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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 3,221 - 3,240건 출력
  • 3221
    Book Info
    Free and Impartial Thoughts, on the Sovereignty of God, The Doctrines of Election, Reprobation, and Original Sin: Humbly Addressed To all who Believe and Profess those Doctrines.
    Finch, Richard
  • 3222
    Book Info
    Free and impartial thoughts, on the sovereignty of God, the doctrines of election, reprobation, and original sin: humbly addressed to all who believe and profess those doctrines.
    Finch, Richard
  • 3223
    Book Info
    Friendship and love. A dialogue. Addressed to a Young Lady. To which is added, a song By Mr. Akinside, Author of The Pleasures of Imagination
  • 3224
    Book Info
    The Female Spectator Volumes 1, Books 1-6, 1744
    Eliza Haywood
  • 3225
    Book Info
    The fables of Phædrus, translated into English prose, As near the Original as the different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages will allow. With the Latin text and Order of Construction in the opposite Page; and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical notes in English. For the use of schools, as well as of private gentlemen,
  • 3226
    Book Info
    The fair Circassian, a dramatic performance. Done from the original by a gentleman-commoner of Oxford. To which are added several occasional poems. By the same author
    Croxall, Samuel
  • 3227
    Book Info
    The fair moralist. Or, love and virtue. By a gentlewoman. To which is added, several occasional poems, by the same
    McCarthy, Charlotte
  • 3228
    Book Info
    The family New Year's gift: or, a present for a Son or a Daughter; consisting of discourses on the duties of parents to children, husbands to wives, masters to servants; and Children to Parents, Wives to Husbands, Servants to Masters. With Prayers proper for Each Discourse. By an eminent divine lately deceased
    Eminent divine lately deceased
  • 3229
    Book Info
    The farmer's letter to the protestants of Ireland. Number I
    Brooke, Henry
  • 3230
    Book Info
    The fatal effects of the present rebellion exemplify'd in a true but melancholy account of the life and death of Mr. Sydenham, (son of the late Mr. Sydenham, Merchant in Bristol) whose untimely End was occasioned by the Arbitrary and cruel Treatment which he received from the Rebels, in their March from Manchester to Derby: Together with Some other authentic Instances of what the Country has suffe
    L-r-nce, J-n
  • 3231
    Book Info
    The fate of an Hibernian muse, a true tale. In an Epistle to R---N---Esq; with a postscript, Occasioned by the Arrival of his Excellency Philip Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
  • 3232
    Book Info
    The favour'd moment: being a collection of hymns and poems, I. Sacred to Deity. II. To piety and virtue
    Morris, Peleg
  • 3233
    Book Info
    The female monarchy: or, the natural history of bees, Those Admirable, Instructive, and Useful Insects. with a new, easy, and effectual method to preserve them, not only in Colonies, but common Hives, from that cruel Death, to which their Ignorant, Injurious, and most Ingrateful Owners so commonly condemn them. A Secret unknown to past Ages: And now Publish'd for the Benefit of Mankind. Written up
  • 3234
    Book Info
    The fifth ode of the first book of Horace imitated
  • 3235
    Book Info
    The first satire of the second book of Horace, imitated
  • 3236
    Book Info
    The folly and danger of the present associations demonstrated: With some Proposals for rendring that Zeal for Liberty, which appears in all Ranks of People, of Real Use and Advantage to the Public. Humbly inscribed to the Members of the several Associations. By a Citizen of Westminster
    Citizen of Westminster
  • 3237
    Book Info
    The former and present state of two fellowships in Clare-Hall, founded by John Freeman, of Billing, in Northamptonshire, Esq; Anno 1622, And next after his kindred and Blood appropriated when vacant to those born in the Two Counties of Northampton and Lincoln. With two letters from the master, and one from his locum tenens. Publish'd for the Benefit of, and in an Humble Application to, the Two Cou
    Mapletoft, John
  • 3238
    Book Info
    The fortunate orphan: or, memoirs of the Countess of Marlou. Who, thro' a long Series of uncommon Incidents and Adventures, was, at length, providentially conducted to the Honourable Condition she was entitled to by her most mysterious Birth. Penn'd by herself; and revis'd by the Chevalier de Mouhy, Author of that Celebrated Piece, the Fortunate Country Maid
  • 3239
    Book Info
    The frauds and abuses of the coal-dealers detected and exposed; in a letter to an alderman of London.
  • 3240
    Book Info
    The free Briton's answer to the Pretender's declaration. Supposed to be wrote by His Grace the Lord A---b---sh---p of Y--ke
    Gordon, Thomas