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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,121 - 4,140건 출력
  • 4121
    Book Info
    Five sermons upon several occasions. Together with an answer to Mr. Hoadley's letter. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Ofspring Blackall, late Lord Bishop of Exeter
    Blackall, Offspring
  • 4122
    Book Info
    Forty six propositions briefly proving, that His Present Majesty King George Is the Only Rightful and Lawful King of Great-Britain. And also that the Nonjuring Bishops (&c.) Were Rightfully and Lawfully Deprived. By Edward Wells, D. D. Rector of Cotesbach in Leicestershire
    Wells, Edward
  • 4123
    Book Info
    Four dialogues between Eubulus and Phygellus, concerning Natural Religion, Viz. I. Of the Existence and idea of God. II. Of the Production of Creatures. III. Of the Faculties of Human Nature. IV. Of the Immortality of Human Nature in a Future State. By a Divine of the Church of England
    Divine of the Church of England
  • 4124
    Book Info
    Fourteen discourses on some of the most important heads in divinity and morality: delivered all of them (except the 13th) upon Saints or other Solemn Days, at the cathedral and metropolitane church of Canterbury. I. The folly of atheism, Irreligion, and Disloyalty. II. The Necessity of Religion in general, and Submission to the Will of God. III. The Divinity and the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. IV
    Wise, Thomas
  • 4125
    Book Info
    The faction: a poem on the new Jacobite and Swedish conspiracy
  • 4126
    Book Info
    The family-instructor. In three parts; I. Relating to fathers and children. II. To masters and servants. III. To husbands and wives.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4127
    Book Info
    The firm union of a people represented; and a concern for it, urged; upon all orders and degrees of men: in a sermon preached before the General Assembly of the colony of Connecticut, at Hartford, May 9. 1717. The day for electing the honourable the governour, the deputy governour, and the worshipful the Assistants there. By Timothy Cutler, M.A. Pastor of the church in Stratford. Published by orde
    Cutler, Timothy
  • 4128
    Book Info
    The form and manner of consecrating and administring the Holy Communion, according to the Liturgy of King Edward VI. called The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, After The Use of the Church of England. Printed at London by Edward Whitchurch, Anno Dom. 1549. mense Maij
    Church of England
  • 4129
    Book Info
    The form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests, and deacons, according to the order of the Church of England
    Church of England
  • 4130
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    The funeral; and the tender husband: comedies. Written by Mr. Steele
    Steele, Richard
  • 4131
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God; to be used throughout England, Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed, on Thursday the seventh day of June next: for the blessing of God upon His Majesties counsels, and arms, in suppressing the late unnatural rebellion. ...
    Church of England
  • 4132
    Book Info
    A full and ample explanation, of one King James's declaration
  • 4133
    Book Info
    A full and true account of a horrid and barbarous revenge by poison: on the body of Mr. Edmund Curll, bookseller; with a faithful copy of his last will and testament. Publish'd by an eye witness.
    Pope, Alexander
  • 4134
    Book Info
    A full and true relation of the strange and wonderful apparitions, which were seen in the clouds, upon Tuesday evening at seven of the clock, till three of the clock on Wednesday morning, being the 6th and 7th of March, 1715 16; ...
  • 4135
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasion'd by the much lamented death of the late Reverend Daniel Williams, D.D. who deceas'd January the 26th 1715/6. In the 73d Year of his Age. By John Evans
    Evans, John
  • 4136
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon on the pre-mature death of Mr. John Dudley, who departed this life. at Leicester, Jan. 5th, 1715/16. By John Billingsley
    Billingsley, John
  • 4137
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon preach'd at Coventry, July 3. 1716. On occasion of the much lamented death of the Reverend Mr Joshua Merrel, Late Minister of the Gospel there. By John Warren
    Warren, John
  • 4138
    Book Info
    A funeral-Sermon for the Reverend Mr. Tho. Risley, A.M. and sometime fellow of Pembroke-Colledge in Oxford. With some short memoirs of his life. By Charles Owen
    Owen, Charles
  • 4139
    Book Info
    A funeral-Sermon on the much lamented death of the late Reverend Mr. John Shower, preach'd at Old-Jury, July 10. 1715. By W. Tong
    Tong, William
  • 4140
    Book Info
    A funeral-Sermon, preach'd June the 30th, in the chapel belonging to the British Society of Merchants, at Leghorn; Under the Protection Of his Most Excellent Majesty George, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Occasion'd, by the death of the Reverend Basil Kennet, D. D. Some Time their Minister; lately President of Corpus-Christi College in Oxford. By Nathanael
    Taubman, Nathaniel