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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 381 - 400건 출력
  • 381
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    The fool of quality; or, the history of Henry Earl of Moreland, by Mr. Brooke. ...
  • 382
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    The foresters, an American tale; being a sequel to the History of John Bull the clothier. In a series of letters to a friend. Published according to act of Congress
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  • 383
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    The foresters. A novel. Altered from the French by Miss Gunning. In four volumes. ...
  • 384
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    The foresters. A novel. Altered from the French by Miss Gunning. In two volumes. ...
  • 385
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    The fortunate shepherdess; A pastoral tale. By Alexander Ross, A. M. Schoolmaster at Lochlee. Rural love; a tale. By the late Mr. Francis Douglas. The farmer's ha'. By Dr. Charles Keith. And Will and Jean; owre true a tale!
  • 386
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    The french Revolution foreseen, in 1639. Extracts from an Exposition of the Revelation, by an eminent divine of both universities, in the beginning of the last century. Who explains a prophecy in that book of a revolution in France, its Separation from Rome, and the Abolition of Titles. To which are subjoined, some observations and remarks, to Illustrate Facts, and Confirm the Application of the P
  • 387
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    The friendly instructor; or, a companion for young ladies and young gentlemen: in which Their Duty to God and their Parents, their Carriage to Superiors and Inferiors, and Several other very Useful and instructive Lessons. are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. In two parts. With a recommendatory preface, by P. Doddridge, D.D.
  • 388
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    The frugal housewife: or, Complete woman cook. Wherein the art of dressing all sorts of viands, with cleanliness, decency, and elegance, is explained in five hundred approved receipts ... to which are added, various bills of fare, and a proper arrangement of dinners, two courses, for every month in the year. By Susannah Carter, of Clerkenwell, London
  • 389
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    A fair statement, of the administration of Earl Fitzwilliam, in Ireland; containing strictures on the noble Lord's letter to Earl Carlisle
  • 390
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    A familiar exposition of the Church-Catechism, in five parts. I. Of the Baptismal Covenant. II. Of the Creed. III. Of the Commandments. IV. Of the Lord's Prayer. V. Of the Sacraments. To which are added, prayers, for the Use of Parents, Children and Servants. Sunday, Charity and Other Schools. By Isaac Mann, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of Cork and Ross
  • 391
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    A familiar illustration of certain passages of Scripture relating to the power of man to do the will of God, original sin, election and reprobation, the divinity of Christ, and atonement for sin by the death of Christ. By a lover of the gospel
  • 392
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    A farther account of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. By Samuel Bradburn
  • 393
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    A favourite song, called The rosy dimpled boy, sung at Mary-le-Bone Gardens
  • 394
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    A few humble stanzas, written extempore, and accompanied with a present of three Etrurian jugs, commonly called Greybeards, ... from Messrs. Swinney & Collins, proprietors of the Birmingham Chronicle, to William Taylor, Esq. printerás agent, Warwick Square, London: - as a trifling acknowledgment for his very eminent services, rendered to the printers of newspapers throughout the kingdom
  • 395
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    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God, for his late merciful preservation of the King's Majesty from the outrageous and desparate attempts against his person, as he passed to the Parliament House, on Thursday the twenty-ninth day of October: to be used at mornin and evening service, after the general thanksgiving in all churches and chapels throughout England and Wales, and the Town of
  • 396
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God, for his late merciful preservation of the King's Majesty from the outrageous and desperate attempts against his person, as he passed to the Parliament House, on Thursday the twenty-ninth day of October: to be used at mornin and evening service, after the general thanksgiving, in all churches and chapels throughout England and Wales, and the Town o
  • 397
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    A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout that part of Great Britain called England, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, upon Wednesday the twenty-fifth of February next, being the Day appointed by Proclamation for a General Fast and Humiliation before Almighty God, to be observed in most Devout and Solemn Manner, by sending up our Prayers and Supplications
  • 398
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    A fortnight's ramble to the lakes in Westmoreland, Lancashire, and Cumberland. By a rambler
  • 399
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    A fortnights ramble through London, or a complete display of all the cheats and frauds practized in that great metropolis, with the best methods for eluding them being a pleasing narrative of the adventures of a farmer's son ...
  • 400
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    A free and candid profession of faith; or, motives and reasons for leaving the Romish religion and acceding to the Church of England. By the Rev. Robert Norris, Heretofore a Roman Catholic Clergyman