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총 1,158,044건 중 1,120,481 - 1,120,500건 출력
  • 1120481
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    A disputation of the Church wherein the old religion is maintained. V.M.C.F.E.
  • 1120482
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    A forme of catechising set downe by questions and answers. Wherein the principall grounds of Christian religion are deliuered. By Edward Elton, preacher of the word of God in the parish of St. Mary Magdalens in Barmondsey neere London. 1. principle. Concerning God. 2. principle. Concerning man, his creation, fall, and state of corruption. 3. princi
  • 1120483
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    A forme of prayer, necessary to bee vsed in these dangerous times of warre vvherein we are appointed to fast, according to His Maiesties proclamation; for the preseruation of His Maiestie, and his realmes, and all reformed churches.
  • 1120484
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    A forme of prayer, with thankesgiuing to bee vsed of all the Kings Maiesties louing subiects euery yeere the 27. of March. Being the day of His Highnesse entry to this kingdome. / Set foorth by authoritie.
  • 1120485
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    A fruitfull sermon, on 1 Cor. 15. 18, 19. VVritten by VVilliam Pemble of Magdalen Hall in Oxford
  • 1120486
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    A garden of spirituall flowers. Yeelding a sweet smelling fauour in the nostrils of each true hearted Christian. 2 Part.
  • 1120487
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    A generall bill for this present yeere ending the 17 of December 1629 according to the report made to the Kings Most Excellent Ma[ies]tie / by the Company of Parish Clearks of London, &c.
  • 1120488
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    A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons, parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Downame Batcheler in Diuinitie and minis
  • 1120489
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    A guide to grand-iury men diuided into two books: in the first, is the authors best aduice to them what to doe, before they bring in a billa vera in cases of witchcraft, with a Christian direction to such as are too much giuen vpon euery crosse to thinke themselues bewitched. In the second, is a treatise touching witches good and bad, how they may
  • 1120490
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    A helpe to discourse: or, A misselany of seriousnesse with merriment Consisting of witty philosophicall, grammaticall, and astronomicall questions and answers: as also, of epigrams, epitaphs, riddles, and iests: together with The countrey-mans counsellour, next his yearely oracle or prognostication to consult with: containing diuers necessary rules
  • 1120491
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    A iornall of certaine principall passages in and before the towne of S'hertogenbosh from the 18. of August till the 1. of September, at what time they fell to capitulation concerning the rendition of the towne. VVhereunto is added, a sermon made by the Bishop of S'hertogenbosh in S. Iohns Church, (before the towne was rendred) to appease the burger
  • 1120492
    Book Info
    A iornall of certaine principall passages in and before the towne of S'hertogenbosh from the 18. of August till the 1. of September, at what time they fell to capitulation concerning the rendition of the towne. VVhereunto is added, a sermon made by the Bishop of S'hertogenbosh in S. Iohns Church, (before the towne was rendred) to appease the burgers and inhabitants, which were in an vprore.
  • 1120493
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    A iust apologie for the gesture of kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper Against the manifold exceptions of all opposers in the Churches of England, and Scotland. Wherein this controversie is handled, fully. Soundly. Plainly. Methodically. By T.P.
  • 1120494
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    A iustification of a strange action of Nero; in burying with a solemne funerall, one of the cast hayres of his mistresse Poppaea. Also a iust reproofe of a Romane smell-feast, being the fifth satyre of Iuuenall. Translated by George Chapman
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1120495
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    A key to the key of Scripture: or An exposition with notes, vpon the epistle to the Romanes; the three first chapters begun at Walsall in Stafford-shire, continued at Pitmister in Somerset. By William Sclater, Doctour in Diuinitie, and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset.
  • 1120496
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    A louer forsaken, of his best beloued To an excellent new court tune.
  • 1120497
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    A louers desire for his best beloued: or, Come away, come away, and doe not stay To an excellent new court tune.
  • 1120498
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    A mad kinde of wooing. Or, a dialogue betweene Will the simple, and Nan the subtill with their louing agreement. To the tune of the new dance at the Red Bull Play-house.
  • 1120499
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    A mad kinde of wooing. Or, a dialogue betweene Will the simple, and Nan the subtill with their louing agreement. To the tune of the new dance at the Red Bull Play-house.
  • 1120500
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    A man in Christ, or A new creature To which is added a treatise, containing meditations from the creatures. By Thomas Taylor, Dr. in Diuinity.