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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 341 - 360건 출력
  • 341
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    Five discourses, containing certain arguments for and against the reception of Christianity by the antient Jews and Greeks Preached at Croydon, In Surry, by John Ireland, A. M. Vicar Of The Said Church. To which are subjoined, illustrative notes
  • 342
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    Five guineas reward. Escaped from Ralph Duxfield, special bailiff, appointed by the Sheriff of Newcastle upon Tyne, in a warrant issued upon a writ of Pluries capias, John Barber, ...
  • 343
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    Five letters to the critical reviewers, In Answer to their Censure on the Author's Cursory Thoughts on Rd. Brothers prophecies. With a preface, Containing the speech of Sixtus the Vth, to the Consistory of Cardinals, in the Year 1589, September the 2d, in Proof that the modern King-Killing Principles do not immediately originate from the French People, but from the Doctrines of the Popes and the C
  • 344
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    Five short sermons for poor people; in which the doctrines of the Church of England are stated and illustrated: the last chiefly intended as a guard against the pernicious principles of Mr. Thomas Paine. By the Rev. P. Oliver, M.A.
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    Fleets pocket almanack for the year of our Lord 1797. Being the first after leap year, and twenty-first of American independence, which began July 4th, 1776. Calculated chiefly for the use of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, the metropolis, being in latitude 42 deg. 23 min. north. Longitude 71 deg. 4 min. west from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. To which is annexed, the Massachusett
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    Foirceadul aith-ghearr ceasnuighe, air tus air na orducha le Coi-Thionnal nan Diaghairibh ag Niar-Mhinisteir, ann an Sasgan; leis an d'aontuigh Ard-Sheannadh Eaglais na h-Albann, Chum a bhith na chuid eigin d'aon-mhodh Crabhuidh eidir Eaglaishibh Chriost ann snatri Rioghach-Daibh. Air na chur na Gailic le Seannadh Earra-Ghaidheal agus anois cuid do mhearrachdaibh a chlo bhualaidh air nan leasacha
  • 347
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    For ready money only. A catalogue of scarce and valuable books, ... The lowest prices are marked in the catalogue, by S. Vandenbergh, no. 9, King-Street, ... Westminster. ...
  • 348
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    Foreign agriculture: or, An essay on the comparative advantages of oxen for tillage in competition with horses. Being the result of practical husbandry by the Chevalier De Monroy, of the late corps of chevaux legers of the ordinary guard of Louis XVI. Selected from communications in the French language, with additional notes, By John Talbot Dillon, Esq. M.R.I.A. Under secretary of the board of agr
  • 349
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    Forgiveness of sins only to be obtained through the God man mediator. A probationary sermon, for the lectureship of St. George Middlesex; preached in that Church, on Sunday Afternoon, November 20, 1796, by the Rev. William Jarvis Abdy, A. M. curate of St. John's, Horsleydown, Southwark
  • 350
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    Fort Saint George; twelfth, July, M.DCC.XCVI. General orders, by Government
  • 351
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    Four sermons, on public occasions. By C. Fleet, M. A. Rector of Durweston and Bryanston, in the County of Dorset, and Late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge
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    Four sermons, preached in London, at the second general meeting of the Missionary society, May 11, 12, 13, 1796: by the Rev. Mr. Lambert, Hull. Rev. Mr. Pentycross, Wallingford. Rev. Mr. Jay, Bath, and Rev. Mr. Jones, Llangan. To which are prefixed, the proceedings of the meeting, and the Report of the Directors, with a portrait of Captain Wilson. By order of the Directors. Published for the Benef
  • 353
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    Fourth Year of the French Republic. 1795. Dresses of the representatives of the people, members of the two councils, and of the Executive Directory: also of the Ministers, Judges, Messengers, Ushers and other Public Officers, &c. &c. From the original Drawings given by the Minister of the Interior to Citizen Grasset S. Sauveur. The Whole is illustrated by an historical Description, translated from
  • 354
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    Fourth Year of the French Republic. 1795. Dresses of the representatves of the people, members of the two councils, and of the Executive Directory: also of the Ministers, Judges, Messengers, Ushers, and other Public Officers, &c. &c. From the original Drawings given by the Minister of the Interior to Citizen Grasset S. Sauveur. The Whole illustrated by an historical Description, translated from th
  • 355
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    Fragmenta grammatices Græcæe: ad usum tironum in literis Græcis in Academia Edinensi
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    Francis Linley, successor to Mr. Bland. Catalogue of glees, catches, canons, canzonets, madrigal duets, &c. &c. Printed and sold by J. Bland, No.45, Holborn, London
  • 357
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    Free enquiry, mutual deliberation, and Liberty of Conscience, proved to be the only bonds of lasting union amongst the Methodists. Exemplified from The avowed Sentiments of the most respectable preachers, and leading Friends in our connexion. Published in Near Fifty Pamphlets and Circular Letters, Since the Death of the Rev. Mr. Wesley
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    Free grace, the experience and triumph of every true Christian
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    Free grace. A sermon on Romans Viii. 32. Preached at Bristol. By John Wesley, M.A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford
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    Free reflections on miscellaneous papers and legal instruments, Under the Hand and Seal of William Shakspeare, in the possession of Samuel Ireland, of Norfolk-Street. To which are added, extracts from an unpublished MS. play, called The virgin queen. Written by, or in imitation of, Shakspeare