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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 3,521 - 3,540건 출력
  • 3521
    Book Info
    A fond husband: or, The Plotting Sisters. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Druyy-Lane [sic]. Written by Tho. Durfey, gent.
  • 3522
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    A full and true account of a horrid and barbarous murder committed last night by one Mr. King and Mr. Smith, two Kentish gentlemen, on the body of Richard Thornhill, esq; the quarrel ... about Sir Cholmly Deering, ...
  • 3523
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    A full answer to the depositions, and to all other the pretences and arguments whatsoever, concerning the birth of the pretended Prince of Wales. The intrigue thereof detected. The whole Design being set forth, with the Way and Manner of doing it. Whereunto is annex'd, a map, or survey engraven on copper, of St. James's Palace, and the Convent there: Describing the Place wherein it is suppos'd the
  • 3524
    Book Info
    A full view of the Bishop of Salisbury's principles; for the year, MDCCX
  • 3525
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    A funeral sermon for Mr. Nathaniel Collier, who died, October 23. 1711. Preach'd by Samuel Mather
  • 3526
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    A funeral sermon on the death of John Cotton of Rattlesden, in the county of Suffolk; who departed this life, Novemb. 16. 1710. Son to Mr. Cotton, sometime Minister at Drenkstone, in the same County: And Grandson to Mr. Cleaver, who formerly wrote on the Commandments. By J. B. of Bury in Suffolk
  • 3527
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    A funeral sermon preached on the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Bankes: who departed this life, the 11th. of September, 1711. By Thomas Ridgley
  • 3528
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    A funeral sermon, on occasion of the death of Mrs. Katherine Penny. Preach'd at Bradford in the county of Wilts, Febr. the 18th, an. Dom. 1710/11. By Thomas Barker
  • 3529
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    A funeral sermon, upon the sudden and much lamented death of Dr. Francis Upton; who died September 4th, 1711. Preached at Black-Fryars. By Samuel Wright
  • 3530
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    Faith and obedience: or, a letter to Mr. Hoadley, Occasioned by his Doctrin of Resistance, and dispute with the Bishop of Exeter
  • 3531
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    Fanatical moderation: or, unparalell'd villany display'd. Being a faithful narrative of the barbarous murther committed upon the most Reverend father in God, Dr. James Sharpe, Lord Archishop of St. Andrews, by the Scotch Presbyterians, May the 3d 1679. With the account at large, of an attempt upon his life anno 1668. by one Mitchel a Presbyterian Minister, for which he was Hang'd, Anno 1674. Inter
  • 3532
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    Forty one in miniature: an elegiack poem. Inscrib'd to the honourable Matthew Prior, esq;
  • 3533
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 3534
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    The famous history of the valiant London prentice
  • 3535
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    The father's legacy to his children. By S.G. Gent.
  • 3536
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    The fifteen plagues of a lawyer, a quack doctor, a recruiting captain, A Fleetstreet Madam, A Pawn Broker, A Tally Man, A Bailiff, An Excise-Man, A Userer, A Wapping Crimp, A Purser and Steward of a Ship, A Baker, A Meal-Man, A Corn-Chandler, An Apothecary, A Car-Man, A Water-man, An Ale-House-Keepers A Vintner, A Taylor, A Perriwig-Maker, A Mantua-Maker, A Stock-Jobber, An Exchange Broker, A Coff
  • 3537
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    The fifth and last part of Modern reports: being a continuation of several special cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Queen's Bench, ... Collected by the same hand as the former parts
  • 3538
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    The following address, and particular instances as to the duties demanded on prize goods brought into Jamaica, were sent from that island ... in March 1709/10: ... To the Queen's most excellent Majesty. The humble address of the Governor, Council and Assembly of Jamaica
  • 3539
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    The form of proceeding in the choice and coronation of an Emperor of Germany, extracted from the Golden Bull of Pope Gregory. To which is added the Elector of Mentz's proclamation at Frankfort, in order to the present Election, translated from a French Copy, transmitted by Mr. Davenant. And other Particulars relating to the present Election
  • 3540
    Book Info
    The form of process, before the Lords of Council and Session, observed in advocations, ordinary actions, suspensions. Shewing also, the manner of making Protestations for Remedy in Law, and how Summons thereon was brought before the Parliament of Scotland; and the way how since the Union, such Process is laid before the House of Peers. With The Form of Process before the Lords of Session, as Commi