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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 3,961 - 3,980건 출력
  • 3961
    Book Info
    A French grammar: or, a new and easy method for to learn to speak French in a short time. ... By J. Daubichon, ...
    Daubichon, J
  • 3962
    Book Info
    A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England, and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed; on Friday the eighth day of December, being the Day appointed by His Majesty for a General Fast and Humiliation, to be Observed in a most Solemn and Devout manner: for obtaining the pardon of our sins, and averting those heavy judgments which they have most justly deserved; a
    Church of England
  • 3963
    Book Info
    A form or order of thanksgiving and prayer, To be used in London, and throughout England, by all Parsons, Vicars and Curates, in their respective Churches and Chappels, in Behalf of the King and Queen, and the Royal Family, upon Occasion of the Queen's being with Child. Also Form of Prayer with Thanksgiving, for the safe Delivery of the Queen, and happy Birth of the Young Prince
    Church of England
  • 3964
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon on the death of the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Michell. Who Died, Jan. 9. 1721. Preach'd at Stepney, January the 15th. 1721. By Matthew Clarke
    Clarke, Matthew
  • 3965
    Book Info
    Fables ancient and modern; translated into verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer: with original poems. By Mr. Dryden.
    Dryden, John
  • 3966
    Book Info
    Faustinus the Presbyter, to the empress Flaccilla: of the Trinity, or, of the faith against the Arians. To which is added, a preface, giving some account of the author, and his faith. A Treatise very necessary to be Read at this Time
  • 3967
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions. By Digby Cotes M. A. Principal of Magdalen-Hall, and Publick Orator of the University of Oxford
    Cotes, Digby
  • 3968
    Book Info
    Five sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. By Mr. Thomas Halyburton, Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews
    Halyburton, Thomas
  • 3969
    Book Info
    Five sermons preached before and after the celebration of the Lord's Supper. By Mr. William Wishart, Principal of the College of Edinburgh, and one of the Ministers of the City
    Wishart, William
  • 3970
    Book Info
    Fontenelle's Dialogues of the dead, in three parts. I. Dialogues of the antients. II. The antients with the moderns. III. The moderns. Translated from the French, by Mr. Hughes. With a reply to some remarks in a Critique, call'd The judgment of Pluto, &c. And two original dialogues
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 3971
    Book Info
    Four treatises relating to the South-Sea scheme and stock. Published since the 30th of November, 1720. Viz. January the 7th, February the 6th, March the 1st, 1720. And April the 4th, 1721. By Archibald Hutcheson, of the Middle-Temple, London, Esq; and Member of Parliament for Hasting, in Sussex
    Hutcheson, Archibald
  • 3972
    Book Info
    Fourteen sermons on various subjects; Viz. I. Of the Lent-Fast. II. Against Atheism and Infidelity. III. Of the Catholick Church. IV. Of the Excellency of the Church of England. V. Of Baptism. VI. Of Conformation. Vii. Of Confession and Absolution. Viii. Of the Errors of the Church of Rome. IX. Of Enthusiasm. X. Of tending the Publick Worship. XI. Of Frequenting the Holy Communion. XII, XIII, and
    Bayly, Benjamin
  • 3973
    Book Info
    Francis Hawes, Esq; his Particular and Inventory of All and singular the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, Debts, and Personal Estate whatsoever, which he was seiz'd or possess'd of, or intitul'd unto in his own Right, and which any other Person or Persons was or were seiz'd or possess'd of, in Trust for him, or to or for his Use or Benefit, upon the 31st Day of May 1720. Toget
    Hawes, Francis
  • 3974
    Book Info
    Francis Lord Bishop of Rochester, Dean of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter Westminster, Michael Evans clerk, Lawrence Broderick, Rob. Cannon, and Harry Barker, Doctors in Divinity, ... appnts. Sir Robert Raymond His Majesty's Attorney-General, Nicholas Onley, Thomas Dent, Thomas Lynford, and Edward Gee, Doctors in Divinity, and Samuel Lord Bishop of Carlisle, ... Robert Freind, Doctor in Divini
    Great Britain
  • 3975
    Book Info
    Francis, Lord Bacon: or, the case of private and national corruption and bribery, impartially consider'd. Address'd to all South-Sea directors, members of parliament, Members of State, and Church-Dignitaries. By an Englishman
    Gordon, Thomas
  • 3976
    Book Info
    Francis, Lord Bacon: or, the case of private and national corruption, and bribery, impartially consider'd Address'd to all South-Sea Directors, Members of Parliament, Ministers of State, and Church-Dignitaries. By an Englishman
    Gordon, Thomas
  • 3977
    Book Info
    Francis, Lord Bacon: or, the case of private and national corruption, and bribery, impartially consider'd. ... By an Englishman.
    Gordon, Thomas
  • 3978
    Book Info
    Francis, Lord Bacon: or, the case of private and national corruption, and bribery, impartially consider'd. Address'd to all South-Sea Directors, Members of Parliament, Ministers of State, and Church-Dignitaries. By a true-born Englishman
    Gordon, Thomas
  • 3979
    Book Info
    Francis, Lord Bacon: or, the case of private and national corruption, and bribery, impartially consider'd. Address'd to all South-Sea directors, Members of Parliament, members of state, and church-dignitaries. By an Englishman
    Gordon, Thomas
  • 3980
    Book Info
    Francis, Lord Bacon: or, the case of private and national corruption, and bribery, impartially consider'd. Address'd to all South-Sea directors, members of Parliament, ministers of state, and church-dignitaries. By an Englishman
    Gordon, Thomas