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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 3,201 - 3,220건 출력
  • 3201
    Book Info
    A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout that part of Great Britain called England, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, upon Wednesday the eighteenth day of December next, being the Day appointed by Proclamation for a General Fast and Humiliation before Almighty God, to be observed in most Devout and Solemn Manner, by sending up our Prayers and Supplicatio
    Church of England
  • 3202
    Book Info
    A full and particular account of a bloody battle, Fought between the English and French, in Flanders under the Command of his Royal Highness William Duke of Cumberland
  • 3203
    Book Info
    A full collection of all poems upon Charles, Prince of Wales, Regent of the Kingdoms of Scotland, Engand, France and Ireland, and Dominions thereunto belonging, Published since His Arrival in Edinburgh the 17th Day of September, till the 1st of November, 1745
  • 3204
    Book Info
    A full collection of all the proclamations and orders published by the authority of Charles Prince of Wales, ... since his arrival in Edinburgh the 17th day of September, till the 15th of October, 1745
    Charles Edward
  • 3205
    Book Info
    A full collection of all the proclamations and orders, published by the authority of Charles, Prince of Wales, ... since his arrival in Edinburgh, the 17th day of September, till the 15th of October, 1745
    Charles Edward
  • 3206
    Book Info
    Fables antient and modern; translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer: with original poems. By Mr. Dryden.
    Dryden, John
  • 3207
    Book Info
    False zeal and Christian zeal distinguish'd, or, the essentials of popery describ'd. A sermon preach'd in The Parish Churches of Thornton and Pickering, In Yorkshire. On Occasion of the present Rebellion. By J. S. Hill, M. A. Rector of Thoruton, and Chaplain to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York
    Hill, J. S
  • 3208
    Book Info
    Famiani Stradæ prolusiones academicæ
    Strada, Famiano
  • 3209
    Book Info
    Familiar letters to a gentleman, upon a variety of seasonable and important subjects in religion. By Jonathan Dickinson, A.M. Minister of the Gospel in Elizabeth-Town, New Jersey. [Ten lines of Scripture texts]
    Dickinson, Jonathan
  • 3210
    Book Info
    Fear God, and honour the King. A sermon preached at the church of Saint Margaret in Ipswich, on Sunday the 29th day of December, 1745. By ... Gibbon Jones, ...
    Jones, Gibbon
  • 3211
    Book Info
    Five pastoral eclogues: the scenes of which are suppos'd to lie among the shepherds, oppress'd by the war in Germany:
    Warton, Thomas
  • 3212
    Book Info
    Flanders delineated: or, a view of the Austrian and French Netherlands. ... To which is prefix'd, by way of introduction, a summary of the history of the low countries in general. By an officer of the allied army now in Flanders. And at the end is added, by another hand, a concise account of Bavaria, ... Illustrated with maps ...
  • 3213
    Book Info
    Flanders delineated: or, a view of the Austrian and French Netherlands. Containing A brief Description of all the strong Towns, Forts, Castles, &c. in those Provinces, with an Account of the remarkable Sieges they have sustain'd, and the Battles that have been fought in their Neighbourhood. To which is prefix'd, by way of introduction, a summary of the history of the low countries in general. By a
  • 3214
    Book Info
    Fly. An almanack, for the year of our Lord God, 1745. Being First after Bissextile, or Leap-Year Calculated for the meridian of King's-Lynn, Where the Pole Artick is elevated 52 deg. 35 min above the Horizon; And may very well serve for any Part of England
  • 3215
    Book Info
    Fontenoy, a new satiric ballad. To the tune of Bumpers 'squire Jones
  • 3216
    Book Info
    Forgery detected: by which is evinced how groundless are all the calumnies cast upon the editor, in a pamphlet published under the name of Arthur Dobbs, Esq.
    Middleton, Christopher
  • 3217
    Book Info
    Forms of prayer: composed on occasion of the present horrid and unnatural rebellion. Recommended to the use of all, who love their God, their King, and their country
  • 3218
    Book Info
    Forty five sermons on several subjects. In three volumes. By Andrew Snape, ... Prepared for the press by the author, and now first published from his original manuscripts, (except ten that were printed in his life-time.) By John Chapman, ... And William Berriman, ...
    Snape, Andrew
  • 3219
    Book Info
    Four letters taken from the General Evening Post, relating to the present rebellion. To which is subjoined, a fifth letter, from the Constitutional journal, on the same subject
    Gordon, Thomas
  • 3220
    Book Info
    Fragmenta regalia, ou caractére véritable de la reine Elizabeth et de ses favoris. ... Traduit de l'anglois de Robert Nauton [sic], ... par Jean le Pelletier
    Naunton, Robert