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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 3,481 - 3,500건 출력
  • 3481
    Book Info
    A few orthodox remarks upon a late preface, publish'd before some occasional sermons, preach'd by the L-- B-- of St. Asaph
  • 3482
    Book Info
    A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England, and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed: on Wednesday the sixteenth day of January next, being the Day appointed by Her Majesty for a General Fast and Humiliation, to be Observed in a most Solemn and Devout manner; for obtaining the pardon of our sins, and averting those heavy judgments which they have most justly d
  • 3483
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    A full and impartial account of the discovery of sorcery and witchcraft, practis'd by Jane Wenham of Walkerne in Hertfordshire, upon the Bodies of Anne Thorn, Anne Street, &c. The Proceedings against Her from Her being first Apprehended, till She was Committed to Gaol by Sir Henry Chauncy. Also her Tryal at the Assizes at Hertford before Mr. Justice Powell, where she was found Guilty of Felony and
  • 3484
    Book Info
    A full and impartial account of the discovery of sorcery and witchcraft, practis'd by Jane Wenham of Walkerne in Hertfordshire, upon the Bodies of Anne Thorn, Anne Street, &c. The Proceedings against Her from Her being first Apprehended, till She was Committed to Gaol by Sir Henry Chavncy. Also her Tryal at these Assizes at Hertford before Mr. Justice Powell, where she was found Guilty of Felony a
  • 3485
    Book Info
    A full and impartial account of the tryal of the Reverend Mr. Francis Higgins, Prebendary of Christ-Church in Dublin; Before His Grace the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland, &c. Occasion'd by a presentment of the Grand-Jury of the County of Dublin
  • 3486
    Book Info
    A full answer for Mr. George Barclay ... To a scurrilous pamphlet published against him, in vindication of the Bishop of Edinburgh, and the other administrators of the money collected; for the releif [sic] of the distressed Episcopal clergy in Scotland. ...
  • 3487
    Book Info
    A full answer to The conduct of the allies: to which is added, some observations on the Remarks on the Barrier Treaty. By the same author
  • 3488
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    A full answer to all the objections to the bill for establishing the trade to Africa, in a regulated company
  • 3489
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    A full answer to the arguments of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Edwards, for the opinion of St. Austin concerning the imputation of the first sin of Adam, for guilt to all his posterity; Proving That Doctrine to be contrary, I. To the Common Principles of Mankind. II. To the clear Evidence of Reason. III. To the Scriptures expounded by the Holy Fathers. IV. To the Sentiments of most of the Ancients be
  • 3490
    Book Info
    A full confutation of witchcraft: more particularly of the depositions against Jane Wenham, lately condemned for a witch; at Hertford. In which The Modern Notions of Witches are overthrown, and the Ill Consequences of such Doctrines are exposed by Arguments; proving that, Witchcraft is Priestcraft. In a letter from a physician in Hertfordshire, to his friend in London
  • 3491
    Book Info
    A full vindication of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Edinburgh and the other administrators of the charities there, from the calumnies and the False and Scandalous Assertions and Insinuations of Mr. George Barclay in his defamatory libel, publish'd in the Flying-Post, no.3181. With an Inhuman as well as Unchristian Design, to hinder the Charity of Good Christians, towards the Relief of the
  • 3492
    Book Info
    A funeral poem upon the much lamented death of Lieutenant-General Wood, who departed this life at his house at Kensington the 17th of May, 1712. Humbly Address'd to Her Majesty. Written by a female. A. H.
  • 3493
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    A funeral sermon on occasion of the death of Mrs. Ann Troward; who departed this life, the 20th of February, 1711/12. in the 60th year of her age. By Samuel Harris
  • 3494
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    A funeral sermon on the decease of Mrs. Johanna Brooks, late of Wantage, who died June the fourth, 1712. By William Jones
  • 3495
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    A funeral sermon preach'd upon the death of Samuel Wright of Daventry, gent. who deceased August 22. 1711. at the Devizes. By John Filkes
  • 3496
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    A further search into the conduct of the allies, and the late ministry, as to peace and war. Containing also a reply to the several letters and memorials of the States-General. With a Vindication of the British Parliament in their late Resolves and Address relating to the Deficiencies of the Dutch
  • 3497
    Book Info
    Fair warnings to a careless world, or, the serious practice of religion recommended by the admonitions of dying men, And The Sentiments of all People in their most serious Hours: And other Testimonies of an extraordinary Nature. By Josiah Woodward, D.D. To which is added, serious advice to a sick person by Archbishop Tillotson. As also A prospect of death: a pindarique essay. With suitable Cuts. R
  • 3498
    Book Info
    Familiares colloquendi formulæ, in usum scholarum concinnatæ; ... Partim collectæ, partim compositæ. Editio decima nona, correctior & castigatior, & aliqua parte auctior. ...
  • 3499
    Book Info
    Fifty and two directions, written by that famous, and eminently faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Welch, ... Whereunto is annexed now, a friendly advice, &c. ... proving the unlawfulness of prelacy, ... By the same author,
  • 3500
    Book Info
    Five plays written by Mr. Congreve. Viz. The old batchelor. The mourning bride. Love for love. Double dealer. Way of the world