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  • 1120521
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    A sermon preached at the consecration of the right Reverend Father in God Barnaby Potter DD. and L. Bishop of Carlisle, at Ely house in Holbourne March 15. 1628. By Christopher Potter D.D. provost of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. Hereunto is added an advertisement touching the history of the quarrels of Pope Paul 5 with the Venetians; penned in Itali
  • 1120522
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    A sermon preached at the publicke fast To the Commons house of Parliament. April. 5th. 1628. By Ier. Dyke minister of Gods Word, at Epping in Essex.
  • 1120523
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    A sermon preached in St. Pauls-Church in London, in the course of the Divinitie lecture there. Novemb. 28. 1628. By William Walker, Bachelour of divinitie, and pastor of Chesvvicke in Midlesex. And since published at the request of some of his hearers, and something enlarged with moe authorities
  • 1120524
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    A sermon preached to the nobely-deseruing gentleman, Sir Thomas Warner And the rest of his companie: bound to the West-Indies. For their farevvell: At St. Buttolphs, Aldersgate, London. Septemb. 6. 1629. By Iohn Featly, Preacher of the Word of God.
  • 1120525
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    A sermon, no lesse fruitfull, then famous Preached at Pauls Crosse, on the Sunday of Quinquagesima, by R. Wimbledon, in the reigne of K. Henry the fourth, in the yeere of our Lord God, 1388, and found out hidde in a wall. Which sermon is here set forth by the old coppy, without adding or diminishing, saue the old English heere and there amended.
  • 1120526
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    A sermon, or litle treatise, vpon the three last verses of the seaventeenth chapter of Deuteronomie Directed to the kings most excellent majestie. Compyled by Mr David Ramsay, preacher of Gods word at Cortoquhie.
  • 1120527
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    A short and svveete exposition vpon the first nine chapters of Zachary. By William Pemble
  • 1120528
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    A short treatise: contayning all the principall grounds of Christian religion By way of questions and answers, very profitable for all men, but especially for housholders.
  • 1120529
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    A speedie poste vvith certaine new letters, or, The first fruits of new conceits, neuer yet disclosed now published for the helpe of such as are desirous to learne to write letters / by I.W. gent.
  • 1120530
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    A spirituall posie for Zion. Or Two decades of observations, theologicall and philosophicall. By Archibald Symmer, preacher of Gods word at Great-Oakley in Northhampton-shire
  • 1120531
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    A thankesgiuing and prayer for the safe child-bearing of the Queenes Maiestie
  • 1120532
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    A thankesgiuing and prayer for the safe child-bearing of the Queenes Maiestie
  • 1120533
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    A theological epitome or Divine compend apparently manifesting Gods great love and mercie towards man: notwithstanding of mans perverse disposition, and continuall vnthankefulnesse towards his God. By Iohn Kennedie.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1120534
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    A treatise of artificial fire-vvorks both for vvarres and recreation with divers pleasant geometricall obseruations, fortifications, and arithmeticall examples. In fauour of mathematicall students. Newly written in French, and Englished by the authour Tho: [sic] Malthus.
  • 1120535
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    A treatise of faith VVherein is declared, how a man may liue by faith, and finde reliefe in all his necessities. Applyed especially vnto the vse of the weakest Christians. By Eziekel Culuerwell.
  • 1120536
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    A treatise of love. Written by Iohn Rogers, ministers of Gods word in Dedham in Essex
  • 1120537
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    A treatise of the divine essence and attributes. By Thomas Iackson Doctor in Divinitie, chaplaine to his Majestie in ordinary, and vicar of S. Nicolas Church in the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne. The first part
  • 1120538
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    A treatise of the hierarchie and diuers orders of the Church against the anarchie of Caluin. Composed by Matthevv Kellison, Doctour of Diuinitie, &c.
  • 1120539
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    A treatise of the sacrament of the confirmation wherein is shewed the necessary spirituall profit, and excellencie of this sacrament. Composed by W.R.
  • 1120540
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    A treatise of the three-fold state of man, or An anatomie of the soule Wherein is handled, 1 His created holinesse in his innocencie. 2 His sinfulnesse since the fall of Adam. 3 His renewed holinesse in his regeneration. By Tho: Morton.