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  • 1120581
    Book Info
    Bosvvorth-field with a taste of the variety of other poems, left by Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet, deceased: set forth by his sonne, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet; and dedicated to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.
  • 1120582
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1120583
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    Bosworth-Field: With a Taste of the Variety of Other Poems, Left By Sir John Beaumont, Baronet, Deceased: Set Forth By His Sonne, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet; and Dedicated to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 1120584
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    Bretnor, 1629 a new almanacke, and prognostication for the yeere of our redemption, 1629, being the first from bissextile, or leape yeare : rectified for the eleuation of the Pole Articke, and meridian of the famous citie of ... and may serue for the most parts of Great [Brittaine?] / by Ezechiell Bretnor, philomaticum.
  • 1120585
    Book Info
    Browne, 1629 a new almanacke, and prognostication, for the yeare [of our] Lord God 1629, being the first after leape-yeere : composed and properly referred to the longitude and latitude of the Pole Artick of that famous city of London, and may serue generally for the most part of Great-Britaine ... at London, longitude, 25. deg. latitude, 51-32 / b
  • 1120586
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    Butler 1629 A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1629. being the first after the leape yeare. Calculated for the meridian of the ancient sheire towne of Leicester where the pole articke is eleuated aboue the horizon 52. deg. 38. min. being neere the middle of the famous [...]. Composed and written according the the rul
  • 1120587
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    By the King a proclamation commanding the due execution of the lawes made for setting the poore on worke.|Proclamation commanding the due execution of the lawes made for setting the poore on worke
  • 1120588
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    By the King a proclamation concerning the making of starch, and auoiding the annoyances thereby.
  • 1120589
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    By the King a proclamation concerning the making of starch, and auoiding the annoyances thereby.|Proclamation concerning the making of starch
  • 1120590
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    By the King a proclamation for preuenting the decayes of churches and chappels for the times to come.
  • 1120591
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    By the King a proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish-dayes, appointed by the law, to be hereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people.
  • 1120592
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    By the King a proclamation for the better discouery and apprehension of those malefactors, who were actors in the late insolent riots and murders committed in Fleetstreet, London, vpon Friday, the tenth day of this instant moneth of Iuly.|Proclamation for the better discouery and apprehension of those malefactors, who were actors in the late insolent riots and murders committed in Fleetstreet, Lo
  • 1120593
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    By the King a proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the court, for their cure of the disease called the kings euill.
  • 1120594
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    By the King a proclamation for the speedy sending away of the Irish beggars out of this kingdome into their owne countrey, and for the suppressing and ordering of the English rogues and vagabonds, according to the lawes.|Proclamation for the speedy sending away of the Irish beggars out of this kingdome, into their owne countrey
  • 1120595
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    By the King a proclamation prohibiting the exportation of corne and graine.|Proclamation prohibiting the exportation of corne and graine
  • 1120596
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    By the King whereas seuerall troopes and companies of our subiects, English and Scottish souldiers, lately imployed in the seruice of the States Generall of the United Prouinces ... returne daily home ...|Whereas seuerall troopes and companies of our subiects, English and Scottish souldiers, lately imployed in the seruice of the States Generall of the United Prouinces ... returne daily home
  • 1120597
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    By the King whereas there hath fallen out an interruption of amitie betweene the Kings Maiestie and the most Christian king ...
  • 1120598
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    By the King, a proclamation for the apprehension of Walter Long esquire, and William Strode gentleman
  • 1120599
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    By the King. A proclamation about the dissoluing of the Parliament.
  • 1120600
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    By the King. A proclamation against selling of ships.