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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 3,881 - 3,900건 출력
  • 3881
    Book Info
    The female fop: or, the false one fitted. A comedy. As it is acted at the New Theatre over-against the Opera-House in the Hay-Market
  • 3882
    Book Info
    The female physician : containing all the diseases incident to that sex, in virgins, wives, and widows; together with their causes and symptoms, their degrees of danger, and respective methods of prevention and cure: To which is added, The Whole art of New improv'd Midwifery; comprehending The necessary Qualifications of a Midwife, and particular Directions for laying Women, in all Cases of Dif...
    Maubray, John
  • 3883
    Book Info
    The fire of the altar: or, certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames, before, at, and after, the receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lord's supper. ... The fourteenth edition. By Anthony Horneck, ...
    Horneck, Anthony
  • 3884
    Book Info
    The first book of architecture: by Andrea Palladio. Translated out of Italian, with an appendix touching doors and windows, by Pr. Le Muet Architect to the French King. Translated into English by Godfrey Richards. The whole illustrated with above seventy copper cuts. Also rules and demonstrations with several designs, for the Framing of any manner of Roofs, either Above Pitch, or Under Pitch, whet
    Palladio, Andrea
  • 3885
    Book Info
    The fortunate mistress: or, a history of the life and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau, afterwards call'd the Countess de Wintselsheim, in Germany. Being the person known by the name of the Lady Roxana, in the time of King Charles II
    Defoe, Daniel
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 3886
    Book Info
    The funeral of Woods's halfpence a sermon preach'd against coining of base money. By a divine of the Church of England
    Divine of the Church of England
  • 3887
    Book Info
    A faithful account of the life of Christopher Layer, Esq; Barrister at law; from his birth to his execution, for high treason; and his last behaviour. Interspers'd with several original papers. By a gentleman of Norwich, his school-fellow
    Gentleman of Norwich
  • 3888
    Book Info
    A faithful account of the life of Christopher Layer, Esq; Barrister at law; from his birth, to his execution for high treason; and his last behaviour. Interspers'd with original papers. By a gentleman of Norwich, his school-fellow
    Gentleman of Norwich
  • 3889
    Book Info
    A father departing. A sermon on the departure of the venerable and memorable Dr. Increase Mather, who expired Aug. 23. 1723. In the eighty fifth year of his age. By one who, as a son with a father, served with him in the Gospel. [Four lines of quotations]
    Mather, Cotton
  • 3890
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to be used in all churches and chappels throughout the kingdom of Ireland: On the Twenty Fifth Day of April 1723, Being the Day appointed by Proclamation for a General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for his Mercy in preserving us from that dreadful Plague which lately raged in some of our Neighbour Countries; And to implore him of his infinite goodness to continue h
    Church of Ireland
  • 3891
    Book Info
    A form of prayer with thanksgiving to God; to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England, and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed; on Thursday the twenty fifth day of April next, being the Day appointed by His Majesty for a Publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for preserving His Majesty and his subjects from that dreadful plague wit which the kingdom of France was lately; visite
    Church of England
  • 3892
    Book Info
    A full and exact account, of the tryal of all the pyrates, lately taken by Captain Ogle, on board the Swallow man of war, on the coast of Guinea
  • 3893
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasioned by the death of the late Reverend Mr. Christopher Taylor, who Departed this Life Octob. 26. Preach'd Nov. 10. 1723. By Joshua Bayes
    Bayes, Joshua
  • 3894
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasioned by the much lamented death of the Reverend Mr. Jeremiah Smith, who departed this life, August 20, 1723. By Matthew Clarke. To which is added a poem to the memory of the deceased, by the Reverend Mr. Jabez Earle
    Clarke, Matthew
  • 3895
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasioned by the much lamented death of the Reverend Mr. Jeremiah Smith, who departed this life, August 20, 1723. By Matthew Clarke. To which is added, a poem to the memory of the deceased, by the Reverend Mr. Jabez Earle
    Clarke, Matthew
  • 3896
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon preached at Chertsey, upon the death of the Reverend Mr. Jacob Kuffeler, who died September 1. 1723. By Daniel Mayo, M.A.
    Mayo, Daniel
  • 3897
    Book Info
    Fables and dialogues of the dead. Written in French by the late Archbishop of Cambray, ... and done into English from the Paris edition of 1718, then corrected and revised with the author's own original manuscript.
    F{acute}enelon, Fran{cedil}cois de Salignac de La Mothe-
  • 3898
    Book Info
    Fair warnings to a careless world, or, the serious practice of religion recommended by the admonitions of dying men, and the Sentiments of all People in their most serious Hours: And other Testimonies of an Extraordinary Nature. By Josiah Woodward, D.D. To which is added, Serious advice to a sick person, by Arch-Bishop Tillotson. As also A Prospect of Death: A Pindarique Essay. With suitable Cuts.
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 3899
    Book Info
    Faithfulness in the ministry, derived from Christ. A sermon offer'd to an assembly of ministers, from several parts of New-England, at their anniversary convention in Boston, May 30. 1723. By Nehemiah Walter, A.M. and Pastor of a church in Roxbury. Preach'd and publish'd a the desire of the ministers
    Walter, Nehemiah
  • 3900
    Book Info
    Farnace drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market, per la Reale Accademia di Musica
    Morari, Lorenzo