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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,081 - 4,100건 출력
  • 4081
    Book Info
    A full examination of several important points relating to Church-Authority, the Christian Priesthood, the Positive Institutions of the Christian Religion, and Church-Communion. In answer to the notions and principles contained in Mr. Law's Second letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor. In a second letter to Mr. Law. With a postscript, Wherein his Evasive Answers to Former Objections are considered.
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 4082
    Book Info
    A full reply to a late pamphlet, intituled, The indulgent parents, publish'd by Mr. Oade, senior: in vindication of The unnatural parent, publish'd by his sons. With an appeal to those people call'd Quakers
    Oade, Thomas
  • 4083
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasion'd by the death of Mr. Thomas Hollis. Preach'd September 14. 1718. By Jeremiah Hunt
    Hunt, Jeremiah
  • 4084
    Book Info
    Familiar letters of love, Gallantry, And several occasions, by the wits of the last and present age. viz. Mr. Butler, Author of Hudibrass. Mr. Flatman. Mr. Dryden. Mr. Congreve. Mr. Wycherley. Mr. Dennis. Mr. Farquhar. Mr. Edw. Ward. Mr. Moyle. Mr. Otway. Mrs. Behn. Mrs. Manly. Mrs. Trotter. Mrs. Cent Livre. Sir -- Sir R. L'Estrange. Sir -- Sir John Denham. Sir Geo. Etherege. Earl of Clarendon. Ea
  • 4085
    Book Info
    Family-hymns. Gather'd (mostly) out of the best translations of David's Psalms.
  • 4086
    Book Info
    Faustus, Fortunatus, and Amyntas: or, three eclogues of Baptist Mantuan. Done into English verse by William Bewick
  • 4087
    Book Info
    Filum Ariadneum: or The way to get out of the Labyrinth of Venus. I. Exhibiting the true History of the Distemper, its Original, Cause, Symptoms, and different Degrees of them. II. Proposing a most valuable, and by several hundred Cures approved, Specifick, by the Means of which the Unfortunate may infallibly cure themselves by the Directions fix'd to the Remedy, of the first and second Stages, an
  • 4088
    Book Info
    Forms of proposals for augmenting small livings, &c.
    Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty (Great Britain)
  • 4089
    Book Info
    Four essays: viz I. On making china ware in England, as good as ever was brought from India. II. On a method for furnishing coals at a Third Part of the Price they are usually sold at. III. On the repairing of Dagenham, or other Breaches. IV. On our English grapes, proving that they will make the Best of Wines. By a society of gentlemen. For the Universal Benefit of The People of England. Adorn'd
    Hill, Aaron
  • 4090
    Book Info
    The French plot found out against the English church: or, a manifesto upon the unequalness of the distribution of the 15000l. of the money of the royal beneficence, given every year to the French protestants. ... Humbly presented to the King and Parliament, ... By the body of the ecclesiastick proselytes
    Malard, Michel
  • 4091
    Book Info
    The fable of Orpheus and Eurydice, with a dramatick entertainment in dancing therupon; Attempted in Imitation of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. As perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Written, collected and composed, by John Weaver, Dancing-Master
    Weaver, John
  • 4092
    Book Info
    The fair of St. Germain. As it is acted at the theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, by the French company of comedians, Lately Arriv'd From the Theatre-Royal at Paris. All in the Characters of the Italian Theatre. Done into English by Mr. Ozell
    Regnard, Jean Fran{cedil}cois
  • 4093
    Book Info
    The fair penitent. A tragedy. Written by N. Rowe, Esq.
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 4094
    Book Info
    The false friend and inconstant mistress: An Instructive novel. To which is added, Love's Diversion; displaying The Artifices of the Female Sex in their Amours, Dress, &c. With Directions for the Education of Both Sexes; and a Collection of Moral Letters on curious Subjects. By John Lyly, M. A. One of the Refiners of the English Tongue in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
    Lyly, John
  • 4095
    Book Info
    The false notion of a Christian priesthood, and the pretences to sacerdotal Oblation, Intercession, Benediction, and Authoritative Absolution. Examined and Confuted: being an Answer to Mr. Law's Second Letter to the Bishop of Bangor. In a Letter to a Friend. By Phileleutherus Cantabrigiensis
    Herne, Thomas
  • 4096
    Book Info
    The false notion of a Christian priesthood, and the pretences to sacerdotal oblation, intercession, benediction, and authoritative absolution. Examined and confuted: being an answer to Mr. Law's Second letter to the Bishop of Bangor. In a letter to a friend. By Phileleutherus Cantabrigiensis.
    Herne, Thomas
  • 4097
    Book Info
    The family instructor. In two parts. I. Relating to family breaches, and their obstructing religious duties. II. To the great mistake of mixing the passions, in the managing and correcting of children. ... Vol.II.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4098
    Book Info
    The famous history of the renown'd and valiant prince, Robert sirnamed, the Bruce, King of Scotland, &c. And of sundry other valiant Knights, Both Scots and English. Enlarged with an Addition of the Scottish Kings, Lineally descended from Him, To Charles now Prince. Together with a Note of the Beginnings of the most Part of the Ancient and Famous Nobility of Scotland. A history both pleasant and p
    Gordon, Patrick
  • 4099
    Book Info
    The females advocate: or, an essay, to prove that the sisters in every church of Christ, have a right to church-government as well as the bretheren. Design'd chiefly for the use of those of the Congregational, and Antipedobaptist persuasion; (who Professedly own, That Church-Government is wholly committed to every Particular Church of Christ) and may be of Use to all others, that own the Word of G
    N. E
  • 4100
    Book Info
    The fire of the altar: or, certain directions how to raise the soul into holy flames before, at, and after, the receiving the blessed sacrament of the Lord's supper. ... The thirteenth edition. By Anthony Horneck, ...
    Horneck, Anthony