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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 4,701 - 4,720건 출력
  • 4701
    Book Info
    A funeral oration upon the late King James. Composed from memoirs furnished by Mr. Porter, his Great Chamberlain. Printed by the Consent of the late Queen. Dedicated to the French King, and published by his authority. Wherein it is own'd, That the late King reconciled his Brother King Charles II. to the Church of Rome; That He Himself design'd to destory the Protestant Religion, and to reduce thes
    Porter, James
  • 4702
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon for that faithful, Learned, and most Worthy Minister of the Gospel, the Reverend Peter Vink, B. D. Who Deceased Sept. 6. 1702. By John Howe, M. A. Preacher of the same Gospel: And sometime, Fellow of Magd. Coll. Oxon.
    Howe, John
  • 4703
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasioned by the decease of Mrs. Elizabeth Ewer, late wife of Mr. Samuel Ewer, Minister of the Gospel. Preach'd at Hempstead in Hartfordshire, October the 7th, 1701. By Thomas Harrison
    Harrison, Thomas
  • 4704
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon preached upon the death of the Reverend Mr. Francis Fuller, who deceased July 21, 1701. ætat. 64. By Jeremiah White, ...
    White, Jeremiah
  • 4705
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon, occasion'd by the sudden death of the Reverend Mr. Nathanael Taylor, Late Minister of the Gospel, in London. By John Shower
    Shower, John
  • 4706
    Book Info
    A funeral-Idyll, sacred to the glorious memory of K. William III. By Mr. Oldmixon
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 4707
    Book Info
    F--- B---'s bomb, obstructed in its motion, and hammer'd about his own pate. Being an idem-dialectical return. To a late whimsical, crackbrain'd harangue, emitted by a theological mountebank, ... By J. P.
    J. P
  • 4708
    Book Info
    Faith's trial and triumph: or, the soul's conflict with temptation, And Rejoicing when Victory is obtained through Faith in Christ. Being the substance of several sermons Preached at Rainford, and at some Lectures at Bolton in the Moores in Lancashire, from John xx. 28. By J. B., pastor of the congregation at Rainford. And now Published for Publick Use and Benefit
    J. B
  • 4709
    Book Info
    Fame's mausoleum: a Pindarick poem, with a monumental inscription, sacred to the glorious memory of William the great. Humbly offered as an essay. By Robert Fleming
    Fleming, Robert
  • 4710
    Book Info
    Family-hymns gather'd (mostly) out of the best translations of David's psalms.
  • 4711
    Book Info
    Felo de se: or, a warning Against the Most Horrid and Unnatural Sin of Self-Murder. In a sermon Preach'd at St. Peters of Mancroft, in Norwich, June 7. 1702. Upon Job 11. 9, 10. By John Jeffery, D. D. Arch-Deacon of Norwich
    Jeffery, John
  • 4712
    Book Info
    Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. In three books.
    Ward, Edward
  • 4713
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons on several subjects. Viz. Of the form and the power of godliness. Of the necessity of good works. Of doing all to the glory of God. Doing good, a security against injuries from men. Of diligence in our general and particular calling. Of the blessedness of giving, more than that of receiving. The evil of corrupt communication. The tr
    Tillotson, John
  • 4714
    Book Info
    Figuræ grammaticæ & rhetoricæ Latino carmine donatæ, et exemplis tam Græcis quam Latinis illustræ; cum indice figurarum etymologico. ...
    Burton, Nicholas
  • 4715
    Book Info
    For God or for Baal; or, no neutrality in religion. A sermon against occasional communion, preach'd on Sunday Oct. 4th. 1702. In the Parish Churches Of St. Alphage, and St. George Botolph-Lane. By Philip Stubs, M. A. late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxon: Now Rector of St. Alphage, Lecturer of St. George Botolph-Lane with St. Botolph Bellinsgate, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Earl of H
    Stubs, Philip
  • 4716
    Book Info
    Forma precum in utrâque domo Convocationis sive Synodi prælatorum, et cæteri cleri, seu provincialis seu nationalis, In ipso statim cujuslibet Sessionis initio solenniter recitanda
    Church of England
  • 4717
    Book Info
    Formulare Anglicanum: or, a collection of ancient charters and instruments of divers kinds, taken from the originals, ...
    Madox, Thomas
  • 4718
    Book Info
    Fruits of retirement: or, miscellaneous poems, moral and divine. ... By Mary Mollineux, late of Leverpool, deceased. To which is prefixed, some account of the author.
    Mollineux, Mary
  • 4719
    Book Info
    Funeral entertainment: or, a practical discourse, clearly shewing the incomparable excellency of Balaam's wish, numb. 23. 10. and the infallible means for our obtaining it. With a form of prayer to the same purpose
    Mores, Edward
  • 4720
    Book Info
    The French King's letter, to the King of Spain, relating to the French and Spanish armies in Italy; with the young king's resolutions thereupon. ...