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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,061 - 4,080건 출력
  • 4061
    Book Info
    The fable of an old woman and her doctor
  • 4062
    Book Info
    The faith and practice of the Church of England explain'd, in a Brief, but very Familiar, exposition of The Church Catechism
  • 4063
    Book Info
    The famous and pleasant history of Parismus, the valiant and renowned Prince of Bohemia. In three parts. ...
    Ford, Emanuel
  • 4064
    Book Info
    The famous tryal of the late reverend and learned Mr. James Grame, episcopal minister of Dunfermline; formerly Professor of Humanity at St. Andrew's, before the several courts of church judicature, in Scotland. Who was amongst other Things, Arraign'd by the Commissioners for the Kirk Session at Dunfermline, Condemn'd, and at last Depos'd by the Provincial Synod of Fyfe, on the 20th of June 1701, f
    Grame, James
  • 4065
    Book Info
    The farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe, being the second and last part of his life, and strange surprizing accounts of his travels round three parts of the globe. Written by himself. The second edition. To which is added a map of the World, in which is Delineated the Voyages of Robinson Crusoe
    Defoe, Daniel
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 4066
    Book Info
    The farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe; being the second and last part of his life, and of the strange surprizing accounts of his travels round three parts of the globe. Written by himself. To which is added a map ...
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4067
    Book Info
    The female deserters. A novel. By the author of The lover's week
    M. H
  • 4068
    Book Info
    The following copies of the late Mr. Walter Kettilby, bookseller, deceas'd, will be sold by auction, on Thursday the 19th instant, ... at the same time that those of the late Mr. John Nicholson are dispos'd of
    Ketilby, Walter
  • 4069
    Book Info
    The fox, a fryar; an allusion to mankind. More particularly, and most religiously address'd to his Eminency Charles, Cardinal Alberoni. By Timothy Harris, gent
    Harris, Timothy
  • 4070
    Book Info
    The french and Protestant companion, or a journey into Europe, Asia, and Africa; the rarities thereof; The Solution of the most Curious, Delightful, and Hardest Questions, both Temporal and Spiritual, with the Defence of the Protestant Religion, and the Death of Popery: The whole in English and French, Illustrated with several Copper Plates. For the Use of the Young Princesses. By Michael Malard,
    Malard, Michel
  • 4071
    Book Info
    The frequent service of God in publick, the way to long life, honour, and undoubted happiness: set forth in a sermon preached at the consecration of the new chapel in Queen's-College in Oxford, on the first day of Nov. 1719. By John Gibson, ...
    Gibson, John
  • 4072
    Book Info
    The frequent service of God in publick, the way to long life, honour, and undoubted happiness: set forth in a sermon preached at the consecration of the new chapel in Queen's-College in Oxford, on the first day of Nov. 1719. By John Gibson, S. T. P. Provost of the said College, and Prebendary of Lincoln
    Gibson, John
  • 4073
    Book Info
    The friendly interposer: or, the true scripture doctrine of the Trinity, stated. In a letter to the clergy engaged in this controversy. Wherein Is shewn the Consistency of a Priority and Posteriority with an Eternity. And of A Superiority and Inferiority, a Supremacy and Subordination, with an Equality. By a physician
  • 4074
    Book Info
    A faithful register of the late rebellion: or, an impartial account of the impeachments, trials, attainders, executions, speeches, papers, &c. of all who have suffered for the cause of the Pretender in Great Britain. In which is contained, several curious pieces never ye printed
  • 4075
    Book Info
    A form of prayer for a perpetual fast in the Island of Jamaica, on the seventh of June. Being the anniversary of the dreadful earthquake
    Church of England
  • 4076
    Book Info
    A fourth letter to the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Being an Answer To his late Book, entitled, The Lord Bishop of B's Defence of his Assertion consider'd. By A. A. Sykes, Rector of Dry-Drayton, near Cambridge
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 4077
    Book Info
    A full answer to Mr. Pillonniere's reply to Dr. Snape, and to the Bishop of Bangor's preface, so far as it relates to Mr. Mills. In which The Evidences given to Dr. Snape are justify'd, the Bishop of Bangor's Objections answer'd, Mr. Pillonniere's pretended Facts disprov'd; and base Forgery is detected. As Likewise The true Reasons of malicious Dissenters Proceedings against Mr. Mills. The whole s
    Mills, Henry
  • 4078
    Book Info
    A full answer to Mr. Pillonniere's reply to Dr. Snape, and to the Bishop of Bangor's preface, so far as it relates to Mr. Mills. In which The Evidences given to Dr. Snape are justify'd; the Bishop of Bangor's Objections answer'd, Mr. Pillonniere's pretended Facts disprov'd; and base Forgery is detected. As Likewise The true Reasons of such malicious Dissenters Proceedings against Mr. Mills. The wh
    Mills, Henry
  • 4079
    Book Info
    A full answer to Shepheard the assassine's speech. Wherein the falshood of all his traiterous calumnies against His Majesty are laid open, and the arguments put in his mouth to justify the hellish design of murdering his Majesty are confuted. To which is added an account of the treasonable sermon of Edward Bisse, ... with proper remarks upon it.
  • 4080
    Book Info
    A full answer to Shepheard the assassine's speech. wherein the falshood of all his traiterous calumnies against his Majesty are laid open, and the arguments put in his mouth to justify the hellish design of murdering his Majesty are confuted. To which is added an account of the treasonable sermon of Edward Bisse, Incumbent of St. George's Parish, in the County of Somerset, near Bristol, with prope