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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 3,461 - 3,480건 출력
  • 3461
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    A funeral sermon upon the death of Mr. Thomas Clissold, who departed this life, May 24. 1713. in the 31st year of his age. By Thomas Reynolds
  • 3462
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    A funeral sermon upon the death of Mrs. Eleanor Murden, who departed this life, May 31. 1713. Preach'd June 7. being Sacrament-Day, and apply'd also to that Solemnity. By Thomas Reynolds
  • 3463
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    Fact against scandal: or, a collection of testimonials, affidavits, and other authentick proofs, in vindication of Mr. Richard Jenings carpenter, Langley Bradley clock-maker, and Richard Phelps bell-founder: to be referr'd to in an answer which will speedily be publish'd t a late false and malicious libel, entituled; Frauds and abuses at St. Paul's. To which is added, An Appendix relating to Mr. J
  • 3464
    Book Info
    Faith and reason compared; shewing that divine faith and natural reason proceed from two different and distinct principles in man. Against the notions and errors of the modern rationalists. Written originally in Latin by a person of quality; in answer to certain theses (drawn from Mr. Lock's principles) concerning faith and reason. With a new preface concerning Reason, Philosophy, Morality and Rel
  • 3465
    Book Info
    Family religion, a principal support of the Church of England and the neglect thereof, how far, the inevitable ruin, not only of private families, but of Church and state. In a Practical Discourse Upon Jer. X. 25. Wherein that Duty is fully Considerd Together with Directions thereto, In the Use of the Book of Common-Prayer, and other Excellent Helps. By John Giffard, M. A. Rector of Mainston, in S
  • 3466
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    Free thoughts upon the discourse of free-thinking
  • 3467
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    Funeral sermon upon Mr. Noble. By a neighbouring minister
  • 3468
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    The Female Advocates: Or, the Frantick Stock-Jobber
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 3469
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    The French pedlar. Being an excellent new song to an excellent old tune
  • 3470
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    The fair Quakers: a poem
  • 3471
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    The fall of Tarquin. A tragedy. By W. H. Gent
  • 3472
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    The fall of Tarquin: or, the distressd lovers. A tragedy. As it was acted by His Grace the Duke of Norfolk's servants. At Merchant Taylors Hall in York. Written by a gentleman of York
  • 3473
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    The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. Part I. Containing his Triumphant Battles fought against the Persians, his Love to the Beautiful Laurana, the great Dangers he passed in the Island of Rocks, and his strange Adventures in the Desolate Island. Part II. Containing the Adventurous Travels, and Noble Chivalry of Parismenos, the Kni
  • 3474
    Book Info
    The favour and blessing of God in the appointment, and the people's happiness under the government, of a wise and vertuous prince. A sermon preach'd before the mayor, and corporation of Oxford, ... on ... March the 8th, 1713. ... By William Tilly, ...
  • 3475
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    A fable of the widow and her cat
  • 3476
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    A fair view of our present case: or, just and natural reflections on the arguments for making peace, or continuing the war. ...
  • 3477
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    A family catechism, full, plain, and practical, fitted to the meanest capacity, with pertinent Citations of Scripture, annexed to every Question. A Morning and Evening Prayer, with a Grace before and after Meat, which by using the Singular or Plural Number, may serve for single Persons or Families. A Morning and Evening Hymn. To which is prefix'd, an exhortation to parents and masters of families;
  • 3478
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    A farewel-Sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. Magnus, near London-Bridge, April 27, 1712. By John Swynfen, B. D. And late Lecturer at that Church
  • 3479
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    A farther case relating to the poor keel-men of Newcastle
  • 3480
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    A farther search into the conduct of the allies, and the late ministry, as to peace and war. Containing also a reply to the several letters and memorials of the States-General. With a Vindication of the British Parliament in their late Resolves and Address relating to the Deficiencies of the Dutch