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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 3,561 - 3,580건 출력
  • 3561
    Book Info
    Faults in the fault-finder: or, a specimen of errors in the pamphlet, entitul'd Faults on both sides
  • 3562
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    Faults on both sides: Part the Second. Or, an essay upon The Original Cause, Progress, and Mischievous Consequences of the Factions in the Church. Shewing, That the clergy, of whatsoever Denomination, have always been the Ring-Leaders and Beginners of the Disturbances in Every State; imposing upon the Credulity of the Laity, for no other End than the Accomplishing their own Selfish Designs, at the
  • 3563
    Book Info
    Faults on both sides: or, an essay upon the original cause, progress, and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation. Shewing, That the Heads and Leaders on both Sides have always impos'd upon the Credulity of their respective Parties, in order to compass their own Selfish Designs at the Expence of the Peace and Tranquility of the Nation. Sincerely intended For the allaying the Heats
  • 3564
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    Five plays, written by Mr. Congreve. Viz. The old batchelor, The double-dealer, The way of the world, Love for love, Comedies. The mourning-bride, A Tragedy
  • 3565
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    Flores poetarum Britannicorum sef blodeuog waith y prydyddion Bryttannaidd. O gasgliad J. D. ...
  • 3566
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    Flores poetarum britannicorum sef blodeuog waith y prydyddion bryttannaidd: O gasgliad J. D. SS.Th.D.
  • 3567
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    For Deputy Governor, Mr. Broughton Wright
  • 3568
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    For directors. The Hon. James Bertie, Esq; Mr. Deputy Richard Chauncey, Mr. Thomas Carbonnel, Mr. Charles Cotton, Mr. Seth Grosvenor, Edward Harrison, Esq; Henry Neale, Esq; Mr. Thomas Pryse, Mr. Giles Sadleir, Mr. John Sadleir, Charles Waller, Esq; Mr. Jacob Wachter
  • 3569
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    For governor, Sir Thomas Mackworth, Bart
  • 3570
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    For regulating publick-houses. And raising an annual sum for the service of the government, the following proposals is humbly submitted to the Honourable House of Commons
  • 3571
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    For the furthur improvement of dancing, A treatis of chorography or ye art of dancing country dances after a new character, In which The Figures Steps, & manner of Performing are describ'd, & ye Rules Demonstrated in an Easic method adapted to the meanest Capacity. Translated from the French of Monsr. Feuillet, and Improv'd Ivth. many additions, all fairly engrav'd on copper plates, and a new coll
  • 3572
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    Four discourses shewing, I. That the Apostle's words, Romans the ninth, have no relation to any personal election or reprobation. II. That the Election, mentioned in St. Paul's Epistles to the Gentiles, is only that of the Gentiles to be God's Church and People. III. That these Two Assertions of Dr. John Edwards, viz. (1.) That God's Fore-Knowledge of all Futurities depends on his Decree, and that
  • 3573
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    Four letters to a friend in North Britain, upon the publishing the tryal of Dr. Sacheverell
  • 3574
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    Free thoughts upon these heads. Of predestination, redemption, the salvability of the heathen, The Judaical Covenant, Justification, The Judge of Faith and the Scripture, Venial Sin, Of Liturgical and Conceived Prayer, Demonstrative Preaching, The Authority of the Laws of Men, The Power of the Magistrate about Religion, subjection to our present Queen. By John Humfrey, Born in Jan. 1620. and Aged
  • 3575
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    Further arguments and debates in the House of Lords, against Dr. Henry Sacheverel, for high crimes and misdemeanors, &c. Articles against him, &c.
  • 3576
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    The faithful stewards: or the pastoral duty open'd: in a Visitation-Sermon Preach'd at St. Margaret's Church in Canterbury, June the First, 1710. By Thomas Wise, D.D. Rector of St. Alphege's in the said City, and late Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford
  • 3577
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    The fall of princes, the sin and punishment of the people. In a sermon, preach'd on the 30th of January. 1710. Being the Anniversary of the Murder and Martyrdom of King Charles the First. By Matthew Hole, B. D. and Vicar of Stokegursy in Somersetshire
  • 3578
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    The fallacy of absolute non-resistance fully detected
  • 3579
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    The famous and renowned history of Valentine and Orson, sons to the famous and renowned Emperour of Constantinople: containing their marvellous adventures in love and arms. Newly printed and abbreviated for the benefit and recreation of young men and maids, ...
  • 3580
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    The famous and renowned history of the memorable but unhappy hunting on Chevy-Chase, by the river Tweed in Scotland; ...