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  • 1120621
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    By the King. Whereas seuerall troopes and companies of our subiects, English and Scottish souldiers, lately imployed in the seruice of the States Generall of the Vnited Prouinces ...
  • 1120622
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    By the King. Whereas there hath fallen out an interruption of amitie, betweene the Kings Maiestie, and the most Christian King ...
  • 1120623
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    By the Kiug [sic] a second proclamation for the apprehension of Richard Smith, a popisg priest, stiled, and calling himselfe, the Bishop of Calcedon.
  • 1120624
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    By the Lord Deputie and Councell. Henry Falkland. : Whereas the Kings most excellent Maiestie, hath by his letters directed vnto Vs the Lord Deputie signified his princely pleasure, that calling to our assistance, such of the nobilitie & Councell as we should thinke fit, a speedie redresse & reformation should be made of diuers abuses and disorders concerning armes and armory in this His
  • 1120625
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    By the Lord Deputy and Councell. Henry Falkland. : Forasmuch as wee cannot but take notice that the late intermission of legall proceedings against popish pretended or titulary archbishops, bishops, abbots, deanes, vicars-generall, Jesuites, fryers, and others of that sorte that deriue theit [sic] pretended authoritie and orders from the See of Rome hath bred such an extraordinarie insolence and
  • 1120626
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    B· Gregorii Magni Episcopi Romani, De cura pastorali liber verè aureus accuratè emendatus, & restitutus è vet. mss. cum Romana editione collatis, ab eximijs aliquot Academiae Oxoniensis theologis. Editus à Ieremia Stephano Oxoniensi SS. Th. Baccalaureo.
  • 1120627
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    Carmina lugubria de infelici casu et praematuro obitu, ex naufragio 17/7 Ianuarij die anni hujus 1629, sub densissimae instar nubis nebula, vespertino crepusculo inter 4 et 5 horam, non procul ab Amstelredamo in fluvio Ya apud Batavos facto, illustrissimi ac optimae indolis, maximaeque spei Principis Friderici Henrici serenissimi Bohemorum Regis Fr
  • 1120628
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    Carolus R. Ordo sive series electionis procuratorum in singulis Coll Academiae Oxoniensis secundum vices infra scriptas per statuta serenissimi Regis Caroli &c. in domo convocationis ibidem stabilita et confirmata &c quotannis factiendae.
  • 1120629
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    Catechesis religionis Christianae quae traditur in ecclesijs & scholis Electoralis Palatinatus.|Heidelberger Katechismus. Latin
  • 1120630
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    Certaine miscellany vvorks of the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount S. Alban. Published by William Rawley ...
  • 1120631
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    Charles by the grace of God, King of great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith to our louittes ... for so meekle as wee hauing now after good aduice and deliberation pronounced and giuen foorth our royall ddcreete [sic] ...
  • 1120632
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    Christian obseruations and resolutions. Or The dayly practise of the renewed man turning all occurrents to spirituall vses, and the vses to his vnion with God. I. Centurie. VVith a resolution for death, &c. Newly published by Mr William Struther, preacher of the gospel at Edenburgh.
  • 1120633
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    Christian obseruations and resolutions. Or, the daylie practise of the renewed man turning all occurrents to spirituall vses, and these vses to his vnion with God. II. centurie. Newlie published by Mr William Struther, preacher of the Gospel at Edinburgh.
  • 1120634
    Book Info
    Christian observations and resolutions, or, The dayly practise of the renewed man, turning all occurrents to spirituall vses, and these vses to his vnion with God I. Centurie : with A resolution for death, &c.
  • 1120635
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    Christs confession and complaint concering his kingdom and seruants; conuincing Iewes of obstinacie, Romish Catholickes of conspiracie, seducers of sedition, Arminians of apostacie, and diuers others of coldnes, schisme, treachery & hypocrisie. By J.P.
  • 1120636
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    Clarke 1629 a new almanack for this present yeare, being the first after the bissextile or leap-yeare, and from the worlds creation 5599 : serving especially for 21 deg. of longit. 52 of latitude / by Eustace Clarke of Sandridge neare S. Albons.
  • 1120637
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    Clavis Graecae linguae, duabus partibus distincta quarum I. Vocabula Latino-Graeca: II. Graeco-Latina traduntur, & vna cum sententiis Graecis, Latinè explicatis, ita enodantur, ut radicibus primogeniis passim derivata adjungantur. Opusculum magna cura in vsum tyronum linguae Graecae confectum. Studio Eilhardi Lubini. Innumeris in locis adaucta, cor
  • 1120638
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    Considerations touching a vvarre vvith Spaine. VVriten by the Right Honourable Francis Lo. Verulam, Vi. St. Alban
  • 1120639
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    Consuetudo, vel, Lex mercatoria, or, The antient law-merchant diuided into three parts: according to the essentiall parts of traffique. Necessarie for all states-men, iudges, magistrates, temporall and ciuile lawyers, mint-men, merchants, mariners, and all others negotiating in all places of the world. / By Gerard Malynes ...|Lex mercatoria|Antient law-merchant
  • 1120640
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    Cupids messenger: or, A trusty friend stored with sundry sorts of serious, wittie, pleasant, amorous, and delightfull letters. Newly written