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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 3,421 - 3,440건 출력
  • 3421
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    Farther additions to The history and antiquities of the county of Rutland. By the same author
  • 3422
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    Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions. By Richard Duke, M. A. late Prebendary of Gloucester, Rector of Witney in Oxfordshire, and Chaplain in Ordinary to her Majesty. Publish'd from the Author's Original Copies, and never before printed
  • 3423
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    Fishery, a poem: or, a letter to C. L. Esq;
  • 3424
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    Five letters; viz. I. From her Royal Highness the late Princess Sophia, Electress Dutchess Dowager of Brunswick and Lunenburgh, to his Grace Thomas Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. II. From Sir Rowland Gwynne at Hanover, to the Right Honourable the Earl of Stamford. III. From the Queen to the late Princess Sophia of Brunswick and Lunenburgh. IV. From the Queen to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambr
  • 3425
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    Five love-letters from a nun to a chevalier, with the cavalier's answers. To which is annex'd, The art of love, a poem, in two books, dedicated to the ladies by Mr. Charles Hopkins
  • 3426
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    For the year 1714, a catalogue of books, sold by Edmund Curll, at his shop at Tunbridge-Wells; and at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, London
  • 3427
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    Four offices of prayer and devotion. Answering four the most important occasions of a Christian life. I. An Office of Preparation for Death, to be us'd often in the Days of Health. II. A Penitential Office for Times of Humiliation and Confession, more especially for Fasting-Days. III. An Office Commemorative of our Blessed Saviour's Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, &c. for the Redemption of the Wo
  • 3428
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    Fragments. Taken out of a manuscript, pen'd by T. L. In the 80th. year of his age. 1714
  • 3429
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    Free thoughts concerning government
  • 3430
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    Friendly advice: or, a circumcising knife to cut off that superfluous branch, the affirmation; because the old subtil serpent I think, is very plainly proved to be the author of it. Also a few words, shewing that our carnal warriors, who have been Fighting for the World, both by Tongue and Pen, (as appears by their Contentions and Controversie-Books) are not like Christ and his followers
  • 3431
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    Funds no grievance: or, the sanction of Parliamentary Security asserted. Shewing, by unquestionable instances and arguments, that the enemies to the funds are enemies to the constitution
  • 3432
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    The false alarm: or, remarks upon Mr. Steele's crisis. Being a defence of the true constitution, and succession to the crown of England: and the case of the revolution fully considered
  • 3433
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    The false steps of the ministry after the Revolution: shewing, that the lenity and moderation of that government was the occasion of all the factions which have since endanger'd the constitution. with Some Reflections on the License of the Pulpit and Press. In a letter to my Lord ----
  • 3434
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    The false steps of the ministry after the Revolution: shewing, that the lenity and moderation of that government, was the occasion of all the factions which have since endanger'd the constitution. ... In a leter [sic] to my Lord ----
  • 3435
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    The fan. A poem. In three books. By Mr. Gay
  • 3436
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    The fears of the nation quieted; in a letter to a Whig-Gentleman
  • 3437
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    The female orators: or, the courage and constancy of divers famous queens, and illustrious women, set forth in their eloquent orations, and noble resolutions: worthy the perusal and imitation of the female sex. English'd from the French edition of Monsieur de Scudery
  • 3438
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    The fifth ode of the fourth book of Horace imitated: and inscrib'd to the King
  • 3439
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    The final destruction of the great destroyer: or, death made easy by Christ's personal and general conquest over it. Discours'd in a funeral sermon on the much lamented death of Robert Baker, Esq; who departed this life ... Nov. 29. 1713. ... By Samuel Bury, V.D.M.
  • 3440
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    The first ode of the second book of Horace paraphras'd: and address'd to Richard St--le, Esq;