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총 1,158,044건 중 1,120,541 - 1,120,560건 출력
  • 1120541
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    A true description of the lavves, iustice, and equity of a compter, the manner of sitting in counsell of the twelue eldest prisoners With a character of a iayle and iaylor, and the dispositions of such officers as liue in it: the nature of a constable: as also the abuses, offered by beadles and watchmen, that vnderstand not their office. And also a
  • 1120542
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    A true relation of Englands happinesse, vnder the raigne of Queene Elizabeth and the miserable estate of papists, vnder the Popes tyrany / by M.S.
  • 1120543
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    A vvell vvishing to a place of pleasure To an excellent new tune.
  • 1120544
    Book Info
    A vvell vvishing to a place of pleasure To an excellent new tune.
  • 1120545
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    A vvell vvishing to a place of pleasure. To an excellent new tune.
  • 1120546
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    A white sheete, or A warning for whoremongers A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Swithins by London-stone, the 19. of Iuly, anno Domi: 1629. the day appointed by honorable authoritie, for penance to be done, by an inhabitant there, for fornication, continued more then two yeares, with his maide-seruant. By Richard Cooke B: of D: and pars
  • 1120547
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    AEsopi phrygis fabulae iam recenter ex collatione optimorvm exemplarium emendatius excusae, cum nonnullis eiusdem & Poggij fabulis adiectis : et indice correctiori adiuncto.|Aesop's fables. Latin. 1629.
  • 1120548
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    Achitophel, or, The picture of a wicked politician Diuided into three parts.
  • 1120549
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    Allestree 1629 a new almanack and prognosti[cation for the yeere?] of our Lord God [1629] and from the creation 5591, being the first fro[m] leap-yeere ... / by Richard Allestree.
  • 1120550
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    An Excellent ballad of the mercers sonne of Midhurst, and the clothiers daughter of Guilford to the tune of Daintie come thou to me.|Daintie come thou to me
  • 1120551
    Book Info
    An abstract of a case in Chancerie, vvherein Sir Arnold Herbert Knight and others, are plantifes against Lawrence Lownes of London scriuener, and other defendants|Abstract of a case in Chancerie, wherein Sir Arnold Herbert Knight and others, are plantifes against Lawrence Lownes of London scriuener, and other defendants|Abstract of the case of Lawrence Lownes Esquire.
  • 1120552
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    An act for the setling and establishing of the manor of Sundrish, alias Sundridge, with the appurtenances in the countie of Kent, vpon Thomas Browker esquire and his heires, against a patent of concealement lately made an granted to George Fouch and Nicholas Streete and their heires.
  • 1120553
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    An ansvver to Pope Vrban his inurbanity, expressed in a breue sent to Lowis the French King, exasperating him against the Protestants in France. / VVritten in Latine by the Right Reverend Father in God, Ioseph Lord Bishop of Exeter. ; Translated into English by B.S.
  • 1120554
    Book Info
    An ansvver to Pope Vrban his inurbanity, expressed in a breue sent to Lowis the French King, exasperating him against the Protestants in France. VVritten in Latine by the Right Reverend Father in God, Ioseph Lord Bishop of Exeter. Translated into English by B.S.
  • 1120555
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    An appeal to the Parliament; or Sions plea against the prelacie The summe wheroff is delivered in a decade of positions. In the handling vvhereoff, the Lord Bishops, and their appurtenances are manifestlie proved, both by divine and humane lawes, to be intruders vpon the priviledges of Christ, of the King, and of the common-vveal: and therefore vpo
  • 1120556
    Book Info
    An appeal to the Parliament; or Sions plea against the prelacie The summe wheroff is delivered in a decade of positions. In the handling whereoff, the Lord Bishops, and their appurtenances are manifestlie proved, both by divine and humane lawes, to be intruders vpon the priviledges of Christ, of the King, and of the common-weal: and therefore vpon
  • 1120557
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    An appeale of the orthodox ministers of the Church of England against Richard Mountague late bishop of Chichester, now bishop of Norwich. To the most illustrious, high, and honourable court of Parliament. And to the nobilitie, orthodox clergie, gentry, and communaltie of England. With the proceedings against him in Bow-Church. And an epistle to B.
  • 1120558
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    An elegie vpon the most deplorable death of Prince Henry, eldest sonne to the king of Bohemia who vpon the 9th of Ianuary last passing to Harlem, most unfortunately perished / [by] R. Abbey.
  • 1120559
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    An introduction to the vvorthy receiuing the sacrament of the Lords Supper. By that late learned minister of Gods holy Word, William Pemble, of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. Published since his death by his friend
  • 1120560
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    Anno Domini 1629 articles to be inquired of by the churchwardens and inquisitors of euery parish in the lord primates visitation metropoliticall.|Articles to be inquired of by the churchwardens and inquisitors of euery parish in the lord primates visitation metropoliticall