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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 3,361 - 3,380건 출력
  • 3361
    Book Info
    A form of prayer with thanksgiving to almighty God; to be used in all churches and chapels within this realm, every year, upon the first day of August: being the day on which His Majesty began His happy reign. By His Majesties Special Command
  • 3362
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    A friendly epistle by way of reproof from one of the people called Quakers, to Thomas Bradbury, a dealer in many words
  • 3363
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    A full and impartial account of the Oxford-Riots. Containing I. The Behaviour of the Constitution-Club, with a compleat List of the Rioters cited before the Vice-Chancellor, and the Proceedings against them. II. An Order against Riots, and Tumults, drawn up by Bishop Smalridge. III. An Order for the strict Observation of the First of August, the Day of His Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne.
  • 3364
    Book Info
    A full and particular account of that sad and deplorable fire, Which happen'd on Thursday the 13th of January, 1715/14, about 6 a Clock, at Bear-Key, between the Custom-House and Billingsgate, with a True and Exact List of all the Persons who were Kill'd and Wounded, as also their Names and Places of Abode; Likewise the Number of Houses which were Burnt, Blown up and Damag'd
  • 3365
    Book Info
    A full and true account of the whole tryal, examination, and conviction of Dr. James Newton, who keeps the mad house at Islinstton [sic], for violently keeping and misusing of William Rogers, ... by his wife's orders ...
  • 3366
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    A funeral sermon preachd to a congregation of Protestant dissenters, upon the sad occasion of the death of the late Bishop of Sarum
  • 3367
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    Fables and stories moralized. Being a second part of the Fables of Æsop, and other eminent mythologists, &c. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt. Vol.II
  • 3368
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    Farther reasons humbly offer'd for passing the Fish Bill
  • 3369
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    February the 3d. 1714/15. Gentlemen of the South-Sea Company, I admire that you can't be contented and give God thanks for peace, but that your spight should be so great to your brethren that you would fling them out of all government because they would have trade with France ...
  • 3370
    Book Info
    Fifty reasons or motives, why the Roman Catholick apostolick religion ought to be preferr'd to all the sects this day in Christendom, and which induced his Most Serene Highness Anthony Ulrick, Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg, &c. to abjure Lutheranism. To which are added, three valuable papers
  • 3371
    Book Info
    Fifty reasons or motives, why the Roman Catholick apostolick religion ought to be preferr'd to all the sects this day in Christendom, and which induced his most Serene Highness Anthony Ulrick Duke of Brunswick and Lunenburg, &c. to abjure Lutheranism. To which are added, three valuable papers
  • 3372
    Book Info
    Fires improv'd: being a new method of building chimneys, so as to prevent their smoaking: in which A Small Fire, shall warm a Room better than a much Larger made the Common Way. With the manner of altering such Chimneys as are already Built, so that they shall perform the same Effects. Illustrated with Cuts. Written in French, by Monsieur Gauger: made English and improved, by J. T. Desaguliers, M.
  • 3373
    Book Info
    For the further improvement of dancing A treatise of chorography, or the art of dancing country dances after a new character ... translated from the French of Monr: Feuillet, and improv'd ... engrav'd on copper plates. With a collection of country dances, ... compos'd and writt in characters by John Essex
  • 3374
    Book Info
    Forms of prayer, proper to be used before, at, and after the receiving of the Holy Sacrament, some of which may be fitly made use of upon other occasions
  • 3375
    Book Info
    Fortune not blind: a serenade to be represented on the birth-day of his most serene Majesty George, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, &c. at the Castle of Dublin, the 28th of May, 1715. By their excellencies the Lords Justices special command. Set by Mr. John Sigismond Cousser, ...
  • 3376
    Book Info
    Four appendixes to the book entitled The true church of Christ, &c. I. Of images and relicks. II. Of prayers for the dead and purgatory. III. Of the celibacy of priests, communion in one kind, and the liturgy in Latin. IV. Of Mr. L'E unanswerables. With a large index to the third part of the book abovemention'd
  • 3377
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    Four hudibrastick canto's, being poems on four the greatest heroes that liv'd in any age since Nero's, Don Juan Howlet, Hudibras, Dicko-ba-Nes and Bonniface
  • 3378
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    Four select plays. Viz. The silent woman. Volpone, or the fox. Cataline's conspiracy. The alchemist. By Ben. Johnson. To which is added, Timon of Athens, OR, The Man-Hater. By Mr. Shadwell
  • 3379
    Book Info
    Four sermons upon most important topicks; or, Catechistical Lectures: concerning I. The Necessity of Water-Baptism to Salvation, with the Requisites to the Valid Administration of it. II. The Conditions of our Baptismal Covenant on God's Part. III. The Conditions of the Baptismal Covenant on Man's Part. IV. The Lawfulness, Expediency, and Necessity of Infant-Baptism. By a Presbyter of the Church o
  • 3380
    Book Info
    Frank Scammony: or, the restoring clergy detected, in their names, haunts, plots, heresies, and lewd conversation, in a sermon, Upon these Words, Her Priests have violated my Law-And I am profaned among them, Ezek. 22. 26. Occasion'd By a certain B-p's swearing, We'll have the Pretender by G-d. To which is added, The Pulpit Trumpeter; or the Substance of all The Treasonable Sermons that have been