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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,261 - 4,280건 출력
  • 4261
    Book Info
    The final destruction of the great destroyer: or, death made easy by Christ's personal and general conquest over it. Discours'd in a funeral sermon on the much lamented death of Robert Baker, Esq; who departed this life ... Nov. 29. 1713. ... By Samuel Bury, V.D.M.
    Bury, Samuel
  • 4262
    Book Info
    The first ode of the second book of Horace paraphras'd: and address'd to Richard St--le, Esq;
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 4263
    Book Info
    The first sermon preach'd in the parish church of St. Giles's Cripplegate, October the 24th 1714. By William Whitfeld, Vicar, Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
    Whitfeld, William
  • 4264
    Book Info
    The french book of rates: being a collection of the tariffs & regulations, of the duties both of importation & exportation of merchandizes in France. With the Particular Edicts, Arrests, and Declarations, Settling and Establishing the same in all the respective Custom-Houses of France. Done out of French
  • 4265
    Book Info
    The french faith represented in the present state of Dunkirk. A letter to the Examiner, in defence of Mr. S-le
    Steele, Richard
  • 4266
    Book Info
    The funeral elogy and character, Of her Royal Highness, the late Princess Sophia: With the Explication of her Consecration-Medal. Written Originally in Latine, translated into English, and further illustrated, By Mr. Toland. Who has added the Character of the King, the Prince, and the Princess
    Cramer, Johann Friedrich
  • 4267
    Book Info
    A faithful account of the cruelties done to the Protestants On Board the French King's Gallies, on account of the reformed religion. Done out of French
  • 4268
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    A familiar enquiry: concerning I. The fixed rule of God's worship. II. The order and discipline of Christ in his particular churches
  • 4269
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    A farther discourse of free-thinking: in a letter to a clergy-man. With some considerations on Mr. Pycroft's treatise upon the same subject
    Collins, Anthony
  • 4270
    Book Info
    A form of holy scriptural divinity in many things new and reform'd from old unscriptural divinity: and so older than it, as it is unscriptural. And containing the marrow and body of gospel truths, Divinity and Religion Theologically, Logically and Compendiously in brief precepts, compacted and expressed not only in my own Mind, but as I hope and perceive, in Christ's Mind, without harming, revilin
    T. H
  • 4271
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God; to be used on Tuesday the sixteenth day of June next, throughout England, Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed, for the conclusion of a just and honourable peace between Her most Excellent Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, and the French King. ...
    Church of England
  • 4272
    Book Info
    A full account of the case of John Sayer, Esq; from the time of his unhappy marriage with his wife, to his death. Including the whole intrigue between Mrs. Sayer and Mr. Noble. And the prosecution at large against Noble, as appear'd at the coroner's inquest and at Kingston-assizes
  • 4273
    Book Info
    A full account of the case of John Sayer, Esq; from the time of his unhappy marriage with his wife, to his death. Including the whole intrigue between Mrs. Sayer and Mr. Noble; with Several Diverting Incidents, and the Prosecution at large against Noble, as appear'd at the Coroner's Inquest, and at Kingston - Assizes
  • 4274
    Book Info
    A full account of the rise, progress, & advantages of Dr. Assheton's proposal (as now improv'd and manag'd by the Worshipful Company of Mercers, London,) for the benefit of widows of clergymen, and others; By Settling Jointures and Annuities at the Rate of Thirty per Cent. With Directions for the Widow How to Receive her Annuity, Without any Delay, Charges, or Deductions
    Assheton, William
  • 4275
    Book Info
    A full and exact relation of the duel fought in Hyde-Park on Saturday, November 15. 1712. between His Grace James, Duke of Hamilton, and the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Mohun. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament
  • 4276
    Book Info
    A full and faithful account of the intrigue between Mr Noble and Mrs Sayer. Their ill usage of Mr. Sayer, and his family, with some further events preceding and subsequent to Noble's conviction. His Behaviour in the Marshalsea and at Kingston: His Confession at large to a Minister of the Gospel: The Circumstances attending the Writing his Paper: His Letter to Dr. Bray about a Reprieve, and Dr. Bra
  • 4277
    Book Info
    A full and true account, &c. Mr Richard Noble, was the eldest of three sons of one Mr. Benjamin Noble, ...
    Noble, Richard
  • 4278
    Book Info
    A full, true, distinct and perfect account of the prodigy, which with wonder and amazement was observed at Dublin, Sunday May the 24th 1713, in the Evening; with Convenient Remarks thereon, By John Whalley Professor of Astrology and Physick
    Whalley, John
  • 4279
    Book Info
    A funeral oration upon the death of Mr. Philip Limborch, Professor of Divinity among the Remonstrants at Amsterdam: who died April 30. 1712. Pronounc'd May 6. following, being the day of his interment, by Mr. John le Clerc. Translated from the Latin
    Le Clerc, Jean
  • 4280
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon for John Derbie, Esq; Late Receiver-General of the County of Dorset, Preached at Sherborne, May 6. 1713. To which is annex'd, a Sermon preach'd at Frome, in the County of Somerset, at the Funeral of the Reverend Mr. Humphrey Philips, Who departed this Life Mar. 27. 1707, and was interr'd the Thursday following, viz. April the 3d, 1707. By John England, Minister of the Gospel
    England, John