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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,161 - 4,180건 출력
  • 4161
    Book Info
    The folly of preferring a Popish pretender to a Protestant king. A sermon preach'd in the parochial church of St. Peter, in Liverpoole, on Sunday, Feb. 5. 1715/6 before the honourable the judges of the assize ... By Thomas Baldwin, ...
    Baldwin, Thomas
  • 4162
    Book Info
    The fourth part of Miscellany poems : Containing variety of new translations of the Ancient Poets: Together with Several Original Poems. By the most eminent hands. Publish'd by Mr. Dryden.
    Dryden, John
  • 4163
    Book Info
    The free-Holder. Or, political essays
    Addison, Joseph
  • 4164
    Book Info
    The funeral of the mass, written originally in French by Monsieur de Rodon. With an answer to what Mr. W. C. has since publish'd by way of reply, in a discourse intitled Missa triumphans. Wherein The Consequence of admitting Doctrines that are contrary to Reason, The Adoration of the Host, Our present Divisions in Religious Matters, The Pope's Supremacy, The Authority of our Vulgar English Bible,
    Derodon, David
  • 4165
    Book Info
    The funeral oration on the most high, most potent, and most excellent Prince Lewis XIV. King of France and Navarre. Pronounc'd at Paris in the church of Nôtre Dame, in the presence of the Duke of Orleans, regent of the kingdom, the Duke of Bourbon, and the Duke of Charolois, November the 28th, 1715. By Messire Jacques Maboul, Bishop of Alet. Translated from the French Original Printed at Paris. Tr
    Maboul, Jacques
  • 4166
    Book Info
    A familiar enquiry concerning the fix'd rule of God's worship, and mens departing from it
  • 4167
    Book Info
    A farewel epistle, By way of exhortation to Friends. By T.T. On his departure for America, &c. in order to visit Friends there in the service of the gospel
    Thompson, Thomas
  • 4168
    Book Info
    A few observations upon the fighting for prizes in the bear-gardens: by a lover and well-wisher, not only to the True and Useful art of the sword, but also to the safety and Security of the persons of those Brave, Courageous, and Bold performers in these publick places, for Trial of Skill in this Gentlemany Art
    Lover | Well-Wisher
  • 4169
    Book Info
    A form of prayer with thanksgiving to almighty God; to be used in all churches and chapels within this realm, every year, upon the first day of August: being the day on which His Majesty began His happy reign. By His Majesties Special Command
    Church of England
  • 4170
    Book Info
    A friendly epistle by way of reproof from one of the people called Quakers, to Thomas Bradbury, a dealer in many words
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4171
    Book Info
    A friendly epistle by way of reproof from one of the people called Quakers, to Thomas Bradbury, a dealer in many words.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4172
    Book Info
    A friendly epistle by way of reproof from one of the people called Quakers, to Thomas Bradbury, a dealer in many words.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4173
    Book Info
    A friendly epistle by way of reproof from one of the people called Quakers, to Thomas Bradbury, a dealer in many words.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 4174
    Book Info
    A full and impartial account of the Oxford-Riots. Containing I. The Behaviour of the Constitution-Club, with a compleat List of the Rioters cited before the Vice-Chancellor, and the Proceedings against them. II. An Order against Riots, and Tumults, drawn up by Bishop Smalridge. III. An Order for the strict Observation of the First of August, the Day of His Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne.
    Rawlinson, Richard
  • 4175
    Book Info
    A full and particular account of that sad and deplorable fire, Which happen'd on Thursday the 13th of January, 1715/14, about 6 a Clock, at Bear-Key, between the Custom-House and Billingsgate, with a True and Exact List of all the Persons who were Kill'd and Wounded, as also their Names and Places of Abode; Likewise the Number of Houses which were Burnt, Blown up and Damag'd
  • 4176
    Book Info
    A full and true account of the whole tryal, examination, and conviction of Dr. James Newton, who keeps the mad house at Islinstton [sic], for violently keeping and misusing of William Rogers, ... by his wife's orders ...
    Newton, James
  • 4177
    Book Info
    A full inquiry into the original authority of that text, 1 John V. 7. There are three that bear record in heaven, &c. containing an account of Dr. Mill's evidences from antiquity, for and against its being genuine. ...
    Emlyn, Thomas
  • 4178
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon preachd to a congregation of Protestant dissenters, upon the sad occasion of the death of the late Bishop of Sarum
  • 4179
    Book Info
    Fables and stories moralized. Being a second part of the Fables of Æsop, and other eminent mythologists, &c. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt. Vol.II
  • 4180
    Book Info
    Farther reasons humbly offer'd for passing the Fish Bill