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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,101 - 4,120건 출력
  • 4101
    Book Info
    The flying-Post posted: or, an answer to a late pamphlet of that author's, call'd The Chichester dean, and his Colchester Amazon. By Mrs. Anne Roberts
    Roberts, Anne
  • 4102
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    The following address, from the hundreds of Drury, was this day presented to his Majesty by Mr. Cibber, introduced by his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Chamberlain of the houshold; which address his Majesty received very graciously
  • 4103
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    The french Momus: or, comical adventures of the Duke of Roquelaure: taken from the memoirs which the author found in the closet of the Marshal D'Huxells, to whom he was Secretary. Compriz'd in nineteen stories or Adventures
    L. R
  • 4104
    Book Info
    The french and Protestant companion, or a journey into Europe, Asia, and Africa; the rarities that are to be seen; The Solution of the most Curious, Delightful and Hardest Questions, both in the Temporal and Spiritual, with the Defence of the Protestant Religion, and the Death of Popery. The whole in English and French, for the Use of the Young Princesses. By Michael Malard, a French Minister, The
    Malard, Michel
  • 4105
    Book Info
    The friendship of Christ: to which is added a description of charity, As one of the most Remarkable and Principal Fruits of this Friendship, appearing in the Lives of true Penitent Believers. By a true son of the Church of Scotland
    Cheyn, William
  • 4106
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    A fairy tale inscrib'd, to the Honourable Mrs. W------ With other poems, by Mrs. Holt
  • 4107
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    A farther argument against ennobling foreigners, in answer to the two parts of the State anatomy: with a short account of the anatomizer:
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4108
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    A few English notes on a late sermon preached before the Sons of the Clergy, by Dr. Bisse, intended to vindicate the English reformation from the charge of sacrilege, Fraud, &c. In a letter to the Reverend Dr. ---- Dean of ----
    Lewis, John
  • 4109
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    A full and pithy vindication of the Bp. of Bangor. In a Letter to Dr. Snape. By the Reverend Mr. Patt---n
  • 4110
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    A full enquiry into the true nature of pastoral. The proeme or first chapter of which contains a summary of all that the criticks, ancient or modern, have hitherto deliver'd on that subject. After which follows what the author has farther to advance, in order to carry th poem on to its utmost perfection. Written by Mr. Purney
    Purney, Thomas
  • 4111
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    A full inquiry into the original authority of that text, 1 John V. 7. There are Three that bear Record in Heaven, &c. Containing an account of Dr. Mill's evidences from antiquity, for and against its being genuine. With an Examination of his Judgment thereupon. Humbly address'd to Both Houses of Convocation now Assembled
    Emlyn, Thomas
  • 4112
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasion'd by the death of Mr. John Lawes Jun. Preach'd in Little Wildstreet, Dec. 23. 1716. By Thomas Harrison
    Harrison, Thomas
  • 4113
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    A funeral sermon occasion'd by the death of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Maisters, ... Late Minister of the Gospel. Preach'd April 21, 1717. By Jeremiah Hunt
    Hunt, Jeremiah
  • 4114
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasion'd by the death of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Maisters, Late Minister of the Gospel. Preach'd April 21, 1717. By Jeremiah Hunt
    Hunt, Jeremiah
  • 4115
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon preach'd at St. Edmunds-Bury, upon The much Lamented Death of Mr. John Beart, Late Minister of the Gospel there; who Departed this Life Jan. the 3d. 1716/17. By Thomas Wickes
    Wickes, Thomas
  • 4116
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon, preached upon the death of the truly vertuous and religious Grove Hirst Esq; merchant in Boston New-England. Who departed this life October, 28. 1717. In the forty-third year of his life. To which is added, an extract from the private writings of Mr. Hirst, on divers select and important heads, shewing his secret walk before God in truth and with a perfect heart. By Benjamin Colm
    Colman, Benjamin
  • 4117
    Book Info
    Faction in power: or, the mischiefs and dangers of a High-Church Magistracy. Shewing I. That the Nation can never have a settled Peace, nor the Constitution be Safe, while Persons Disaffected to the Present Government are possest of any Part of its Authority. II. The many Hardships His Majesty King George's best Subjects lie under from their Insolence and Oppression
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4118
    Book Info
    Fair payment no spunge: or, some considerations on the Unreasonableness of Refusing to Receive back Money Lent on Publick Securities. And the Necessity of Setting the Nation Free from the Insupportable Burthen of Debt and Taxes. With a View of the Great Advantage and Benefit which will arise to Trade and to the Landed Interest, as well as to the Poor, by having these Heavy Grievances taken off
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4119
    Book Info
    Fair warnings to a careless world, or, the serious practice of religion recommended by the admonitions of dying men, And the Sentiments of all People in their most serious Hours: And other Testimonies of an extraordinary Nature. By Josiah Woodward, D.D. To which is added, Serious advice to sick person by Archbishop Tillotson. As also a prospect of death: A Pindarique Essay. With suitable Cuts
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 4120
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. By the Reverend Thomas Morer, B. D. Late Rector of St. Ann's Aldersgate, and Lecturer of St. Lawrence Jury. Most of them Preach'd a little before his Death; and now Publish'd at the Request of the Auditors in both Parishes
    Morer, Thomas