued to the table, both for flesh and fish dayes With many excellent wayes for the dressing of all vsuall sortes of meates ... Likewise for making many precious waters, with diuers approued medicines for grieuous diseases. With certaine points of husbandry ...
  • 1120464
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    A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the Catholike faith professed therein delivered in a sermon before His Maiestie the 20th. of Iune 1624. at Wansted. By Iames Ussher, Bishop of Meath.
  • 1120465
    Book Info
    A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the Catholike faith professed therein delivered in a sermon before His Maiestie the 20th. of Iune 1624. at Wansted. By Iames Ussher, Bishop of Meath.
  • 1120466
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    A briefe exposition with notes, vpon the second epistle to the Thessalonians. By VVilliam Sclater Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of Pitmister, in Summerset
  • 1120467
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    A catechisme contayning a short exposition of the points in the ordinary catechisme, with proofes of the same out of the scripture. Set forth for the vse of such as desire to be catechised in the congregation of Wadson in Buckinghamshire, or else-where. By Henry Wilkinson, Bachelour in Diuinity.
  • 1120468
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    A catechisme in briefe questions and answeres containing such things as are to be knowne or had by all such as would partake the sacrament of the Lords Supper with comfort
  • 1120469
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    A challenge from Richard Grauener, gentleman and souldier, scholler to Thomas Musgrove, & seruant to Robert Battell, prouis masters of the noble sience [sic] of defence, against Thomas Blunne, shoo-maker, and scholler to Thomas Turpin, master of the noble science of defence this to be performed at the Red Bull in St. Iohnstreet, on Tuesday next, being the 20 of October, 1629, if God permit.
  • 1120470
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    A christal glasse for christian women Containing a most excellent discourse, of the Godly life and Christian death of Mistris Katherine Stubbes, who departed this life in Burton vpon Trent in Staffordshire, the 14. of December. With a most heauenly confession of the Christian faith which she made a little before her departure, as also a most wonder
  • 1120471
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    A collection of certaine promises out of the word of God Collected for the priuate vse, but published for the comfort of Gods people.
  • 1120472
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    A commentary or exposition vpon the first chapter of the prophecie of Amos Deliuered in xxi. sermons in the parish church of Meysey-Hampton in the diocesse of Glocester. By Sebastian Benefield ...
  • 1120473
    Book Info
    A commentary or exposition vpon the first chapter of the prophecie of Amos Deliuered in xxi. sermons in the parish church of Meysey-Hampton in the diocesse of Glocester. By Sebastian Benefield ...
  • 1120474
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    A commentary or exposition vpon the three first chapters of the prophecie of Amos. By Sebastian Benefield Doctor of Diuinitie
  • 1120475
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    A description of S'hertogenbosh: vvritten in the yeere 1540, by Simon Pelgrom of S'hertogenbosh, in his life time prior and prouinciall of the order of Guilhelmines. Together with the principall points and passages concerning the last siege. Also, a register from day to day, of that which hath happened, aswell without as within the towne, from the
  • 1120476
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    A description of loue With certaine epigrams. Elegies. and sonnets. And also Mast. Iohnsons answere to Master Withers. With the crie of Ludgate, and the song of the begger.
    Ben Jonson
  • 1120477
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    A discourse concerning the drayning of fennes and surrounded grounds in the sixe countreys of Norfolke, Suffolke, Cambridge with the Isle of Ely, Huntington, Northampton, and Lincolne
  • 1120478
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    A discourse of mans life Comparing him to things that quickly passe, as bubble, shuttle, blossome, streame, and grasse. To the tune of Ayme not too high.
  • 1120479
    Book Info
    A discourse of mans life Comparing him to things that quickly passe, as bubble, shuttle, blossome, streame, and grasse. To the tune of Ayme not too high.
  • 1120480
    Book Info
    A discourse of mans life. Comparing him to things that quickly passe, as bubble, shuttle, blossome, streame, and grasse. To the tune of Ayme not too high.