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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,461 - 4,480건 출력
  • 4461
    Book Info
    A full and just account of the present state of the Ottoman empire in all its branches: with the government, and policy, religion, customs, and way of living of the Turks, in general. Faithfully Related From a Serious Observation, taken in many Years Travels thro' those Countries. By Aaron Hill, Gent.
    Hill, Aaron
  • 4462
    Book Info
    A full and true account of a miraculous cure, of a young man in Newington, that was born blind, and was in five minutes brought to perfect sight. By Mr. Roger Grant oculist
    Grant, Roger
  • 4463
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    A funeral satyr in memory of the worthy treatment of the late Mr. Anthony Bowyer, of Camberwell. By a friend to Dr. Sacheverell's club
    Friend to Dr. Sacheverell's club
  • 4464
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    A funeral sermon occasion'd by the death of the Reverend Mr. Samuel Ewer, late Minister of the Gospel at Hempstead in Hartfordshire. Preach'd the 24th of December, 1708. By John Piggott
    Piggott, John
  • 4465
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon on the death of His Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark, who departed this life at Kensington October the 28th, 1708. preached in His Royal Highness's Chappel at St. James's, on the 21st of November following, by John Tribbeko, Chaplain to His Late Royal Highness. Now translated into English, and addressed to her Majesty
    Tribbechov, Johann
  • 4466
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon on the death of His Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark, who departed this life at Kensington, October the 28th, 1708. Preached in His Royal Highness's Chappel at St. James's, on the 21st of November following, By John Tribbeko, Chaplain to His Late Royal Highness. Now translated into English
    Tribbechov, Johann
  • 4467
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon, for that pious gentlewoman, Mrs. Eliz. Jollie, of Attercliffe. Who deceas'd Jan. 17. 1708/9. By W. Bagshaw
    Bagshaw, William
  • 4468
    Book Info
    A funeral-Sermon, preached at Nottingham, occasioned by the death of that Faithful Servant of Christ, Mr. John Whitlock, Sen. December 8th, 1708. With another discourse, Partly upon the same Occasion, At the same Place the Lord's Day following, Sc. Dec. 12. By John Barret, M.A.
    Barret, John
  • 4469
    Book Info
    Faction display'd. A poem. From a corrected copy
    Shippen, William
  • 4470
    Book Info
    Faction display'd. A poem. From a corrected copy.
    Shippen, William
  • 4471
    Book Info
    Fair warning betimes: Being a Particular narration or prophecy of the most Wonderful and Surprizing calamities. Which will befall the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Parts adjacent, on Thursday the fourth of November 1709
  • 4472
    Book Info
    Faith in Christ, inconsistent with a sollicitous concern about the things of this world. A sermon preach'd on the XV Sunday after Trinity, 1708. at Hall in Saxony. By Augustus Hermannus Franck. Now done into English
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 4473
    Book Info
    Familiares colloquendi formul{aelig} : in usum scholarum concinnat{aelig}; ... Partim collect{aelig}, partim composit{aelig}. Editio decima octava, correctior & castigatior, & aliqua parte auctior.
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 4474
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. By the most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York, Primate of England, and Metropolitan
    Sharp, John
  • 4475
    Book Info
    Fight the good fight of faith, in the cause of God against the Kingdom of Satan, exemplified, in a sermon preach'd at the Parish-Church of St. Clements Danes, Westminster, on the 24th of March, 1708/9. At the funeral of Mr. John Dent, Who was barbarously murder'd in the doing his Duty, in the Execution of the Laws against Profaneness & Immorality. By Thomas Bray, D. D. Minister of St. Botolph, Ald
    Bray, Thomas
  • 4476
    Book Info
    For God, or for Satan: being a sermon preached at St. Mary Le Bow, before the Societies for reformation of manners, December 27. 1708. By Thomas Bray, ...
    Bray, Thomas
  • 4477
    Book Info
    For God, or for Satan: being a sermon preached at St. Mary le Bow, before the Society for Reformation of Manners, December 27. 1708. By Thomas Bray, D. D. Minister of St. Botolph's, Aldgate. Printed at the Desire of the Society
    Bray, Thomas
  • 4478
    Book Info
    Four discourses on the following subjects: viz. I. Of obedience to the supreme powers, and the Duty of Subjects in all Revolutions. II. Of the laws of nations, and the Rights of Sovereigns. III. Of the power of the magistrate, and the Rights of Mankind, in Matters of Religion. IV. Of the liberty of the press
    Tindal, Matthew
  • 4479
    Book Info
    Fruit from Canaan; or, fore-tasts [sic] of glory: in several discourses on assurance. Wherein the nature, excellency, and usefulness of it are open'd, for comfort to the pious, and encouragement of all. With a discourse on Christian diligence, ... By Samuel Acton
    Acton, Samuel
  • 4480
    Book Info
    The famous tragedy of K. Charles I. Basely butchered by those who are, Omne nefas proni patare pudoris inanes Crudeles, violenti, Importunique tyranni Mendaces, falsi, perversi, perfidiosi, Faedifragi, falsis verbis infunda loquentes. In which is Included, The several Combinations and Machinations that brought that Incomparable Prince to the Block, the overtures hapning at the Famous Seige of Colc