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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 3,541 - 3,560건 출력
  • 3541
    Book Info
    The fourth volume of the works of Mr. Thomas Brown, Which Compleats the Whole Sett. Containing a Collection of his Miscellanies, Poems, Letters, Dialogues, Lyconics, Maxims of State and Conversation, Fables, Tracts on several Subjects, Either Mss. or privately printed and handed about to the Quality in former Reigns. Together with His Translation of Horace, Martial's Epigrams, and a Criticism on t
  • 3542
    Book Info
    The friendly conference, or, a discourse between the country man and his nephew, who having fallen off from hearing, hath for some years been a follower of Mr. M'millan. Wherein his Objections against the Church and State being Proposed, are Answered; The Conduct of the Church in the Matter of the Union: And in several other Publick Affairs, is Fairly Hirred, and Vindicated. The Manifold Differenc
  • 3543
    Book Info
    The full tryal, Examination and Condemnation, of the pyrates Who were Try'd this Day, being the 17th Instant, at the Marshalsea Prison in Southwark
  • 3544
    Book Info
    The funeral sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, mother to King Henry Vii. and foundress of Christ's and St John's College in Cambridge, With A Preface containing some farther Account of her Charities and Foundations, Together with A Catalogue of her Professors both at Cambridge and Oxford, And of her Preachers at Cambridge
  • 3545
    Book Info
    A faithful warning, to all those who profess the light of Christ to be their guide; and yet walk contrary to it. By George Bowles
  • 3546
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    A farewel to passive-obedience and non-resistance
  • 3547
    Book Info
    A farther warning of Popery, and of the second dreadful wo [sic] that are now certainly at hand: and of the third dreadful wo, which cometh soon after them; ... Written by Digby Bull, ...
  • 3548
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on Tuesday the seventh day of November next, throughout England, Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed: for the great goodness and mercy of almighty God, in continuing to us his protection and assistance in the just and necessar war in which we are engaged, for the Safety of Our Realms, and of the Liberties of Europe; by giving to Our Arms, in Conjunct
  • 3549
    Book Info
    A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England, and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed: on Wednesday the fifteenth day of March, being the Day appointed by Her Majesty for a General Fast and Humiliation, to be Observed in a most Solemn and Devout manner: for obtaining the pardon of our sins, and imploring Gods blessing and assistance on the arms of Her Majesty,
  • 3550
    Book Info
    A friendly advice to the clergy of Scotland, in a letter from a sincere well-wisher of the Church of Christ in Scotland by law establish'd, to a minister of the gospel at Edinburgh
  • 3551
    Book Info
    A friendly letter from honest Tom Boggy, To the Reverend Mr. G-d, Canon of Windsor; Occasion'd by a Sermon against Censure, preach'd In St. George's Chappel. Dedicated to her Grace the D-----ss of M------h. Very proper to be tack'd to the Canon's Sermon
  • 3552
    Book Info
    A full account of the rise, Progress, & Advantages of Dr. Assheton's proposal (as now Improv'd and Manag'd by the Worshipful Company of Mercers, London, for the Benefit of Widows of Clergymen, and Others; By Settling Jointures and Annuities at the Rate of Thirty per Cent. With directions for the Widow How to Receive her Annuity, Without any Delay, Charges, or Deductions
  • 3553
    Book Info
    A full and just account of the present state of the Ottoman empire in all its branches: with the government, and policy, religion, customs, and way of living of the Turks in general. ... The second edition with editions [sic]. By Aaron Hill, ...
  • 3554
    Book Info
    A full and true account of the life, birth, parentage, conversation, and death, of Mr. Thomas Mac-Nemarra, an Irish gentleman; who was executed at Tyburn, on Wednesday, the 27th of July, for a notorious robbery ...
  • 3555
    Book Info
    A full reply to the substantial impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell, in a dialogue between an high-church captain, a stanch'd Whigg, and a coffee-man; as the matter of fact was really transacted on Friday last in B-s coffee-house in Westminster-Hall
  • 3556
    Book Info
    A full view of Dr. Bentley's letter to the Lord Bishop of Ely. In a discourse to a friend. Wherein the whole strain of that celebrated piece throughout, is fairly, Familiarly, and Largely consider'd. By Tho. Blomer, M.A. Fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge
  • 3557
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon on Mr. Richard Wells, Preach'd at Deptford, Oct. 3. 1710. By A. Holden
  • 3558
    Book Info
    Fair warning: or, a fresh taste of French government at home. Being a demonstration from late matter of fact; that French arbitrary principles, can never consist with a legal and limited constitution; and that a Freedom from the Iron Yoke, cannot be bought too Dear, whatever it Cost us. Most Humbly Address'd to the Noble Patriots and Guardians of our Rights, both Sacred and Civil, the Parliament o
  • 3559
    Book Info
    Family devotion. Being the confession, Lord's prayer, general collects, intercessions and prayers of the Morning and Evening-Service of our church. To which are added, I. A natural and easy analysis, explaining as well the most excellent Order, as the clear and comprehensive method, of that composure. And II. A paraphrase, shewing the authority of the same fro scripture; and how capable each Praye
  • 3560
    Book Info
    Fanatick blunders: faithfully collected from their books, sermons, and prayers. Containing a gallimaufry of enthusiastick zeal, farce, and nonsence